"Takayuki Komatsu,W. Keith Hall","Effects of Stabilized Forms of Sorbed Hydrogen on Catalytic Activity : HxMoS2 and Sulfided or Reduced Molybdena-Aumina Catalysts",,"Journal of Physical Chemistry",,"Vol. 96",,"pp. 8131-8137",1992,Sept. "Takayuki Komatsu,W. Keith Hall","Studies of the Hydrogen Held by Solids. 27. HxMoS2",,"Journal of Physical Chemistry",,"Vol. 95",,"pp. 9966-9974",1991,Sept. "Takayuki Komatsu,W. Keith Hall","HxMoS2 as a catalyst and as a material","12th North American Meeting of the Catalsis Society","Abstract of 12th North American Meeting of the Catalsis Society",,,,"p. 56",1991,June