"Maureen Feineman,Takuya Moriguti,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Sakiko Terui,Eizo Nakamura","Sediment-enriched adakitic magmas from the Daisen volcanic field, Southwest Japan.",,"Geochem. Geophys. Geosystem.",,"Vol. DOI: 10.1002/ggge.20176",,,2013, "T.A Chekol,Katsura Kobayashi,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Chie Sakaguchi,Eizo Nakamura","Timescales of magma differentiation from basalt to andesite beneath Hekla Volcano, Iceland: Constraints from U-series disequilibria in lavas from the last quarter-millennium flows.",,"Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta",,"Vol. 75",,"pp. 256-283",2011, "Takeshi Kuritani,Tetsuya Tokoyama,Hiroshi Kitagawa,Katsura Kobayashi,Eizo Nakamura","Geochemical evolution of historical lavas from Askja Volcano, Iceland: Implications for mechanisms and timescales of magmatic differentiation.",,"Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta",,"Vol. 75",,"pp. 570-587",2011, "Festus T. Aka,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Minoru Kusakabe,Eizo Nakamura,Gregory Tanyileke,Bekoa Ateba,Vincent Ngako,Joseph Nnange,Joseph Hell","U-series dating of Lake Nyos maar basalts, Cameroon (West Africa): Implications for potential hazards on the Lake Nyos dam",,"Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research",,"Vol. 176",,"pp. 212-224",2008, "Takeshi Kuritani,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Eizo Nakamura","Generation of rear-arc magmas induced by influx of slab-derived supercritical liquids: Implications from alkali basalt lavas from Rishiri volcano, Kurile Arc",,"Journal of Petrology",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 1319-1342",2008, "Takeshi Kuritani,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Eizo Nakamura","Rates of thermal and chemical evolution of a cooling magma chamber: a chronological and theoretical study on basaltic and andesitic lavas from Rishiri Volcano, Japan",,"Journal of Petrology",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. 1295-1319",2007, "Tetsuya Yokoyama,Festus T. Aka,Minoru Kusakabe,Eizo Nakamura","Plume-lithosphere interaction beneath Mt. Cameroon volcano, West Africa: Constraints from 238U-230Th-226Ra and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systematics",,"Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Vol. 71",,"pp. 1835-1854",2007, "Tetsuya Yokoyama,Takeshi Kuritani,Katsura Kobayashi,Eizo Nakamura","Geochemical evolution of a shallow magma plumbing system during the last 500 years, Miyakejima volcano, Japan: Constraints from 238U-230Th-226Ra systematics",,"Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Vol. 70",,"pp. 2885-2901",2006, "Takeshi Kuritani,Tomohiro Usui,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Eizo Nakamura","Accurate isotopic and concentration analyses of small amounts of Pb using isotope dilution coupled with the double spike technique",,"Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 209-220",2006, "Tetsuya Yokoyama,Eizo Nakamura","Precise analysis of the 228Ra/226Ra isotope ratio for short-lived U-series disequilibria in natural samples by total evaporation thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TE-TIMS)",,"Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 717-727",2004, "Takeshi Kuritani,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Katsura Kobayashi,Eizo Nakamura","Shift and rotation of composition trends by magma mixing: 1983 eruption at Miyake-jima volcano, Japan",,"Journal of Petrology",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 1895-1916",2003, "Eizo Nakamura,Akio Makishima,Takuya Moriguti,Katsura Kobayashi,Chie Sakaguchi,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Ryoji Tanaka,Takeshi Kuritani,Hiroyuki Takei","Comprehensive geochemical analyses of small amounts (<100mg) of extraterrestrial samples for the analytical competition related to the sample- return mission, MUSES-C",,"The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Report",,"Vol. Sp. No 16",,"pp. 49-101",2003, "Tetsuya Yokoyama,Katsura Kobayashi,Takeshi Kuritani,Eizo Nakamura","Mantle metasomatism and rapid ascent of slab components beneath island arcs: Evidence from 238U-230Th-226Ra disequilibria of Miyakejima volcano, Izu arc, Japan",,"Journal of Geophysical Research",,"Vol. doi: 10.1029/2002JB002103",,,2003, "Tetsuya Yokoyama,Eizo Nakamura,Katsura Kobayashi,Takeshi Kuritani","Timing and trigger of arc volcanism controlled by fluid flushing from subducting slab",,"Proceedings of the Japan Academy",,"Vol. 78","No. Ser. B","pp. 190-195",2002, "Tetsuya Yokoyama,Eizo Nakamura","Precise determination of ferrous iron in silicate rocks",,"Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 1085-1093",2002, "Hiroyuki Takei,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Akio Makishima,Eizo Nakamura","Formation and suppression of AlF3 during HF digestion of rock samples in Teflon bomb for precise trace element analyses by ICP-MS and ID-TIMS",,"Proceedings of the Japan Academy",,"Vol. 77",,"pp. 13-17",2001, "Tetsuya Yokoyama,Akio Makishima,Eizo Nakamura","Precise analysis of 234U/238U ratio using UO2+ ion with thermal ionization mass spectrometry for natural samples",,"Chemical Geology",,"Vol. 181",,"pp. 1-12",2001, "Tetsuya Yokoyama,Akio Makishima,Eizo Nakamura","Evaluation of the coprecipitation of incompatible trace elements with fluoride during silicate rock dissolution by acid digestion",,"Chemical Geology",,"Vol. 157",,"pp. 175-187",1999, "Tetsuya Yokoyama,Akio Makishima,Eizo Nakamura","Separation of Thorium and Uranium from Silicate Rock Samples Using Two Commercial Extraction Chromatographic Resins",,"Analytical Chemistry",,"Vol. 71",,"pp. 135-141",1999,