"G. Ince,K. Nakadai,T. Rodemann,Y. Hasegawa,H. Tsujino,J. Imura","A hybrid framework for ego noise cancellation of a robot",,"in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA)",,,," 3623-3628",2010,May "G. Ince,K. Nakadai,T. Rodemann,H. Tsujino,J. Imura","Multi-talker Speech Recognition under Ego-motion Noise using Missing Feature Theory",,"Proc. of 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems",,,,"pp. 982 - 987",2010, "G. Ince,K. Nakadai,T. Rodemann,H. Tsujino,J. Imura","A Robust Speech Recognition System against the Ego Noise of a Robot",,"Proceedings of Interspeech 2010",,,,"pp. 2070 - 2073",2010, "G. Ince,K. Nakadai,T. Rodemann,H. Tsujino,J. Imura","Robust Ego Noise Suppression of a Robot",,"Trends in Applied Intelligent Systems",," LNAI 6096,",,"pp. 62-71",2010, "Ince Gokhan,kazuhiro nakadai,Tobias Rodemann,Yuji Hasegawa,Hiroshi Tsujino,Jun-ichi Imura","Ego Noise Suppression of a Robot Using Template Subtraction","2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems",,,,,"pp. 199/204",2009,Oct.