"Shinji Tanishima,Yasunori Kotani,Chikako Takeda,Tokumitsu Mihara,Shinya Ogawa,Akira Matsubara,Takashi Goto,Takahiro Hirayama,Hideki Hashizume,Junichiro Arai,Daichi Mukunoki,Hideki Nagashima","Relationship between facial color changes and psychological problems associated with low back pain",,"Medicina",,"Vol. 58","No. 10",,2022,Oct. "Yoshimi Ohgami,Yasunori Kotani,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Effect of unilateral stimulus presentation on components of stimulus-preceding negativity","The 55th Annual Meeting of Society for Psychophysiological Research","Psychophysiology",,"Vol. 52"," Supplement 1"," S72",2015,Sept. "Yasunori Kotani,Yoshimi Ohgami,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Neural substrates of early and late stimulus-preceding negativity: fMRI-constrained ERP source analysis (poster version)","The 55th Annual Meeting of Society for Psychophysiological Research","Psychophysiology",,"Vol. 52"," Supplement 1"," S72",2015,Sept. "Yasunori Kotani,Yoshimi Ohgami,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Neural substrates of early and late stimulus-preceding negativity: fMRI-constrained ERP source analysis (symposium version)",,"PPsychophysiology","Blackwell","Vol. 51"," Supplement 1"," Addendum",2015,Sept. "Yasunori Kotani,Yoshimi Ohgami,Takayuki Ishiwata,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Source analysis of stimulus-preceding negativity constrained by functional magnetic resonance imaging",,"Biological Psychology",,"Vol. 111",,"pp. 53-64",2015,Aug. "Yoshimi Ohgami,Yasunori Kotani,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Early and late components of stimulus-preceding negativity prior to face, word, and symbol stimuli","17th World Congress of Psychophysiology (IOP2014) of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP)","International Journal of Psychophysiology",,"Vol. 94","No. 2","p. 203",2014,Sept. "Yoshimi Ohgami,Yasunori Kotani,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Components of stimulus-preceding negativity before face, word, and symbol Stimuli","54rd Annual Meeting of Society for Psychophysiological Research","Psychophysiology",,"Vol. 51"," Supplement 1"," S56",2014,Sept. "Yasunori Kotani,Yoshimi Ohgami,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","fMRI constrained source analysis on stimulus-preceding negativity","54rd Annual Meeting of Society for Psychophysiological Research","Psychophysiology",,"Vol. 51"," Supplement 1"," S65",2014,Sept. "Yasunori Kotani,Yoshimi Ohgami,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Physiological sources of stimulus-preceding negativity: source analysis using fMRI and ERP","17th World Congress of Psychophysiology (IOP2014) of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP)","International Journal of Psychophysiology",,"Vol. 94","No. 2","p. 200",2014,Sept. "Yoshimi Ohgami,Yasunori Kotani,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Network involving the right anterior insular cortex depends n the contents of anticipated visual stimuli","53rd Annual Meeting of Society for Psychophysiological Research","Psychophysiology",,"Vol. 50"," Supplement 1"," S28",2013,Oct. "Yasunori Kotani,Yoshimi Ohgami,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Activity in the insular cortex involved in anticipation of positive and negative feedback stimuli","53rd Annual Meeting of Society for Psychophysiological Research","Psychophysiology",,"Vol. 50"," Supplement 1"," S29",2013,Oct. "Yoshimi Ohgami,Yasunori Kotani,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Brain activations in anticipatory attention prior to face, word, and symbol stimuli","2013 Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping","2013 Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping Abstract Book",,,,"p. 85",2013,June "Yasunori Kotani,Yoshimi Ohgami,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Effect of unilateral stimulus presentation on neural systems of anterior insular cortex","2013 Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping","2013 Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping Abstract Book",,,,"p. 85",2013,June "Yasunori Kotani,Yoshimi Ohgami,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Neural systems of anterior insular cortex involved in anticipation of unilateral stimulus presentation","Society for Psychophysiological Research 52nd Annual Meeting","Psychophysiology",,"Volume 49"," Supplement 1"," S41",2012,Sept. "Yoshimi Ohgami,Yasunori Kotani,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Anticipatory attention prior to face, word, and symbolic stimuli: An fMRI study","Society for Psychophysiological Research 52nd Annual Meeting","Psychophysiology",,"Vol. 49"," Supplement 1"," S41",2012,Sept. "Yasunori Kotani,Yoshimi Ohgami,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Right anterior insular cortex modulates anticipatory attention network via anterior cingulate cortex","The 2012 International Neuropsychological Society Mid-Year Meeting/11th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology","The 2012 International Neuropsychological Society Mid-Year Meeting/11th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology Final Program with Abstracts",,,,"p. 18",2012,June "Yoshimi Ohgami,Yasunori Kotani,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Anticipatory Attention for Facial, Verbal, and Symbolic Feedback Stimuli: An ERP Study","The 2012 International Neuropsychological Society Mid-Year Meeting/11th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology","The 2012 International Neuropsychological Society Mid-Year Meeting/11th Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology Final Program with Abstracts",,,,"p. 19",2012,June "Yasunori Kotani,Yoshimi Ohgami,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Motor and nonmotor component of event-brain potential in preparation of motor response",,"Journal of Behavioral and Brain Seicence",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 234-241",2011,June "Yasunori Kotani,Yoshimi Ohgami,Jun-ichiro Arai,Shigeru Kiryu,Yusuke Inoue","Effect of task difficulty on neural systems of right anterior insular cortex, Psychophysiology",,,,"Vol. 48"," Supplement 1"," S78",2011,