"Zhentao Liu,Min Wu,Danyun Li,Luefeng Chen,fangyan dong,Yoichi Yamazaki,KAORU HIROTA","Concept of Fuzzy Atmosfield for Representing Communication Atmosphere and its Application to Humans-Robots Interaction",,"J.of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics",,"Vol. 17","No. 1","pp. 3/17",2013,Jan. "Luefeng Chen,Zhentao Liu,fangyan dong,Yoichi Yamazaki,Min Wu,KAORU HIROTA","Adapting Multi-Robot Behavior to Communication Atmosphere in Human-Robots Interaction Using Fuzzy Production Rule Based Friend-Q Learning",,"J. of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics",,"Vol. 17","No. 1","pp. 291/301",2013,Jan. "Zhentao Liu,Min Wu,Danyun Li,Luefeng Chen,fangyan dong,Yoichi Yamazaki,KAORU HIROTA","Communication Atmosphere in Humans and Robots Interaction Based on the Concept of Fuzzy Atmosfield Generated by Emotional States of Humans and Robots",,"J. of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems",,"Vol. 7","No. 2","pp. 52-63",2013, "Luefeng Chen,Zhentao Liu,fangyan dong,Yoichi Yamazaki,Min Wu,KAORU HIROTA","Multi-Robot Behavior Adaptation to Communication Atmosphere in Humans-Robots Interaction Using Fuzzy Production Rule Based Frient-Q Learning","International Symposium on Soft Computing sponsored by ASPIRE League",,,,,,2012,Nov. "Zhentao Liu,fangyan dong,Min Wu,Danyun Li,Yoichi Yamazaki,KAORU HIROTA","Emotional States Based 3-D Fuzzy Atmosfield for Casual Communication between Humans and Robots","2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE2011)",,,,,"pp. 777/782",2011,June "Yingxin Liao,Min Wu,Jin-Hua She,KAORU HIROTA","Sequential Growing-and-Pruning Learning for Recurrent Neural Networks Using Unscented or Extended Kalman Filter","27th Chinese Control Conference",,,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 242-247",2008,July