"H. Ishii,R. Tempo","Markov chains and ranking problems in web search",,"Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, 2nd ed, T. Samad and J. Baillieul (editors)","Springer",,,,2021,July "Hideaki Ishii,R. Tempo","Markov chains and ranking problems in web search",,"Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, T. Samad and J. Baillieul (editors)","Springer",,,,2015, "石井 秀明,Roberto Tempo,Er-Wei Bai","不確かな通信を介した集約ウェブに基づく分散型確率PageRank アルゴリズム","第39 回制御理論シンポジウム予稿集,計測自動制御学会",,,,,,2010,Sept. "Hideaki Ishii,Roberto Tempo","Distributed Randomized Algorithms for the PageRank Computation",,"IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control",,"Vol. 55",,"pp. 1987-2002",2010, "Hideaki Ishii,Roberto Tempo","Distributed PageRank computation with link failures",,"Perspectives in Mathematical System Theory, Control, and Signal Processing, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences","Springer","vol. 398",,"pp. 139-150",2010, "石井 秀明,Roberto Tempo","分散型確率アルゴリズムに基づくPage Rank 計算","システム・情報部門学術講演会予稿集,計測自動制御学会",,,,,,2009,Dec. "Hideaki Ishii,Roberto Tempo","Computing the PageRank variation for fragile web data",,"SICE J. Control, Measurement, and System Integration",,"vol. 2","no. 1","pp. 1-9",2009,Jan. "Hideaki Ishii,Roberto Tempo","Fragile link structure in PageRank computation",,"Proc. 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and Chinese Control Conference",,,,"pp. 121-126",2009, "Hideaki Ishii,Roberto Tempo","Distributed PageRank computation with link failures",,"Proc. 2009 American Control Conference",,,,"pp. 1976-1981",2009, "Hideaki Ishii,Roberto Tempo,Er-Wei Bai,Fabrizzio Dabbene","Er-Wei Bai, and Fabrizzio Dabbene, Distributed randomized PageRank computation based on Web aggregation","Proc. 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and Chinese Control Conference",,,,,"pp. 3026-3031",2009, "Hideaki Ishii,Roberto Tempo","Probabilistic sorting and stabilization of switched systems",,"Automatica",,"vol. 45",,"pp. 776-782",2009, "石井 秀明,Roberto Tempo","Page Rank アルゴリズムに対する分散型確率的アプローチ","第8回制御部門大会予稿集,計測自動制御学会",,,,,,2008,May "Hideaki Ishii,Roberto Tempo","Probabilistic sorting and stabilization of switched systems",,"Proc. 17th IFAC World Congress",,,,"pp. 402-407",2008, "Hideaki Ishii,Roberto Tempo","A distributed randomized approach for the PageRank computation: Part 1",,"Proc. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control",,,,"pp. 3523-3528",2008,