"Joris Prou,Kikuo Kishimoto,Kazuaki Inaba,Andrei Constantinescu","Inverse Analysis of Multiple Indentation Curves for Thin Film Young's Modulus Evaluation",,"Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan","National Committee for IUTAM","Vol. 60",,"pp. 249-261",2012,Feb. "joris prou,KIKUO KISHIMOTO,Kazuaki Inaba,Andrei Constantinescu","Evaluation of Thin Film Elastic Modulus from Inverse Analysis of Multiple Indentation Unloading Curves","The 60th National Congress of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics","Proceedings of The 60th National Congress of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics",,,,,2011,Mar. "Joris Prou,Kikuo Kishimoto,Andrei Constantinescu","Identification of Youngfs Modulus from Indentation Testing and Inverse Analysis",,"Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering",,"Vol. 4","No. 6","pp. 781-795",2010,June "joris prou,KIKUO KISHIMOTO,Andrei Constantinescu","Identification of Thin Films Young's Modulus from Continuous Indentation Test and Inverse Analysis","The IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics","Proceedings of the IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics",,,,,2010,May "KIKUO KISHIMOTO,joris prou,TADAHARU ADACHI,Andrei Constantinescu","Indentification of Elastic Material Parameters from Indentation Test","The 5th Tokyo Tech.-POSTECH-KUN Joint Workshop on Mechanical Engineering","The 5th Tokyo Tech.-POSTECH-KUN Joint Workshop on Mechanical Engineering",,,,"p. 56",2009,Sept.