"li-rong wang,Q Zhang,Z.-H. LU,ICHIRO HAGIWARA","A Fluid-structure Interaction analysis of Hydraulically Damped Rubber Mount.","The Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing.",,,,,,2009,Sept. "L.-R. Wang,Z.-H. LU,I. Hagiwara.","Investigation into Qualitative Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Hydraulically Damped Rubber Mount for Vehicle Engine.","SAE 2009 Noise and Vibration Conference and Exhibition.",,,,,,2009,May "L.-R. Wang,Q. Zhang,Z.-H. LU,I. Hagiwara.","ALE based Finite Element Method for Characteristic Simulation of Hydraulically Damped Rubber Mount.","SAE World Congress.",,,,,,2009,Apr.