"C.-H. Yu,H.-T. Hsu,C.-Y. Chiang,C.-I Kuo,Y. Miyamoto,E. Y. Chang","Performance Evaluation of InGaSb/AlSb P-Channel High-Hole-Mobility Transistor Faricated Using BCl3 Dry Etching",,"JPN. J. APPL. PHYS.",,"vol. 52","no. 2",,2013, "E. Y. Chang,C.-I Kuo,H.-T. Hsu,C.-Y. Chiang,Y. Miyamoto","InAs Thin-Channel High-Electron-Mobility Transistors with Very High Current-Gain Cutoff Frequency for Emerging Submillimeter-Wave Applications",,"Appl. Phys. Exp.",,"vol. 6","no. 3",,2013, "F. Fatah,C.-I Kuo,H.-T. Hsu,C.-Y. Chiang,C.-Y. Hsu,Y. Miyamoto,E. Y. Chang","Bias-Dependent Radio Frequency Performance for 40 nm InAs High-Electron-Mobility Transistor with a Cutoff Frequency Higher than 600 GHz",,"JPN. J. APPL. PHYS.",,"vol. 51","no. 11",,2012, "Chien-I Kuo,Wee Chin Lim,Heng-Tung Hsu,Chin-Te Wang,Li-Han Hsu,Faiz Aizad,Guo-Wei Hung,Yasuyuki Miyamoto,Edward Yi Chang","Bonding Temperature Effect on the Performance of Flip Chip Assembled 150nm mHEMT Device on Organic Substrate","2010 International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology (ESciNano)",,,,,,2010,Dec. "C-I. Kuo,H-T. Hsu,Y-L. Chen,C-Y. Wu,E. Y. Chang,Y. Miyamoto,W-C. Tsern,K. C. Sahoo","RF Performance Improvement of Metamorphic High-Electron Mobility Transistor Using (InxGa1 - xAs)m/(InAs)n Superlattice-Channel Structure for Millimeter-Wave Applications",,"IEEE Electron Device Letters",,"vol. 31","no. 7","pp. 677-679",2010,July "Faiz Aizad,Heng-Tung Hsu,Chien-I Kuo,Chien-Ying Wu,Edward Yi Chang,Yasuyuki Miyamoto,Guo-Wei Huang,Yu-Lin Chen,Yu-Sheng Chiu","Investigation Logic Performances of 80-nm HEMTs for InxGa1?xAs","37th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductor",,,,,,2010,June "C.-T. Wang,C.-I. Kuo,W.-C. Lim,L.-H. Hsu,H.-T. Hsu,Y. Miyamoto,E.Y. Chang,S.-P. Tsai,Y.-S. Chiu","An 80 nm In0.7Ga0.3As MHEMT with Flip-Chip Packaging for W-Band Low Noise Applications","22nd Int. Conf. Indium Phosphide and Related Materials",,,,,,2010,June "Chia-Ta Chang,Heng-Tung Hsu,Edward Yi Chang,Chien-I Kuo,Jui-Chien Huang,Chung-Yu Lu,Yasuyuki Miyamoto","30-GHz Low-Noise Performance of 100-nm-Gate-Recessed n-GaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMTs",,"IEEE Electron Device Letters",,"Vol. 31","No. 2","pp. 105 - 107",2010,Feb. "Chien-I Kuo,Heng-Tung Hsu,Chung Li,Chien Ying Wu,Edward Yi Chang,YASUYUKI MIYAMOTO,Y.-L. Chen,D. Biswas","A 40-nm-Gate InAs/InGaAs Composite-Channel HEMT with 2200 mS/mm and 500-GHz fT","IEEE 21th Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM'09)",,,,,,2009,May "Edward Yi Chang,Chien-I Kuo,Heng-Tung Hsu,YASUYUKI MIYAMOTO,Chia Ta Chang,Chien Ying Wu","Evaluation of InAs QWFET for Low Power Logic applications","Semiconductor Technologies meeting,ECS Transactions Vol. 12, 7th ISTC/CISC Emerging",,,,,,2009,Mar. "C. Y. Chang,H. T. Hsu,E. Y. Chang,C. I. Kuo,Y. Miyamoto","InAs-Channel HEMTs for Ultra- Low-Power LNA Applications","2008 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials",,,,,,2008,Sept. "Chien-I KUO,Heng-Tung HSU,Edward Yi CHANG,Yasuyuki MIYAMOTO,Wen-Chung TSERN","InAs High Electron Mobility Transistors with Buried Gate for Ultralow-Power-Consumption Low-Noise Ampli?er Application",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics","The Japan Society of Applied Physics","Vol. 47","No. 9","pp. 7119?7121",2008,Sept. "Chien-I Kuo,Edward Yi Chang,Chia-Yuan Chang,Heng-Tung Hsu,YASUYUKI MIYAMOTO","Investigation of impact ionization from InXGa1-XAs to InAs channel HEMTs for high speed and low power applications","The 20th Indium Phosphide and Related Material Conf. (IPRM 2008)",,,,,,2008,May "Chien-I Kuo,Heng-Tung Hsu,Edward Yi Chang,Chia-Yuan Chang,Yasuyuki Miyamoto,Suman Datta,Marko Radosavljevic,Guo-Wei Huang,Ching Ting Lee","RF and Logic Performance Improvement of In0.7Ga0.3As/InAs/In0.7Ga0.3As composite channel HEMTs Using Gate-Sinking Technology",,"IEEE Electron Device Lett.","IEEE","vol. 29","no. 4","pp. 290-293",2008,Apr. "Chia-Yuan Chang,Heng-Tung Hsu,Edward Yi Chang,Chien-I Kuo,Suman Datta,Marko Radosavljevic,YASUYUKI MIYAMOTO,Guo-Wei Huang","Investigation of Impact Ionization in InAs-Channel HEMT for High-Speed and Low-Power Applications",,"IEEE Electron Dev. Lett.",,"vol. 28","no. 10","pp. 856-858",2007,Oct. "Chia-Yuan Chang,Edward Yi Chang,Yi-Chung Lien,Yasuyuki Miyamoto,Chien-I Kuo,Sze-Hung Cheng,Li-Hsin Chu","High-PerformanceIn0.52Al0.48As/In0.6Ga0.4AsPower Metamorphic HEMT for Ka-Band Applications,","IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics",,,,,,2006,Nov.