"Deng, M.,Gu, X.","Effects of Background Music on Numerical and Spatial Location Working Memory: Differences between Extraverts and Introverts",,"Ergonomics",,,,,2024,July "Zhang, S.,Gu. X.","Strengthening the Resilience of Healthcare Systems and Healthcare Workforce Capacities During a Pandemic: A Human Factors Methodological Exploration","Symposium on Zero-carbon and Intelligent Built Environment ZIBE 2024",,,,,,2024,Apr. "Chang, X.,Gu, X.","The Impact of Immigration-Specific Stress on Safety Attitudes: A Cross-Sectional Study on Overseas Qualified Nurses in Japan","Symposium on Zero-carbon and Intelligent Built Environment ZIBE 2024",,,,,,2024,Apr. "Gu, X.,Deng, M.","Disclosing Harmful Patient Safety Incidents with Proactive Compensation Offer: How Patients Respond in Japan?",,"International Journal of Reliability and Safety",,,,,2024,Feb. "Gu, X.,Hamido, S.,Itoh, K.","Older Adults’ Awareness, Motivation, and Behavior Changes by Wearable Activity Trackers Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic",,"Gerontechnology",,"Vol. 23","No. 1","pp. 1-13",2024,Feb. "Aoyama, K.,Gu, X","Continuance Usage Intention of Wearable Healthcare Technology: A Comparison of Younger and Older Users","The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) 2023",,,,,,2023,Dec. "Zhenpan Wang,Chung su-lin,Xiuzhu Gu","CONSUMER CHANGES INDUCED BY ADOPTION OF THE INTERNET OF THINGS",,"International Journal of Management and Marketing Research",,"Vol. 16","No. 1","pp. 89-97",2023,Dec. "Ominato, T.,Gu, X","Age Matters: Influence of the Video Instructional Materials’ Playback Speed on Learning Effects","The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) 2023",,,,,,2023,Dec. "Deller, J.,Finsel, J.,W?hrmann, A.,Oliveira, E.,Axelrad, H.,Vignola, M.,Gu, X.,Van der Heijden, B","Development and Validation of the US and German Short Version of the Later Life Workplace Index (LLWI-S)","The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Liu, R.,Liu, HC.,Shi, H.,Gu, X","Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment: A Systematic Literature Review of Models, Methods, and Applications",,"Safety Science",,"Vol. 160",," 106050",2023,Apr. "Liu, HC.,Liu, R.,Gu, X.,Yang, M.","From Total Quality Management to Quality 4.0: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda",,"Frontiers of Engineering Management",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 191?205",2023,Mar. "Deller, J.,Finsel, J.,W?hrmann, A,Wilckens, M.,Gu, X.,Oliveira, E.","Organizational Practices for the Aging Workforce: A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Later Life Workplace Index",,"Innovation in Aging",,"Vol. 6(Suppl 1)",," 676",2022,Nov. "Gu, X.,Deng, M.,Itoh, K.","Incident Experienced Patients and Families’ Expectations of Disclosure: A Cross-cultural Study","The 6th World Conference on Production and Operations Management ? P&OM Nara 2022",,,,,,2022,Aug. "Zhao, Y.,Gu, X.,Liu, Y.","Resilience of Healthcare Systems in Natural Disaster - A Case Study in Henan Rainstorm","The 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL2022)",,,,,,2022,Aug. "Gu, X.,Nakai, A.","Exploring Factors Contributing to Railway Crossing Accidents","The Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management Conference (PSAM 16)",,,,,,2022,June "Shao, Z.,Gu, X.,Shi, J.,Tian, K.,Yang, Z.","Influencing Factors of Medical Adverse Events Reporting in Taicang, Jiangsu Province",,"Chinese Journal of Social Medicine",,"Vol. 39","No. 1","pp. 103-107",2022,Apr. "Gu, X.,Deng, M.","Medical Error Disclosure: Developing Evidence-based Guidelines for Chinese Hospitals",,"Journal of Patient Safety",,"Vol. 17","No. 8","pp. e738-e744",2021,Dec. "Gu, X.,Deng, M.","The Impacts of Disclosure and a Proactive Compensation Offer on Chinese Patients’ Actions Following Medical Errors",,"Journal of Patient Safety",,"Vol. 17","No. 8","pp. e745-e751",2021,Dec. "Hamido, S.,Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","The Impact of Self-monitoring Physical Activity on the Awareness and Behaviour of University Students",,"Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association",,"Vol. 72","No. 2E","pp. 134-148",2021,July "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Organizational Climate for Safe and Effective Inter-unit Handoffs in Japanese Hospitals",,"International Journal of Healthcare Planning and Management",,"Vol. 36","No. 4","pp. 1153-1165",2021,July "Deng, M.,Wu, F.,Gu, X.,Xu, L.","A Comparison of Visual Ability and Its Importance Awareness between Novice and Experienced Drivers",,"International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics",,"Vol. 83",," 103141",2021,May "Hamido, S.,Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","The Effects of Self-monitoring of Physical Activity among Elderly People with the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic","The 3rd International Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering (MSIE)",,,,,,2021,Apr. "Hamido, S.,Gu, X.","The Impact of Activity Sensors on Attitudes and Behavior among Young and Elderly People","The 2021 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech)",,,,,,2021,Mar. "Hamido, S.,Hamamoto, R.,Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Factors Influencing Occupational Truck Driver Safety in Ageing Society",,"Accident Analysis and Prevention",,"Vol. 150",," 105922",2021,Feb. "Deng, M.,Gu, X.","Information Acquisition, Emotion Experience, and Behavior Intention during Online Shopping: An Eye-tracking Study",,"Behaviour & Information Technology",,"Vol. 40","No. 7","pp. 635-645",2021,Jan. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Inter-shift Handoff: Changes over a 6-year Interval",,"Journal of Advanced Nursing",,"Vol. 76","No. 12","pp. 3418-3428",2020,Dec. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","A Comparative Study on Healthcare Employee Satisfaction between Japan and China",,"The International Journal of Health Planning and Management",,"Vol. 35","No. 1","pp. 171-184",2020,Jan. "Gu, X.","A Cross-cultural Comparison of Patient Safety and Quality in Japanese and Chinese Hospitals","日本経営工学会関東支部研究交流会",,,,,,2020,Jan. "Gu, X.,Deng, M.","How to Make a Medical Error Disclosure to Patients?","The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) 2019",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Hamido, S.,Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Changes in Young People’s Views and Attitudes to Physical Activities by Their Experiences of Daily Activity Measurement: Twelve-week Real-life Trials with Wearable Sensors","The 50th Nordic Ergonomics and Human Factors Society (NES) Conference",,,,,,2019,Aug. "Gu, X.,Liu, HC.,Itoh, K.","Inter-department Patient Handoff Quality and its Contributing Factors in Chinese Hospitals",,"Cognition, Technology & Work",,"Vol. 21","No. 1","pp. 133-143",2019,Feb. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","A Cross-culture Comparison of Patient Handoff Safety and Quality between Chinese and Japanese Nursing Staff Perceptions","the 5th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","How Nurses Perceive Organisational Climate Surrounding Patient Handoffs in Japanese Hospitals?","the 20th Congress of International Ergonomics Association (IEA)",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Developing an Assessment Tool for Healthcare Employee Satisfaction: Validating in Cross-cultural Settings","the 25th International European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference",,,,,,2018,June "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Do Healthcare Employees and Patients Share Satisfaction in Dialysis Clinics?",,"The Journal of Japanese Operations Management and Strategy",,"Vol. 8","No. 1","pp. 35-50",2018,Mar. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Performance Measures for a Dialysis Setting",,"Journal of Renal Care",,"Vol. 44","No. 1","pp. 52-59",2018,Mar. "Gu, X.,Seki, T.,Itoh, K.","Developing an Error Taxonomy System for Patient Handoff Events","IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) 2017",,,,,,2017,Dec. "Gu, X.,Liu, HC.,Itoh, K.","Patient Handoff Quality and Safety in China: Health Care Providers’ Views",,"Safety and Reliability ? Theory and Applications ? epin & Bri? (Eds) ? 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-62937-0",,,,,2017,June "Itoh, K.,Gu, X.","Holistic Management Model Based on Abstraction-hierarchical and Time-course Operational Benchmarking in Healthcare","The 5th World Conference on Production and Operations Management",,,,,,2016,Sept. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Do Healthcare Employees and Patients Share Satisfaction in Dialysis Clinics?","The 5th World Conference on Production and Operations Management","The 5th World Conference on Production and Operations Management",,,,,2016,Sept. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Performance Indicators: Healthcare Professionals’ Views",,"International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance",,"Vol. 29","No. 7","pp. 801-815",2016,Aug. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","What Work Factors or Conditions Lead to Higher Employee Satisfaction in Dialysis Clinics/Hospitals?","the 23rd International Annual EurOMA (European Operations Management) Conference",,,,,,2016,June "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","A Construct of Dialysis Employee Satisfaction: Acquiring Satisfaction Factors and Their Contributions",,"Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis",,"Vol. 19","No. 5","pp. 503-512",2015,Oct. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Validating Dialysis Patient Satisfaction Scale by its Correlation with Healthcare Performance Indicators","the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association",,,,,,2015,Aug. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Constructing Key Performance Measures for Dialysis Clinic Management from Professional Points of View","the 22nd International Annual EurOMA (European Operations Management) Conference",,,,,,2015,June "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Factors Behind Dialysis Patient Satisfaction: Exploring Their Effects on Overall Satisfaction",,"Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis",,"Vol. 19","No. 2","pp. 162-170",2015,May "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.,Suzuki, S.","An Error Taxonomy System for Analysis of Haemodialysis Incidents",,"Journal of Renal Care",,"Vol. 40","No. 4","pp. 239-248",2014,Dec. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","An Assessment Tool for Dialysis Patients’ Satisfaction: Exploring Crucial Satisfaction Factors for Japanese Patients","ODAM-NES 2014 (11th International Symposium on Human Factors in Organisational Design & Management & the 46 Annual Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference",,"IEA Press",,,"pp. 35-40",2014,Aug. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Investigating Staff and Manager Views of Performance Indicators for Hospital Management","21st International Annual EurOMA (European Operations Management) Conference 2014",,,,,,2014,June "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Estimating Reporting Culture and Its Link to Safety Performance by Applying Hemodialysis Error Taxonomy","IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management","Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management",,,,,2013,Dec. "Gu, X.","Reporting Culture Prediction on Safety Performance by an Error Taxonomy System",,"Industrial Engineering and Management",,,,,2013,Aug. "Gu, X.,Andersen, H.B.,Madsen, M.D.,Itoh, K.,Siemsen, I.M.D.","Nurses’ Views of Patient Handoffs in Japanese Hospitals",,"Journal of Nursing Care Quality",," 27"," 4"," 372-380",2012,Oct. "Gu, X.","Patient Safety and the Safety Culture",,"Industrial Engineering and Management",,,,,2012,July "Gu, X.,Andersen, H. B.,Madsen, M. D.,Itoh, K.,Siemsen, I. M. D.","A Questionnaire-based Survey on Nurse Perceptions of Patient Handoffs in Japanese Hospitals","PSAM11-ESREL2012",,,,,,2012, "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Patient Views and Attitudes to Doctor’s Actions after Medical Errors in China",,"Journal of Patient Safety",,"vol. 8","no. 4","pp. 153-160",2012, "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","A Pilot Study on Safety Climate in Chinese Hospital",,"Journal of Patient Safety",,"Vol. 7","No. 4","pp. 204-212",2011,Dec. "Gu, X.,Itou, T.,Itoh, K.","Error Taxonomy for Hemodialysis Incidents: Analysis and Assessment of Safety-related Issues in Dialysis Facilities","Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety International Conference 2011","Proceedings of the International Conference on Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient Safety",,,,"pp. 227-231",2011,June "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","A Cross-cultural Study on Patient Views to Medical Risks between China and Japan",,"リスクソリュ?ションに関する体系的研究",,,,"pp. 133-147",2011,Mar. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","Cross-cultural Surveys on Patient Views of Adverse Events between China and Japan","ESREL 2010","Risk, Reliability and Safety: Back to the Future",,,,"pp. 1646?1654",2010,Oct. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","A Cross-national Study on Healthcare Safety Climate and Sta? Attitudes to Disclosing Adverse Events between China and Japan","European Safety and Reliability Conference 2010","Human Error, Safety and Systems Development","CRC Press",,,"pp. 44-53",2010,Sept. "Gu, X.,Itoh, K.","A Cross-national Study on Healthcare Safety Climate and Staff Attitudes to Disclosing Adverse Events between China and Japan","the Working Conference on Human Error, Safety and Systems Development",,,,,,2009,Sept. "Gu, X.","A Study on Organizational and User-centered Approaches to Patient Safety",,,,,,,,