"Moriya Ohkuma,Satoko Noda,Satoshi Hattori,Toshiya Iida,Masahiro Yuki,David Starns,Jun-Ichi Inoue,Alistair C. Darby,Yuichi Hongoh","Acetogenesis from H2 plus CO2 and nitrogen fixation by an endosymbiotic spirochete of a termite-gut cellulolytic protist.",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",," 12"," 33"," 10224-30",2015,Aug. "Sato T.,Hirokazu Kuwahara,Fujita K.,Satoko Noda,Kihara K.,Yamada A.,Ohkuma M.,Hongoh Y.","Intranuclear verrucomicrobial symbionts and evidence of lateral gene transfer to the host protist in the termite gut.",,"The ISME Journal",,,,,2013, "Satoko Noda,Yuichi Hongoh,Tomoyuki Sato,Moriya Ohkuma","Complex coevolutionary history of symbiotic Bacteroidales bacteria of various protists in the gut of termites",,"BMC Evolutionary Biology",," 9",," e158",2009,July "Tomoyuki Sato,Yuichi Hongoh,Satoko Noda,Satoshi Hattori,Sadaharu Ui,Moriya Ohkuma","Candidatus Desulfovibrio trichonymphae, a novel intracellular symbiont of the flagellate Trichonympha agilis in termite gut",,"Environmental Microbiology","Wiley Interscience"," 11",," 1007-1015",2009,Apr. "Moriya Ohkuma,Satoko Noda,Yuichi Hongoh,Christine C. Nalepa,Tetsushi Inoue","Inheritance and diversification of symbiotic trichonymphid flagellates from a common ancestor of termites and cockroach Cryptocercus",,"Proceedings of the Royal Society B",," 276",," 239-245",2009,Jan. "Yuichi Hongoh,Vineet K. Sharma,Tulika Prakash,Satoko Noda,Hidehiro Toh,Todd D. Taylor,Toshiaki Kudo,Yoshiyuki Sakaki,Toyoda Atsushi,Masahira Hattori,Moriya Ohkuma","Genome of an endosymbiont coupling N2 fixation to cellulolysis within protist cells in termite gut",,"Science",," 322",," 1108-1109",2008,Nov. "‘εŒF·–η,–{‹½—Tˆκ,–μ“cŒεŽq","ƒVƒƒAƒŠ’°“ΰ”χΆ•¨‚Μ‘½d‹€Ά?ƒoƒCƒIƒ}ƒXŽ‘ŒΉ‚π‚Œψ—¦‚Ι—˜—p‚·‚ι‹€Ά",,"’`”’ŽΏŠjŽ_y‘f",," 53",," 1841-1849",2008,Nov. "Yuichi Hongoh,Vineet K. Sharma,Tulika Prakash,Satoko Noda,Todd D. Taylor,Toshiaki Kudo,yoshiyuki sakaki,Toyoda Atsushi,Masahira Hattori,Moriya Ohkuma","Complete genome of the uncultured Termite Group 1 bacteria in a single host protist cell",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",," 105",," 5555-5560",2008,Apr. "Jun-Ichi Inoue,Satoko Noda,Yuichi Hongoh,Sadaharu Ui,Moriya Ohkuma","Identification of endosymbiotic methanogens and ectosymbiotic spirochetes of gut protists of the termite Coptotermes formosanus",,"Microbes and Environments",," 93",," 94-97",2008,Jan. "Yuichi Hongoh,Tomoyuki Sato,Michael F. Dolan,Satoko Noda,Moriya Ohkuma","The motility symbiont of the termite-gut flagellate Caduceia versatilis is a member of the gSynergistesh group",,"Applied and Environmental Microbiology",," 73",," 6270-6276",2007,Oct. "Yuichi Hongoh,Tomoyuki Sato,Satoko Noda,Sadaharu Ui,Toshiaki Kudo,Moriya Ohkuma","Candidatus Symbiothrix dinenymphae: bristle-like Bacteroidales ectosymbionts of termite gut protists",,"Environmental Microbiology","Wiley Interscience"," 9",," 2631-2635",2007,Oct. "Akinori Yamada,Tetsushi Inoue,Satoko Noda,Yuichi Hongoh,Moriya Ohkuma","Evolutionary trend of phylogenetic diversity of nitrogen fixation genes in the gut community of wood-feeding termites",,"Molecular Ecology",," 16",," 3768-3777",2007,Sept. "Moriya Ohkuma,Tomoyuki Sato,Satoko Noda,Sadaharu Ui,Toshiaki Kudo,Yuichi Hongoh","The candidate phylum eTermite Group 1f of bacteria: phylogenetic diversity, distribution, and endosymbiont members of various gut flagellated protists",,"FEMS Microbiology Ecology",," 60",," 467-476",2007,June "Satoko Noda,Osamu Kitade,Tetsushi Inoue,Miho Kawai,Kanuka M.,Hiroshima K.,Yuichi Hongoh,Constantino R.,Uys V.,Zhong J.,Toshiaki Kudo,Moriya Ohkuma","Coevolutionary history of a triplex symbiotic system of termites, their gut protists, and bacterial endosymbionts of the protists",,"Molecular Ecology",," 16",," 1257-1266",2007,Mar. "Yuichi Hongoh,Pinsurang Deevong,Satoshi Hattori,Tetsushi Inoue,Satoko Noda,Napavarn Noparatnaraporn,Toshiaki Kudo,Moriya Ohkuma","Phylogenetic diversity, localization, and cell morphologies of members of the candidate phylum TG3 and a subphylum in the phylum Fibrobacteres, recently discovered bacterial groups dominant in termite guts",,"Applied and Environmental Microbiology",," 72",," 6780-6788",2006,Oct. "Satoko Noda,Tetsushi Inoue,Yuichi Hongoh,Miho Kawai,Christine A. Nalepa,Charunee Vongkaluang,Toshiaki Kudo,Moriya Ohkuma","Identification and characterization of ectosymbionts of distinct lineages in Bacteroidales attached to flagellated protists in the gut of termites and a wood-feeding cockroach",,"Environmental Microbiology",," 8",," 11-20",2006,Jan. "Hideaki Nakajima,Yuichi Hongoh,Satoko Noda,Yasuhiko Yoshida,Ron Usami,Toshiaki Kudo,Moriya Ohkuma","Phylogenetic and morphological diversity of Bacteroidales members associated with gut wall of termites",,"Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry",," 70",," 211-218",2006,Jan.