"B. Zhu,N. Nosaka,S. Kanamaru,J. Dong,Y. Dai,A. Inoue,Y. Yang,K. Kobayashi,T. Kitaguchi,H. Iwasaki,R. Koike,K. Wakabayashi,H. Ueda","Rapid and sensitive SARS-CoV-2 detection using a homogeneous fluorescent immunosensor Quenchbody with crowding agents",,"Analyst",,"Vol. 147","Number 22","p. 4971-4979",2022,Nov. "Hideo Tsubouchi,Bilge Argunhan,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Biochemical properties of fission yeast homologous recombination enzymes",,"Current Opinion in Genetics & Development","Elsevier","Vol. 71",,"p. 19-26",2021,Dec. "Maierdan Palihati,Hideo Tsubouchi,Bilge Argunhan,Rei Kajitani,Omirgul Bakenova,Yong?Woon Han,Yasuto Murayama,Takehiko Itoh,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Homology length dictates the requirement for Rad51 and Rad52 in gene targeting in the Basidiomycota yeast Naganishia liquefaciens",,"Current Genetics","Springer","Vol. 67","no. 6","pp. 919-936",2021,Dec. "Jakub Muraszko,Karol Kramarz,Bilge Argunhan,Kentaro Ito,Gabriela Baranowska,Yumiko Kurokawa,Yasuto Murayama,Hideo Tsubouchi,Sarah Lambert,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Dorota Dziadkowiec","Rrp1 translocase and ubiquitin ligase activities restrict the genome destabilising effects of Rad51 in fission yeast",,"Nucleic Acids Research","Oxford University Press","Volume 49","Issue 12","Page 6832?6848",2021,July "Bilge Argunhan,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Hideo Tsubouchi","Post-translational modification of factors involved in homologous recombination",,"DNA repair (Amst)",,"Volume 104",," 103114",2021,June "Aleksandar Zdravkovi?,James M. Daley,Arijit Dutta,Tatsuya Niwa,Yasuto Murayama,Shuji Kanamaru,Kentaro Ito,Takahisa Maki,Bilge Argunhan,Masayuki Takahashi,Hideo Tsubouchi,Patrick Sung,Hiroshi Iwasaki","A conserved Ctp1/CtIP C-terminal peptide stimulates Mre11 endonuclease activity",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America","National Academy of Sciences","Vol. 118","No. 11"," e2016287118",2021,Mar. "Negar Afshar,Bilge Argunhan,Maierdan Palihati,Goki Taniguchi,Hideo Tsubouchi,Hiroshi Iwasaki","A novel motif of Rad51 serves as an interaction hub for recombination auxiliary factors",,"eLife","eLife Sciences Publications","Vol. 10",," e64131",2021,Jan. "Yong-Woon Han,Rei Kajitani,Hiroya Morimoto,Maierdan Palihati,Yumiko Kurokawa,Rie Ryusui,Bilge Argunhan,Hideo Tsubouchi,Fumiyoshi Abe,Susumu Kajiwara,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Takehiko Itoh","Draft Genome Sequence of Naganishia liquefaciens Strain N6, Isolated from the Japan Trench.",,"Microbiology Resource Announcements","American Society for Microbiology","Vol. 9","Issue 47"," e00827-20",2020,Nov. "Kentaro Ito,Yasuto Murayama,Yumiko Kurokawa,Shuji Kanamaru,Yuichi Kokabu,Takahisa Maki,Tsutomu Mikawa,Argunhan Bilge,Hideo Tsubouchi,Mitsunori Ikeguchi,Masayuki Takahashi,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Real-time tracking reveals catalytic roles for the two DNA binding sites of Rad51",,"Nature Communications","Nature Research","Vol. 11","No. 1",,2020,June "Hideo Tsubouchi,Bilge Argunhan,Kentaro Ito,Masayuki Takahashi,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Two auxiliary factors promote Dmc1-driven DNA strand exchange via stepwise mechanisms",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America","National Academy of Sciences","Vol. 117","No. 22","pp. 12062-12070",2020,May "Onaka, A.T.,Su, J.,Katahira, Y.,Tang, C.,Zafar, F.,Aoki, K.,Kagawa, W.,Niki, H.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nakagawa, T.","DNA replication machinery prevents Rad52-dependent single-strand annealing that leads to gross chromosomal rearrangements at centromeres",,"Communications Biology","Nature Research","Vol. 3","No. 1",,2020,Apr. "Argunhan Bilge,Masayoshi Sakakura,Negar Afshar,Kurihara, M.,Kentarou Itou,Takahisa Maki,Shuji Kanamaru,Yasuto Murayama,Hideo Tsubouchi,Masayuki Takahashi,Hideo Takahashi,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Cooperative interactions facilitate stimulation of Rad51 by the Swi5-Sfr1 auxiliary factor complex",,"eLife","eLife Sciences Publications","Vol. 9","No. e52566",,2020,Mar. "Hiroshi Iwasaki","Activation of Mre11 endonuclease by Ctp1 in S pombe","Chromosome Dynamics",,,,,,2019,Dec. "谷口 剛樹,Bilge Argunhan,岩崎 博史,坪内 英生","減数分裂期特異的相同組換え酵素Dmc1は体細胞分裂期に機能を持つか?","第42回分子生物学会年会",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Negar Afshar,Bilge Argunhan,Kentaro Ito,Palihati Maierdan,Hideo Tsubouchi,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Pathways of DNA repair by Rad51-mediated homologous recombination in Schizosaccharomyces pombe","第42回分子生物学会年会",,,,,,2019,Dec. "真木孝尚,岩崎博史","分裂酵母の接合型変換因子Swi2-Swi5複合体はRad51依存的試験官内鎖交換反応を促進する","奈良春日野国際フォーラム甍",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Alfredo Esquivel Chavez,Takahisa Maki,James Edward Haber,Genevieve Thon,Hideo Tsubouchi,Hiroshi Iwasaki","HULC-mediated open chromatin formation and controls of Mating-Type Switching in Fission Yeast","日本遺伝学会第91回大会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Alexandar Zdravkovic,Hideo Tsubouchi,Shuji Kanamaru,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Molecular mechanism of Ctp 1 mediated Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 endonuclease activation in S.pombe","日本遺伝学会第91回大会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "真木孝尚,岩崎博史","分裂酵母Swift2-Swi5はRad51による試験管内DNA鎖交換反応を促進する","日本遺伝学会第91回大会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Palihati Maierdan,Hideo Tsubouchi,Rei Kajitani,韓龍雲,Takehiko Itoh,Hiroshi Iwasaki","BRCA2 homolog of Cryptococcus liquefaciens required for DNA repair","酵母遺伝学フォーラム第52回研究報告会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Hiroshi Iwasaki","Activation of Mre11 endonuclease by Ctp1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe","EMBO Workshop on Fission Yeast The 10th International Meeting",,,,,,2019,July "Zdravkovic A,Tsubouchi H,Kanamaru S,Iwasaki H","Activation of Mre11 endonuclease by Ctp1","第1回日本遺伝学会春季分科会",,,,,,2019,Mar. "Palihati M,Tsubouchi H,Han, YW,Ito, T,Iwasaki H","BRCA2 homolog from Cyptococcus liquefaciens","第1回日本遺伝学会春季分科会",,,,,,2019,Mar. "Chavez EA,Maki T,Tsubouchi H,Iwasaki H","HULC regulates Mating-Type Switching","第1回日本遺伝学会春季分科会",,,,,,2019,Mar. "Kentaro Ito,Argunhan Bilge,Hideo Tsubouchi,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Real-time Observation of the DNA Strand Exchange Reaction Mediated by Rad51",,"Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE","Journal of Visualized Experiments",,"No. 144",,2019,Feb. "Hiroshi Iwasaki","Kinetics of DNA strand exchange mediated by Rad51, The central reaction of homologous recombination","2018 Mini-Symposium on Chromosome Biology",,,,,,2018,Dec. "遠藤 伶奈,伊藤 健太郎,Bilge Argunhan,真木 孝尚,坪内 英生,岩崎博史","DNA鎖交換反応におけるDmc1リコンビナーゼのL2ループ上のPro-267残基の役割","第41回日本分子生物学会年会",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Aleksandar Zdravkovic,Tsubouchi H,Iwasaki H","Phosphorylation-dependent Ctp1 binding to Nbs1 in vitro",,,,,,,2018,Nov. "Argunhan B,Afshar N,Ito, K,Maki, T,Hisato Kurihara,Masayoshi Sakakura,Tsubouchi H,Hideo Takanashi,Iwasaki H","Rad51 Interaction Analysis Reveals a Functional Interplay Among Recombination Auxiliary Factors",,,,,,,2018,Nov. "Maki T,Ogura N,James Edward Haber,Genevieve Thon,Iwasaki H","H3K4 methyltransferase Set1C plays a role in donor preference of mating-type switching in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.",,,,,,,2018,Nov. "Tsubouchi H,Ito K,Argunhan B,Iwasaki H.","Synergistic Activation of Dmc1 by the Sfr1-Swi5 and Meu13-Mcp7 Complexes","金沢文化ホール",,,,,,2018,Nov. "Chih-Hao Lu,Hsin-Yi Yeh,Guan-Chin Su,Ito K,Kurokawa Y,Iwasaki H,Chi P,Hung-Wen Li.","Swi5-Sfr1 stimulates Rad51 recombinase filament assembly by modulating Rad51 dissociation.",,,,,,,2018,Nov. "Ito, K,Iwasaki H","The L2 loop of Rad51 plays a critical role in forming an intermediate containing heteroduplex in DNA strand exchange reaction.",,,,,,,2018,Nov. "Hsin-Yi Yeh,Guan-Chin Su,Kentaro Ito,Yumiko Kurokawa,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Hung-Wen Li,Chih-Hao Lu,Hsin-Yi Yeh,Guan-Chin Su","Swi5-Sfr1 stimulates Rad51 recombinase filament assembly by modulating Rad51 dissociation",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America","National Academy of Sciences","Vol. 115","No. 43","pp. E10059-E10068",2018,Oct. "Genevi?ve Thon,Takahisa Maki,James E. Haber,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Mating-type switching by homology-directed recombinational repair: a matter of choice",,"Current Genetics","Springer","Vol. 65","issue 2","pp. 351-362",2018,Oct. "真木孝尚,小倉尚人,James E. Haber,Genevieve Thon,岩崎博史","New regulation model of mating-type switching in Schizosaccharomyces pombe","日本遺伝学会 第90回大会(奈良大会)",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Takahisa Maki,Naoto Ogura,James Edward Haber,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Genevi?ve Thon","New insights into donor directionality of mating-type switching in Schizosaccharomyces pombe",,"PLoS Genetics","Public Library of Science","Vol. 14","No. 5","pp. e1007424",2018,May "Kentarou Ito,Yasuto Murayama,Masayuki Takahashi,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Two three-strand intermediates are processed during Rad51-driven DNA strand exchange",,"Nature Structural and Molecular Biology",,"Vol. 25","No. 1","pp. 29-36",2018,Jan. "Yasuto Murayama,Catarina P. Samora,Yumiko Kurokawa,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Frank Uhlmann","Establishment of DNA-DNA Interactions by the Cohesin Ring",,"Cell","Elsevier","Vol. 172","No. 3","pp. 465-477.e15",2018,Jan. "Raeyeong Kim,Shuji Kanamaru,Tsutomu Mikawa,Chantal Prevost,Kentarou Ito,Ishii Kentaro,Uchiyama Susumu,Masayuki Oda,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Seog K Kim,Masayuki Takahashi","RecA requires two molecules of Mg<sup>2+</sup> ions for its optimal strand exchange activity in vitro",,"Nucleic Acids Research","Oxford Press","Vol. 46","No. 5","pp. 2548-2559",2018,Jan. "角崎太郎,石毛大輔,岩崎博史,伊藤武彦","Hi-Cを用いた二倍体出芽酵母の染色体構造解析","第40回日本分子生物学会年会(2017年度生命科学系合同年次大会)",,,,,,2017,Dec. "Ryuta Asada,Miki Umeda,Akira Adachi,Satoshi Senmatsu,Takuya Abe,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Kunihiro Ohta,Charles S. Hoffman,Kouji Hirota","Recruitment and delivery of the fission yeast Rst2 transcription factor via a local genome structure counteracts repression by Tup1-family corepressors",,"Nucleic Acids Research","Oxford University Press","Vol. 45","No. 16","pp. 9361-9371",2017,Sept. "Bilge Argunhan,Wing-Kit Leung,Negar Afshar,Yaroslav Terentyev,Vijayalakshmi V Subramanian,Yasuto Murayama,Andreas Hochwagen,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Tomomi Tsubouchi,Hideo Tsubouchi","Fundamental cell cycle kinases collaborate to ensure timely destruction of the synaptonemal complex during meiosis",,"EMBO Journal","EMBO Press","Vol. 36","No. 17","pp. 2488-2509",2017,Sept. "Bilge Argunhan,Wing-Kit Leung,Negar Afshar,Yaroslav Terentyev,Vijayalakshmi V Subramanian,Yasuto Murayama,Andreas Hochwagen,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Tomomi Tsubouchi,Hideo Tsubouchi","Fundamental cell cycle kinases collaborate to ensure timely destruction of the synaptonemal complex during meiosis",,"EMBO Journal","EMBO Press","Vol. 36","No. 17","pp. 2488-2509",2017,Sept. "Jo, M.,Murayama, Y.,Tsutsui, Y.,Iwasaki, H","In vitro site-specific recombination mediated by the tyrosine recombinase XerA of Thermoplasma acidophilum",,"Genes to Cells",,"Vol. 22","No. 7","pp. 646-661",2017,June "Argunhan, B.,Murayama, Y.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","The differentiated and conserved roles of Swi5-Sfr1 in homologous recombination",,"FEBS Letters",,"Vol. 591","No. 14","pp. 2035-2047",2017,May "Kobayashi, Y.,Misumi, O.,Odahara, M.,Ishibashi, K.,Hirono, M.,Hidaka, K.,Endo, M.,Sugiyama, H.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Kuroiwa, T.,Shikanai, T.,Nishimura, Y.","Holliday junction resolvases mediate chloroplast nucleoid segregation",,"Science",,"Vol. 356","No. 6338","pp. 631-634",2017,May "Ito, Kentaro,Murayama, Yasuto,Masayuki Takahashi,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Real-time analysis of DNA strand exchange reaction mediated by Rad51",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 91","No. 6","pp. 356-356",2016,Dec. "Jo Minji,Tsutsui, Yasuhiro,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Molecular analysis of the Xer/dif system for chromosome resolution in archaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 91","No. 6","pp. 323-323",2016,Dec. "池上 彰,岩崎 博史,田口 英樹","池上彰が聞いてわかった生命のしくみ",,,"朝日新聞出版",,,"Page 231",2016,Sept. "Hiroshi Iwasaki,Ito, Kentaro,Tsutsui, Yasuhiro,Kurokawa, Yumiko,Murayama, Yasuto,Masayuki Takahashi","Genetic interactions of Rad51 with Swi5-Sfr1 and with Rad55-Rad57 protein complexes in Schizosaccharomyces pombe",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 90","No. 6","pp. 388-388",2015,Dec. "Isihge, Daisuke,Keyamura, Kenji,Hasegawa, Yuki,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Hishida, Takashi","A genetic screen for genes that suppress the temperature sensitivity of mgs1-18 rad18 Delta cells in Saccharomyces cerevisiae",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 90","No. 6","pp. 388-388",2015,Dec. "Jo, Minji,Tsutsui, Yasuhiro,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Molecular analysis of the site-specific recombination mediated by XerA from Thermoplasma acidophilum",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 90","No. 6","pp. 377-377",2015,Dec. "森本博也,筒井康博,岩崎博史,伊藤武彦","深海酵母Cryptococcus liquefaciens strain N6のゲノム再構築とRNA-Seqによる銅耐性の解析","第9回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会",,,,,,2015,Mar. "Kurokawa, Y.,Tsutsui Yasuhiro,Kurokawa Yumiko,Ito Kentaro,Siddique MS,Kawano Yumiko,Yamao Fumio,Iwasaki Hiroshi","Multiple regulation of Rad51-mediated homologous recombination by fission yeast Fbh1",,"PLoS Genetics","PLOS","Vol. 10","No. 8","pp. e1004542",2014,Aug. "Fornander, L.H.,Renodon-Corni?re, A.,Kuwabara, N.,Ito, K.,Tsutsui, Y.,Shimizu, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nord?n, B.,Takahashi, M.","Swi5-Sfr1 protein stimulates Rad51-mediated DNA strand exchange reaction through organization of DNA bases in the presynaptic filament",,"Nucleic Acids Research",,"Vol. 42","No. 4","pp. 2358-2365",2014,Feb. "Ito, Kentaro,Tsutsui, Yasuhiro,Hiroshi Iwasaki","The functional molecular interactions between the Rad51 recombinase and its activation factor Swi5-Sfr1 complex in Schizosaccharomyces pombe",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 88","No. 6","pp. 374-374",2013,Dec. "Tsutsui, Yasuhiro,Kurokawa, Yumiko,Kawano, Yumiko,Yamao, Fumiaki,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Dual roles of fission yeast F-box DNA helicase Fbh1 during homologous recombination",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 88","No. 6","pp. 374-374",2013,Dec. "Yasuto Murayama,Yumiko Kurokawa,Yasuhiro Tsutsui,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Dual regulation of Dmc1-driven DNA strand exchange by Swi5? Sfr1 activation and Rad22 inhibition",,"Genes and Development",,"Vol. 27","No. 21","pp. 2299-2304",2013,Nov. "Saikusa, K.,Kuwabara, N.,Kokabu, Y.,Inoue, Y.,Sato, M.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shimizu, T.,Akashi, S.","Characterisation of an intrinsically disordered protein complex of Swi5-Sfr1 by ion mobility mass spectrometry and small-angle X-ray scattering",,"Analyst",,"Vol. 138","No. 5","pp. 1441-1449",2013,May "Ito, Kentaro,Tsutsui, Yasuhiro,Mayanagi, Kota,Kurokawa, Yumiko,Kokabu, Yuichi,Ikeguchi, Mitsunori,Yamao, Fumiaki,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Molecular analysis of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Rad51 recombinase mutant with a mutation of H315 residue",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 87","No. 6","pp. 436-436",2012,Dec. "Kuwabara, N.,Murayama, Y.,Hashimoto, H.,Kokabu, Y.,Ikeguchi, M.,Sato, M.,Mayanagi, K.,Yasuhiro Tsutsui,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shimizu, T.","Mechanistic insights into the activation of Rad51-mediated strand exchange from the structure of a recombination activator, the Swi5-Sfr1 complex",,"Structure",,"Vol. 20","No. 3","pp. 440-449",2012,May "Hiroshi Iwasaki","Structure and functions of the fission yeast Swi5-Sfr1 complex, an activator of Rad51 presynaptic filaments","Experimental Biology Meeting","FASEB JOURNAL","FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL","Vol. 26",,,2012,Apr. "Koizumi, Tomohiro,Murayama, Yasuto,Tsutsui, Yasuhiro,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Molecular anatomy of Swi5-Sfr1 complex in Schizosaccharomyces pombe",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 86","No. 6","pp. 432-432",2011,Dec. "Hiroshi Iwasaki","Molecular regulation of DNA strand exchange",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 86","No. 6","pp. 400-400",2011,Dec. "Kokabu, Y.,Yasuto Murayama,Kuwabara, N.,Oroguchi, T.,Hashimoto, H.,Yasuhiro Tsutsui,Nozaki, N.,Akashi, S.,Unzai, S.,Shimizu, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Sato, M.,Ikeguchi, M.","Fission yeast Swi5-Sfr1 protein complex, an activator of Rad51 recombinase, forms an extremely elongated dogleg-shaped structure",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 286","No. 50","pp. 43569-43576",2011,Dec. "Akai, Y.,Yumiko Kurokawa,Nakazawa, N.,Tonami-Murakami, Y.,Suzuki, Y.,Yoshimura, S.H.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shiroiwa, Y.,Nakamura, T.,Shibata, E.,Yanagida, M.","Opposing role of condensin hinge against replication protein A in mitosis and interphase through promoting DNA annealing",,"Open Biology",,"Vol. 1","No. DECEMBER"," 110023",2011,Dec. "Kawasaki, Akihito,Tsutsui, Yasuhiro,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Phosphorylation of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Ctp1, the initiation factor of homologous recombination",,"GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS","GENETICS SOC JAPAN","Vol. 86","No. 6","pp. 433-433",2011,Dec. "Kato, Y.,Kawasaki, H.,Ohyama, Y.,Morishita, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Kokubo, T.,Hirano, H.","Cell polarity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae depends on proper localization of the bud9 landmark protein by the EKC/KEOPS complex",,"Genetics",,"Vol. 188","No. 4","pp. 871-882",2011,Apr. "Yasuto Murayama,Hiroshi Iwasaki","An in vitro assay for monitoring the formation and branch migration of Holliday junctions mediated by a eukaryotic recombinase.",,"Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)",,"Vol. 745",,"pp. 385-405",2011,Apr. "Yasuto Murayama,Yasuhiro Tsutsui,Hiroshi Iwasaki","The fission yeast meiosis-specific Dmc1 recombinase mediates formation and branch migration of Holliday junctions by preferentially promoting strand exchange in a direction opposite to that of Rad51",,"Genes and Development",,"Vol. 25","No. 5","pp. 516-527",2011,Mar. "Kuwabara, N.,Hashimoto, H.,Yamada, N.,Unzai, S.,Ikeguchi, M.,Sato, M.,Yasuto Murayama,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shimizu, T.","Expression, purification and crystallization of Swi5 and the Swi5-Sfr1 complex from fission yeast",,"Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications",,"Vol. 66","No. 9","pp. 1124-1126",2010,Sept. "Takashi Hishida,Hirade, Y.,Haruta, N.,Kubota, Y.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Srs2 plays a critical role in reversible G<inf>2</inf> arrest upon chronic and low doses of uv irradiation via two distinct homologous recombination-dependent mechanisms in postreplication repair-deficient cells",,"Molecular and Cellular Biology",,"Vol. 30","No. 20","pp. 4840-4850",2010,Aug. "半田宏,伊藤武彦,岩崎博史,岡田典弘,岸本健雄,工藤明,白髭克彦,田中幹子,徳永万喜洋,広瀬茂久,村上聡,菊池韶彦","ハートウェル遺伝学-遺伝子、ゲノム、そして生命システムへ-",,,"メディカルサイエンスインターナショナル",,,,2010,Mar. "Tainer, J.A.,Williams, R.S.,Dodson, G.E.,Limbo, O.,Yamada, Y.,Williams, J.S.,Guenther, G.,Classen, S.,Glover, J.N.M.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Russell, P.,Tainer, J.A.","Nbs1 Flexibly Tethers Ctp1 and Mre11-Rad50 to Coordinate DNA Double-Strand Break Processing and Repair",,"Cell",,"Vol. 139","No. 1","pp. 87-99",2009,Oct. "Hishida, T.,Carr, A.M.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","RAD6-RAD18-RAD5-pathway-dependent tolerance to chronic low-dose ultraviolet light",,"Nature",,"Vol. 457","No. 7229","pp. 612-615",2009,Jan. "Akamatsu, Y.,Yasuto Murayama,Yamada, T.,Nakazaki, T.,Yasuhiro Tsutsui,Ohta, K.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Molecular characterization of the role of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe nip1&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;/ctp1&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;gene in DNA double-strand break repair in association with the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex",,"Molecular and Cellular Biology",,"Vol. 28","No. 11","pp. 3639-3651",2008,June "Roseaulin, L.,Yamada, Y.,Yasuhiro Tsutsui,Russell, P.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Arcangioli, B.","Mus81 is essential for sister chromatid recombination at broken replication forks",,"EMBO Journal",,"Vol. 27","No. 9","pp. 1378-1387",2008,May "Roseaulin, L.,Yamada, Y.,Yasuhiro Tsutsui,Russell, P.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Arcangioli, B.","Mus81 is essential for sister chromatid recombination at broken replication forks",,"EMBO Journal",,"Vol. 27","No. 9","pp. 1378-1387",2008,May "Natsume, T.,Tsutsui, Y.,Sutani, T.,Dunleavy, E.M.,Pidoux, A.L.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shirahige, K.,Allshire, R.C.,Yamao, F.","A DNA polymerase α accessory protein, Mcl1, is required for propagation of centromere structures in fission yeast",,"PLoS ONE",,"Vol. 3","No. 5"," e2221",2008,May "Iwasaki, H.,Yumiko Kurokawa,Yasuto Murayama,Haruta-Takahashi, N.,Urabe, I.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Reconstitution of DNA strand exchange mediated by Rhp51 recombinase and two mediators",,"PLoS Biology",,"Vol. 6","No. 4","pp. 836-848",2008,Apr. "Yasuto Murayama,Yumiko Kurokawa,Mayanagi, K.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Formation and branch migration of Holliday junctions mediated by eukaryotic recombinases",,"Nature",,"Vol. 451","No. 7181","pp. 1018-1021",2008,Feb. "Haruta, N.,Akamatsu, Y.,Yasuhiro Tsutsui,Yumiko Kurokawa,Yasuto Murayama,Arcangioli, B.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Fission yeast Swi5 protein, a novel DNA recombination mediator",,"DNA Repair",,"Vol. 7","No. 1","pp. 1-9",2008,Jan. "Yasuto Murayama,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Molecular basis of the formation and branch migration of Holliday recombination intermediates mediated by eukaryotic recombinases",,"Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme",,"Vol. 53","No. 11","pp. 1351-1359",2008, "Akamatsu, Y.,Yasuhiro Tsutsui,Morishita, T.,Siddique, M.D.S.P.,Yumiko Kurokawa,Ikeguchi, M.,Yamao, F.,Arcangioli, B.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Fission yeast Swi5/Sfr1 and Rhp55/Rhp57 differentially regulate Rhp51-dependent recombination outcomes",,"EMBO Journal",,"Vol. 26","No. 5","pp. 1352-1362",2007,Mar. "Haruta-Takahashi, N.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Recombination mediators",,"Seikagaku",,"Vol. 79","No. 5","pp. 449-453",2007, "Haruta, N.,Yumiko Kurokawa,Yasuto Murayama,Akamatsu, Y.,Unzai, S.,Tsutsui, Y.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","The Swi5-Sfr1 complex stimulates Rhp51/Rad51 - and Dmc1-mediated DNA strand exchange in vitro",,"Nature Structural and Molecular Biology",,"Vol. 13","No. 9","pp. 823-830",2006,Sept. "Han, Y.-W.,Tani, T.,Hayashi, M.,Hishida, T.,S. Shinagawa,Harada, Y.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Direct observation of DNA rotation during branch migration of Holliday junction DNA by Escherichia coli RuvA-RuvB protein complex",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 103","No. 31","pp. 11544-11548",2006,Aug. "Morishita, T.,Furukawa, F.,Sakaguchi, C.,Toda, T.,Carr, A.M.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.","Role of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe F-box DNA helicase in processing recombination intermediates",,"Molecular and Cellular Biology",,"Vol. 25","No. 18","pp. 8074-8083",2005,Sept. "Yasuhiro Tsutsui,Morishita, T.,Natsume, T.,Yamashita, K.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Yamao, F.,Shinagawa, H.","Genetic and physical interactions between Schizosaccharomyces pombe Mcl1 and Rad2, Dna2 and DNA polymerase a: Evidence for a multifunctional role of Mcl1 in DNA replication and repair",,"Current Genetics",,"Vol. 48","No. 1","pp. 34-43",2005,July "Shibata, T.,Hishida, T.,Kubota, Y.,Han, Y.-W.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.","Functional overlap between RecA and MgsA (RarA) in the rescue of stalled replication forks in Escherichia coli",,"Genes to Cells",,"Vol. 10","No. 3","pp. 181-191",2005, "Morikawa, H.,Morishita, T.,Kawane, S.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Carr, A.M.,Shinagawa, H.","Rad62 protein functionally and physically associates with the Smc5/Smc6 protein complex and is required for chromosome integrity and recombination repair in fission yeast",,"Molecular and Cellular Biology",,"Vol. 24","No. 21","pp. 9401-9413",2004,Nov. "Mashimo, K.,Nagata, Y.,Kawata, M.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Yamamoto, K.","Role of the RuvAB protein in avoiding spontaneous formation of deletion mutations in the Escherichia coli K-12 endogenous tonB gene",,"Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications",,"Vol. 323","No. 1","pp. 197-203",2004,Oct. "Hishida, T.,Han, Y.-W.,Shibata, T.,Kubota, Y.,Ishino, Y.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.","Role of the Esicherichia coli RecQ DNA helicase in SOS signaling and genome stabiliziation at stalled replication forks",,"Genes and Development",,"Vol. 18","No. 15","pp. 1886-1897",2004,Aug. "Iwasaki, H.,S. Shinagawa,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Hishida, T.,Han, Y.-W.,Fujimoto, S.,Shinagawa, H.","Direct evidence that a conserved arginine in RuvB AAA&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; ATPase acts as an allosteric effector for the ATPase activity of the adjacent subunit in a hexamer",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 101","No. 26","pp. 9573-9577",2004,June "Yoshizumi Ishino,Nakabeppu, Y.,Maki, H.,Araki, H.,S. Shinagawa,Hiroshi Iwasaki","The 4th International Symposium on 3R; DNA Replication, Recombination and Repair",,"Genes and Genetic Systems",,"Vol. 79","No. 1","pp. 53-63",2004,Feb. "Ishino, Y.,Nakabeppu, Y.,Maki, H.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Araki, H.,S. Shinagawa","Erratum: The 4th International Symposium on 3R: DNA Replication, Recombination and Repair (Genes and Genetic Systems (2004) 79 (53-63))",,"Genes and Genetic Systems",,"Vol. 79","No. 2","pp. 127",2004, "Akamatsu, Y.,Dziadkowiec, D.,Ikeguchi, M.,Hideo Shinagawa,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Two different Swi5-containing protein complexes are involved in mating-type switching and recombination repair in fission yeast",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 100","No. 26","pp. 15770-15775",2003,Dec. "S. Shinagawa,Hishida, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Han, Y.-W.,Ohnishi, T.,Shinagawa, H.","Uncoupling of the ATPase activity from the branch migration activity of RuvAB protein complexes containing both wild-type and ATPase-defective RuvB proteins",,"Genes to Cells",,"Vol. 8","No. 9","pp. 721-730",2003,Sept. "Ueno, M.,Nakazaki, T.,Akamatsu, Y.,Watanabe, K.,Tomita, K.,Lindsay, H.D.,Shinagawa, H.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Molecular characterization of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe nbs1&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;gene involved in DNA repair and telomere maintenance",,"Molecular and Cellular Biology",,"Vol. 23","No. 18","pp. 6553-6563",2003,Sept. "Tomita, K.,Matsuura, A.,Caspari, T.,Carr, A.M.,Akamatsu, Y.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Mizuno, K.-I.,Ohta, K.,Uritani, M.,Ushimaru, T.,Yoshinaga, K.,Ueno, M.","Competition between the Rad50 complex and the Ku heterodimer reveals a role for exo1 in processing double-strand breaks but not telomeres",,"Molecular and Cellular Biology",,"Vol. 23","No. 15","pp. 5186-5197",2003,Aug. "Morishita, T.,Tsutsui, Y.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,S. Shinagawa","Erratum: The Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad60 gene is essential for repairing double-strand DNA breaks spontaneously occurring during replication and induced by DNA-damaging agents (Molecular and Cellular Biology (2002) 22:10 (3537-3548))",,"Molecular and Cellular Biology",,"Vol. 23","No. 9","pp. 3373",2003, "Yamada, K.,Miyata, T.,Tsuchiya, D.,Oyama, T.,Fujiwara, Y.,Ohnishi, T.,S. Shinagawa,Ariyoshi, M.,Mayanagi, K.,Morikawa, K.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Crystal structure of the RuvA-RuvB complex: A structural basis for the holliday junction migrating motor machinery",,"Molecular Cell",,"Vol. 10","No. 3","pp. 671-681",2002,Sept. "Sha, R.,Liu, F.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Seeman, N.C.","Parallel symmetric immobile DNA junctions as substrates for E. coli RuvC Holliday junction resolvase",,"Biochemistry",,"Vol. 41","No. 36","pp. 10985-10993",2002,Sept. "Iwaasa, M.,Umeda, S.,Ohsato, T.,Takamatsu, C.,Fukuoh, A.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.,Hamasaki, N.,Kang, D.","1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion, a toxin that can cause parkinsonism, alters branched structures of DNA",,"Journal of Neurochemistry",,"Vol. 82","No. 1","pp. 30-37",2002,July "Morishita, T.,Tsutsui, Y.,S. Shinagawa,Hiroshi Iwasaki","The Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad60 gene is essential for repairing double-strand DNA breaks spontaneously occurring during replication and induced by DNA-damaging agents",,"Molecular and Cellular Biology",,"Vol. 22","No. 10","pp. 3537-3548",2002,May "Hishida, T.,Ohno, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.","Saccharomyces cerevisiae MGS1 is essential in strains deficient in the RAD6-dependent DNA damage tolerance pathway",,"EMBO Journal",,"Vol. 21","No. 8","pp. 2019-2029",2002,Apr. "Prabhu, V.P.,Simons, A.M.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Gai, D.,Simmons, D.T.,Chen, J.","p53 blocks RuvAB promoted branch migration and modulates resolution of Holliday junctions by RuvC",,"Journal of Molecular Biology",,"Vol. 316","No. 5","pp. 1023-1032",2002,Mar. "Han, Y.-W.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Miyata, T.,Mayanagi, K.,Yamada, K.,Morikawa, K.,Shinagawa, H.","A Unique β-Hairpin Protruding from AAA&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; ATPase Domain of RuvB Motor Protein Is Involved in the Interaction with RuvA DNA Recognition Protein for Branch Migration of Holliday Junctions",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 276","No. 37","pp. 35024-35028",2001,Sept. "Tsutsui, Y.,Khasanov, F.K.,Shinagawa, H.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Bashkirov, V.I.","Multiple interactions among the components of the recombinational DNA repair system in Schizosaccharomyces pombe",,"Genetics",,"Vol. 159","No. 1","pp. 91-105",2001,Sept. "Takashi Hishida,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Ohno, T.,Morishita, T.,Shinagawa, H.","A yeast gene, MGS1, encoding a DNA-dependent AAA&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;ATPase is required to maintain genome stability",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 98","No. 15","pp. 8283-8289",2001,July "Ishikawa, T.,Uematsu, N.,Mizukoshi, T.,Iwai, S.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Masutani, C.,Hanaoka, F.,Ueda, R.,Ohmori, H.,Todo, T.","Mutagenic and Nonmutagenic Bypass of DNA Lesions by Drosophila DNA Polymerases dpolη and dpolι",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 276","No. 18","pp. 15155-15163",2001,May "Yoshikawa, M.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.","Evidence that Phenylalanine 69 in Escherichia coli RuvC Resolvase Forms a Stacking Interaction during Binding and Destabilization of a Holliday Junction DNA Substrate",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 276","No. 13","pp. 10432-10436",2001,Mar. "Yamada, K.,Kunishima, N.,Mayanagi, K.,Ohnishi, T.,Nishino, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.,Morikawa, K.","Crystal structure of the Holliday junction migration motor protein RuvB from Thermus thermophilus HB8",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 98","No. 4","pp. 1442-1447",2001,Feb. "Ariyoshi, M.,Yamada, K.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Structural biology of Holliday junction processing catalyzed by RuvABC resolvasome",,"Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme",,"Vol. 46","No. 11 Suppl","pp. 1625-1634",2001, "Yoshikawa, M.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Kinoshita, K.,Shinagawa, H.","Two basic residues, Lys- 107 and Lys-118, of RuvC resolvase are involved in critical contacts with the Holliday junction for its resolution",,"Genes to Cells",,"Vol. 5","No. 10","pp. 803-813",2000,Oct. "S. Shinagawa,Ohnishi, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Ishino, Y.,Nakata, A.,Shinagawa, H.","Identification and characterization of Thermus thermophilus HB8 RuvA protein, the subunit of the RuvAB protein complex that promotes branch migration of Holliday junctions",,"Genes and Genetic Systems",,"Vol. 75","No. 5","pp. 233-243",2000,Oct. "Miyata, T.,Yamada, K.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.,Morikawa, K.,Mayanagi, K.","Two different oligomeric states of the RuvB branch migration motor protein as revealed by electron microscopy",,"Journal of Structural Biology",,"Vol. 131","No. 2","pp. 83-89",2000,Aug. "Liu, F.,Sha, R.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Liu, F.,Shinagawa, H.,Seeman, N.C.","Cleavage of symmetric immobile DNA junctions by Escherichia coli RuvC",,"Biochemistry",,"Vol. 39","No. 39","pp. 11982-11988",2000,Aug. "Ariyoshi, M.,Nishino, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.,Morikawa, K.","Crystal structure of the Holliday junction DNA in complex with a single RuvA tetramer",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 97","No. 15","pp. 8257-8262",2000,July "Nishino, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Kataoka, M.,Ariyoshi, M.,Fujita, T.,Shinagawa, H.,Morikawa, K.","Modulation of RuvB function by the mobile domain III of the Holliday junction recognition protein RuvA",,"Journal of Molecular Biology",,"Vol. 298","No. 3","pp. 407-416",2000,May "Hiroshi Iwasaki,Han, Y.-W.,Okamoto, T.,Ohnishi, T.,Yoshikawa, M.,Yamada, K.,Toh, H.,Daiyasu, H.,Ogura, T.,Shinagawa, H.","Mutational analysis of the functional motifs of RuvB, an AAA&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; class helicase and motor protein for Holliday junction branch migration",,"Molecular Microbiology",,"Vol. 36","No. 3","pp. 528-538",2000,May "Yasuhiro Tsutsui,Morishita, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Toh, H.,Shinagawa, H.","A recombination repair gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, rhp57, is a functional homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD57 gene and is phylogenetically related to the human XRCC3 gene",,"Genetics",,"Vol. 154","No. 4","pp. 1451-1461",2000,Apr. "Sun, W.,Mao, C.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Kemper, B.,Seeman, N.C.","No braiding of Holliday junctions in positively supercoiled DNA molecules",,"Journal of Molecular Biology",,"Vol. 294","No. 3","pp. 683-699",1999,Dec. "Takashi Hishida,Hishida, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Yagi, T.,Shinagawa, H.","Role of Walker motif A of RuvB protein in promoting branch migration of holliday junctions. Walker motif a mutations affect ATP binding, ATP hydrolyzing, and DNA binding activities of RuvB",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 274","No. 36","pp. 25335-25342",1999,Sept. "Takashi Hishida,Hishida, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Yagi, T.,Shinagawa, H.","Role of Walker motif A of RuvB protein in promoting branch migration of holliday junctions. Walker motif a mutations affect ATP binding, ATP hydrolyzing, and DNA binding activities of RuvB",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 274","No. 36","pp. 25335-25342",1999,Sept. "Yamada, K.,Fukuoh, A.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.","Novel properties of the Thermus thermophilus RuvB protein, which promotes branch migration of Holliday junctions",,"Molecular and General Genetics",,"Vol. 261","No. 6","pp. 1001-1011",1999,July "Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nishino, T.,Morikawa, K.,Shinagawa, H.","Structural biology of RecA and RuvABC proteins involved in homologous DNA recombination",,"Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme",,"Vol. 44","No. 4 Suppl","pp. 495-505",1999, "Ichiyanagi, K.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Hishida, T.,Shinagawa, H.","Mutational analysis on structure-function relationship of a Holliday junction specific endonuclease RuvC",,"Genes to Cells",,"Vol. 3","No. 9","pp. 575-586",1998,Sept. "Ishioka, K.,Fukuoh, A.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nakata, A.,Shinagawa, H.","Abortive recombination in Escherichia coli ruv mutants blocks chromosome partitioning",,"Genes to Cells",,"Vol. 3","No. 4","pp. 209-220",1998,Apr. "Nishino, T.,Ariyoshi, M.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Morikawa, K.","Functional analyses of the domain structure in the Holliday junction binding protein RuvA",,"Structure",,"Vol. 6","No. 1","pp. 11-21",1998,Jan. "Ishikawa, M.,Mikami, Y.,Usukura, J.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.,Morikawa, K.","Reconstitution, morphology and crystallization of a fatty acid β-oxidation multienzyme complex from Pseudomonas fragi",,"Biochemical Journal",,"Vol. 328","No. 3","pp. 815-820",1997,Dec. "Fukuoh, A.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Ishioka, K.,Shinagawa, H.","ATP-dependent resolution of R-loops at the ColE1 replication origin by Escherichia coli RecG protein, a Holliday junction-specific helicase",,"EMBO Journal",,"Vol. 16","No. 1","pp. 203-209",1997,Jan. "Ishioka, K.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.","Roles of the recG gene product of Escherichia coli in recombination repair: Effects of the ΔrecG mutation on cell division and chromosome partition",,"Genes and Genetic Systems",,"Vol. 72","No. 2","pp. 91-99",1997, "Hishida, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Ishioka, K.,Shinagawa, H.","Molecular analysis of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa genes, ruvA, ruvB and ruvC, involved in processing of homologous recombination intermediates",,"Gene",,"Vol. 182","No. 1-2","pp. 63-70",1996,Dec. "Shida, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Saito, A.,Kyogoku, Y.,Shinagawa, H.","Analysis of substrate specificity of the RuvC Holliday junction resolvase with synthetic Holliday junctions",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 271","No. 42","pp. 26105-26109",1996,Oct. "Shida, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.,Kyogoku, Y.","Characterization and comparison of synthetic immobile and mobile Holliday junctions",,"Journal of Biochemistry",,"Vol. 119","No. 4","pp. 653-658",1996,Apr. "Shida, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.,Kyogoku, Y.","Characterization and comparison of synthetic immobile and mobile Holliday junctions",,"Journal of Biochemistry",,"Vol. 119","No. 4","pp. 653-658",1996,Apr. "Shinagawa, H.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Processing the Holliday junction in homologous recombination",,"Trends in Biochemical Sciences",,"Vol. 21","No. 3","pp. 107-111",1996,Mar. "Saito, A.,Saito, A.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Ariyoshi, M.,Morikawa, K.,Shinagawa, H.","Identification of four acidic amino acids that constitute the catalytic center of the RuvC Holliday junction resolvase",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 92","No. 16","pp. 7470-7474",1995,Aug. "Shida, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.,Kyogoku, Y.","Structural requirement of four-way junction DNA for binding to and cleavage by RuvC.",,"Nucleic acids symposium series",,,"No. 34","pp. 5-6",1995, "Shinagawa, H.,Hiroshi Iwasaki","Molecular mechanisms of Holliday junction processing in Escherichia coli",,"Advances in Biophysics",,"Vol. 31","No. C","pp. 49-65",1995, "Ariyoshi, M.,Vassylyev, D.G.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nakamura, H.,Shinagawa, H.,Morikawa, K.","Atomic structure of the RuvC resolvase: A holliday junction-specific endonuclease from E. coli",,"Cell",,"Vol. 78","No. 6","pp. 1063-1072",1994,Sept. "Ariyoshi, M.,Vassylyev, D.G.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Fujishima, A.,Shinagawa, H.,Morikawa, K.","Preliminary crystallographic study of Escherichia coli RuvC protein. An endonuclease specific for holliday junctions",,"Journal of Molecular Biology",,"Vol. 241","No. 2","pp. 281-282",1994,Aug. "Ishino, Y.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Kato, I.,S. Shinagawa","Amino acid sequence motifs essential to 3' → 5' exonuclease activity of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase II",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 269","No. 20","pp. 14655-14660",1994,May "Takahagi, M.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.","Structural requirements of substrate DNA for binding to and cleavage by RuvC, a Holliday junction resolvase",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,"Vol. 269","No. 21","pp. 15132-15139",1994,May "S. Shinagawa,Shiba, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nakata, A.","Escherichia coli RuvA and RuvB proteins involved in recombination repair: physical properties and interactions with DNA",,"Molecular and General Genetics",,"Vol. 237","No. 3","pp. 395-399",1993,Mar. "Shida, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shinagawa, H.,Kyogoku, Y.","Structural analyses of synthetic immobile Holliday junction.",,"Nucleic acids symposium series",,,"No. 29","pp. 181-182",1993, "Hiroshi Iwasaki,Takahagi, M.,Nakata, A.,Shinagawa, H.","Escherichia coli RuvA and RuvB proteins specifically interact with Holliday junctions and promote branch migration",,"Genes and Development",,"Vol. 6","No. 11","pp. 2214-2220",1992,Nov. "Ishino, Y.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Fukui, H.,Kato, I.,Shinagawa, H.","Aphidicolin inhibits DNA polymerizing activity but not nucleolytic activity of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase II",,"Biochimie",,"Vol. 74","No. 2","pp. 131-136",1992,Feb. "Hiroshi Iwasaki,Takahagi, M.,Shiba, T.,Nakata, A.,Shinagawa, H.","Escherichia coli RuvC protein is an endonuclease that resolves the Holliday structure",,"EMBO Journal",,"Vol. 10","No. 13","pp. 4381-4389",1991,Dec. "Shiba, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nakata, A.,Shinagawa, H.","SOS-inducible DNA repair proteins, RuvA and RuvB, of Escherichia coli: Functional interactions between RuvA and RuvB for ATP hydrolysis and renaturation of the cruciform structure in supercoiled DNA",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 88","No. 19","pp. 8445-8449",1991,Oct. "Takahagi, M.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nakata, A.,Shinagawa, H.","Molecular analysis of the Escherichia coli ruvC gene, which encodes a Holliday junction-specific endonuclease",,"Journal of Bacteriology",,"Vol. 173","No. 18","pp. 5747-5753",1991,Sept. "Hiroshi Iwasaki,Ishino, Y.,Toh, H.,Nakata, A.,Shinagawa, H.","Escherichia coli DNA polymerase II is homologous to α-like DNA polymerases",,"Molecular and General Genetics",,"Vol. 226","No. 1-2","pp. 24-33",1991,Apr. "Shinagawa, H.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Ishino, Y.,Nakata, A.","SOS-inducible DNA polymerase II of E coli is homologous to replicative DNA polymerase of eukaryotes",,"Biochimie",,"Vol. 73","No. 4","pp. 433-435",1991,Apr. "S. Shinagawa,Shiba, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Makino, K.,Takahagi, M.,Nakata, A.","Properties of the Escherichia coli RuvA and RuvB proteins involved in DNA repair, recombination and mutagenesis",,"Biochimie",,"Vol. 73","No. 4","pp. 505-507",1991,Mar. "Shiba, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nakata, A.,Shinagawa, H.","Proteolytic processing of MucA protein in SOS mutagenesis: Both processed and unprocessed MucA may be active in the mutagenesis",,"Molecular and General Genetics",,"Vol. 224","No. 2","pp. 169-176",1990,Nov. "Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nakata, A.,Walker, G.C.,Shinagawa, H.","The Escherichia coli polB gene, which encodes DNA polymerase II, is regulated by the SOS system",,"Journal of Bacteriology",,"Vol. 172","No. 11","pp. 6268-6273",1990,Nov. "Saitoh, A.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nakata, A.,Adachi, A.,Shinagawa, H.","Overproduction of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type I Reverse Transcriptase in Escherichia coli and Purification of the Enzyme",,"MICROBIOLOGY and IMMUNOLOGY",,"Vol. 34","No. 6","pp. 509-521",1990, "Shiba, T.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nakata, A.,Shinagawa, H.","Proteolytic activation of UmuD and MucA proteins for SOS mutagenesis.",,"Basic life sciences",,"Vol. 52",,"pp. 351-354",1990, "Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shiba, T.,Nakata, A.,Shinagawa, H.","Involvement in DNA repair of the ruvA gene of Escherichia coli",,"Molecular and General Genetics",,"Vol. 219","No. 1-2","pp. 328-331",1989,Oct. "Hiroshi Iwasaki,Shiba, T.,Makino, K.,Nakata, A.,Shinagawa, H.","Overproduction, purification, and ATPase activity of the Escherichia coli RuvB protein involved in DNA repair",,"Journal of Bacteriology",,"Vol. 171","No. 10","pp. 5276-5280",1989,Oct. "S. Shinagawa,Makino, K.,Amemura, M.,Kimura, S.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Nakata, A.","Structure and regulation of the Escherichia coli ruv operon involved in DNA repair and recombination.",,"Journal of bacteriology",,"Vol. 170","No. 9","pp. 4322-4329",1988,Sept. "Shinagawa, H.,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Kato, T.,Nakata, A.","RecA protein-dependent cleavage of UmuD protein and SOS mutagenesis",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America",,"Vol. 85","No. 6","pp. 1806-1810",1988,Mar.