"Takashi Tanaka,Naoki Wakiya,Akira Osada,Osamu Sakurai,Kazuo Shinozaki","Effect of [001] Oriented Cr2O3 Buffer Layer on Crystalline Al2O3 Thin Film","The 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC3).","The 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC3).",,,"No. 16pP046",,2009,June "Naoki Wakiya,Takeshi Kitayama,Naonori Sakamoto,Hisao Suzuki,Teiko Kadowaki,keisuke fujito,Hidemitsu Takaoka,Akira Osada,TAKANORI KIGUCHI,Kazuo Shinozaki","Control of poly-type and mechanical properties of Al2O3 film prepared by pulsed laser deposition and rf magnetron sputtering","The IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2008","The IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2008",,,"# IO-6","p. 73",2008,Dec.