"Yosuke Imamura,Masato Inoue","Brane expansions for anti-symmetric line operator index",,"Journal of High Energy Physics",,,,,2024,Aug. "Yosuke Imamura","Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics",,"Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics",,"Volume 2024","Issue 6",,2024,June "Shota Fujiwara,Yosuke Imamura,Tatsuya Mori,Shuichi Murayama,Daisuke Yokoyama","Simple-Sum Giant Graviton Expansions for Orbifolds and Orientifolds",,"Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics",,"Volume 2024","Issue 2",,2024,Jan. "Pei-Ming Ho,Yosuke Imamura,Hikaru Kawai,Wei-Hsiang Shao","A Stringy Effect on Hawking Radiation",,"Journal of High Energy Physics",,,,,2023,Dec. "Yosuke Imamura,Shuichi Murayama","Holographic index calculation for Argyres?Douglas and Minahan?Nemeschansky theories",,"Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics",,"Volume 2022","Issue 11",,2022,Sept. "Yosuke Imamura","Analytic continuation for giant gravitons",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Yosuke Imamura","Finite-N superconformal index via the AdS/CFT correspondence",,"Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics",,"Vol. 2021","No. 12"," 123B05",2021,Oct. "Yosuke Imamura,Shota Fujiwara,Tatsuya Mori","Flavor symmetries of six-dimensional N=(1,0) theories from AdS/CFT correspondence",,,,,,,2021,May "Reona Arai,Yosuke Imamura,Shota Fujiwara,Tatsuya Mori,Daisuke Yokoyama","Finite-N corrections to the M-brane indices",,,,,,,2020,Nov. "Reona Arai,Yosuke Imamura,Shota Fujiwara,Tatsuya Mori","Finite N corrections to the superconformal index of toric quiver gauge theories",,,,,,,2020,Apr. "Yosuke Imamura,Reona Arai,Shota Fujiwara,Tatsuya Mori","Schur index of the N=4 U(N) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory via the AdS/CFT correspondence",,,,,,,2020,Apr. "Yosuke Imamura,Reona Arai,Shota Fujiwara,Tatsuya Mori","Finite N corrections to the superconformal index of orbifold quiver gauge theories",,"Journal of High Energy Physics",,,,,2019,Oct. "Yosuke Imamura,Reona Arai","Finite N Corrections to the Superconformal Index of S-fold Theories",,"Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics",,,,,2019,Aug. "Yosuke Imamura,Reona Arai,Shota Fujiwara","BPS Partition Functions for S-folds",,"Journal of High Energy Physics","BPS partition functions for S-folds",,,,2019,May "Yosuke Imamura,Hirotaka Kato","Codimension-2 brane solutions of maximal supergravities in 9, 8, and 7 dimensions",,"Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics",,,,,2018,May "Yosuke Imamura","Orbifold Schur Index and IR formula",,"Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics",,,,,2018,Apr. "今村洋介","超重力理論についてのノート",,"素粒子論研究・電子版",,"Vol. 22","No. 3",,2016,Jan. "今村洋介","T-双対性についてのノート",,"素粒子論研究・電子版",,"Vol. 22","No. 2",,2016,Jan. "Yosuke Imamura,Kato, H.,Yokoyama, D.","Supersymmetry enhancement and junctions in S-folds",,"Journal of High Energy Physics",,"Vol. 2016","No. 10",,2016, "Yosuke Imamura,Yokoyama, S.","Superconformal index of N =3 orientifold theories",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical",,"Vol. 49","No. 43",,2016, "Yosuke Imamura","Index calculation by means of harmonic expansion",,"Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics","Oxforf Journals","Vol. 11","No. 11B","Page 105",2015, "今村洋介,松野 寛樹","19aSF-4 Supersymmetric backgrounds from 5d N=1 supergravity",,"日本物理学会講演概要集","一般社団法人日本物理学会","Vol. 69","No. 2","pp. 10",2014,Aug. "Yosuke Imamura,Matsuno, H.","Supersymmetric backgrounds from 5d N = 1 supergravity",,"Journal of High Energy Physics",,"Vol. 2014","No. 7",,2014, "Yosuke Imamura,Matsuno, H.,Yokoyama, D.","Factorization of the S3/ Zn partition function",,"Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology",,"Vol. 89","No. 8",,2014, "今村洋介,松野 寛樹,横山 大輔","21pSF-8 Factorization of orbifolded partition function",,"日本物理学会講演概要集","一般社団法人日本物理学会","Vol. 68","No. 2","pp. 7",2013,Aug. "今村洋介","M2ブレーンとABJM模型",,"日本物理學會誌","一般社団法人日本物理学会","Vol. 68","No. 7","pp. 442-449",2013,July "Yosuke Imamura","Supersymmetric theories on a squashed five-sphere",,"Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics",,"Vol. 2013","No. 1",,2013, "Yosuke Imamura","Perturbative partition function for a squashed S5",,"Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics",,"Vol. 2013","No. 7",,2013, "Yosuke Imamura,Yokoyama, D.","S3/Znpartition function and dualities",,"Journal of High Energy Physics",,"Vol. 2012","No. 11",,2012, "Yosuke Imamura,Yokoyama, D.","N=2 supersymmetric theories on squashed three-sphere",,"Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology",,"Vol. 85","No. 2",,2012, "Yosuke Imamura","Relation between the 4d superconformal index and the S3partition function",,"Journal of High Energy Physics",,"Vol. 2011","No. 9",,2011, "Yosuke Imamura,Yokoyama, D.,Yokoyama, S.","Superconformal index for large N quiver Chern-Simons theories",,"Journal of High Energy Physics",,"Vol. 2011","No. 8",,2011, "Yosuke Imamura,Yokoyama, S.","Index for three dimensional superconformal field theories with general R-charge assignments",,"Journal of High Energy Physics",,"Vol. 2011","No. 4",,2011, "Yosuke Imamura,Yokoyama, S.","Twisted sectors in gravity duals of N = 4 Chern-Simons theories",,"Journal of High Energy Physics",,"Vol. 2010","No. 11",,2010,