"Yoichi Yamazaki,Hai An Vu,Quang Phuc Le,Kazuya Fukuda,Yui Matsuura,Mohammed Skander Hannachi,fangyan dong,Yasufumi Takama,KAORU HIROTA","Mascot Robot System by Integrating Eye Robot and Speech Recognition using RT Middleware and its Casual Information Recommendation","The 3rd Int. Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications (ISCIIA2008)",,,,,"pp. 375-384",2008,Nov. "Yukiko Uehara,Yamazaki,Yuta Masuda,Hai An Vu,Kazuya Fukuda,Yui Matsuura,Quang Phuc Le,Mohamed Skander Hannachi,Fangyan Dong,Yasufumi TAKAMA,KAORU HIROTA","Speasker Emotion Inference Module and its Application to Mascot Robot System","5th Int. Symposoim on Management Engineering (ISME2008)",,,,,"pp. 299-306",2008,Mar. "Hai An Vu,Yoichi Yamazaki,Kazuya Fukuda,Yui Matsuura,Quang Phuc Le,Hitoho Oikawa,Kazuhiro Ohnishi,Yasufumi Takama,fangyan dong,KAORU HIROTA","The Interrupt of Mascot Robot System Embedded in RT Middleware Based on Fuzzy Logic",,"Mechanics, J. of Automatic Control and Robotics",,"Vol. 7","No. 1","pp. 11/28",2008,