"T. Ishigaki,N. Matsushita,K. Umetsu,K. Toda,M. Sato,M. Yoshimura","Melt synthesis of Eu-doped oxide phosphors using arc-imaging furnace",,"Journal of the European Ceramic Society",,"Vol. 30","No. 2","pp. 165-169",2010,Feb. "T. Ishigaki,H. Mizushina,K. Umetsu,N. Matsushita,M. Yoshimura,K. Toda,M. Sato","Microwave synthesis technique for long phosphorescence phosphor SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ using carbon reduction",,"Materials science and engineering B",,"Vol. 173","No. 1-3","pp. 109-112",2010, "Tadashi ISHIGAKI,Kenji TODA,Tomoaki WATANABE,Naonori SAKAMOTO,Nobuhiro MATSUSHITA,Masahiro YOSHIMURA","Melt Synthesis of Oxide Phosphors with K2NiF4 Structures: CaLa1-xEuxGaO4","ISRS-16","J. Mater. Sci.","Springer","Vol. 43","No. 14","pp. 4749-4752",2008,July "Tadashi ISHIGAKI,Nobuhiro MATSUSHITA,Masahiro YOSHIMURA","Stability of RMO3 (R=rare earth, M=M3+ ions) Perovskites from the view point of their Lattice Energies and Distortions","The 2nd Intl. Conf. on Physics of Solid State Ionics","The 2nd Intl. Conf. on Physics of Solid State Ionics Abstracts",,,,,2007,Dec. "Masahiro YOSHIMURA,Tadashi ISHIGAKI","Valence Stability and Madelung Self-Siute-Potential of Alliovalent Ions in Various Oxide Lattices","The 2nd Intl. Conf. on Physics of Solid State Ionics","The 2nd Intl. Conf. on Physics of Solid State Ionics Abstracts",,,,,2007,Dec. "Daisuke OGASAWARA,Tadashi ISHIGAKI,Naonori SAKAMOTO,Tomoaki WATANABE,Nobuhiro MATSUSHITA,Toyoaki YAMADA,Masahiro YOSHIMURA","Redetermination of the Liquides Temperatures in the Y2O3-Al2O3 System by a Digital Pyrometry","The Doyama Symposium on Advanced Materials",,,,,,2007,Sept. "Tadashi ISHIGAKI,Tomoaki WATANABE,Kenji TODA,Masahiro YOSHIMURA","Melt Synthesis of Complex Perovskite-type and Related-Structured Oxides with Homogeneous Compositions","ICMAT 2007","ICMAT Abstracts",,,,,2007,July "Tadashi ISHIGAKI,Kenji TODA,Tomoaki WATANABE,Naonori SAKAMOTO,Nobuhiro MATSUSHITA,Masahiro YOSHIMURA","Melt Synthesis of Oxide Phosphors with K2NiF4 Structures","ISRS-16","ISRS-16 Abstracts",,,,,2007,June "Kenji TODA,Masafumi HOSOUME,Kazuyoshi UEMATSU,Mineo SATO,Tadashi ISHIGAKI,Masahiro YOSHIMURA","Melt synthesis and characterization of phosphor materials","STAC-JTMC","STAC-JTMC Abstracts",,,,,2007,May