"塚崎 敦,中野 匡規,大友 明,上野 和紀,赤坂 俊輔,湯地 洋行,中原 健,福村 知昭,川崎 雅司","酸化亜鉛系分極不整合界面の2次元伝導と導電性高分子を用いた伝導性制御",,"まてりあ",,"Vol. 49","No. 7","pp. 312",2010,July "S. Chakraverty,A. Ohtomo,M. Okude,K. Ueno,M. Kawasaki","Epitaxial structure of (001)- and (111)-oriented perovskite ferrate films grown by pulsed-laser deposition",,"Crystal Growth & Design","American Chemical Society","Vol. 10","No. 4","pp. 1725-1729",2010,Apr. "M. Nakano,A. Tsukazaki,A. Ohtomo,K. Ueno,S. Akasaka,H. Yuji,K. Nakahara,T. Fukumura,M. Kawasaki","Electronic-field control of two-dimensional electrons in polymer-gated-oxide semiconductor heterostructures",,"Advanced Materials",,"Vol. 22","No. 8","pp. 876-879",2010,Feb. "M. Nakano,A. Tsukazaki,K. Ueno,R. Y. Gunji,A. Ohtomo,T. Fukumura,M. Kawasaki","Spatial distribution of two-dimensional electron gas in a ZnO/Mg0.2Zn0.8O heterostructure probed with a conducting polymer Schottky contact",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 96","No. 5"," 052116-1-3",2010,Feb. "K. Ueno,S. Nakamura,H. Shimotani,A. Ohtomo,N. Kimura,T. Nojima,H. Aoki,Y. Iwasa,M. Kawasaki","Electric-field charge accumulation and induced-superconductivity in an insulator","IEEE International Magnetics Conference",,,,,,2009,May "K. Ueno,S. Nakamura,H. Shimotani,A. Ohtomo,N. Kimura,T. Nojima,H. Aoki,Y. Iwasa,M. Kawasaki","Field-effect modulation of superconductivity in non-doped SrTiO3 single crystal with double gate configuration","MRS 2009 Spring Meeting",,,,,,2009,Apr. "上野 和紀,中村 慎太郎,下谷 秀和,大友 明,野島 勉,木村 憲彰,青木 晴善,岩佐 義宏,川崎 雅司","ダブルゲート構造を用いたSrTiO3の超伝導制御析","2009年春季 第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会",,,,,,2009,Mar. "K. Ueno,S. Nakamura,H. Shimotani,A. Ohtomo,N. Kimura,T. Nojima,H. Aoki,Y. Iwasa,M. Kawasaki","Phase diagram of superconductivity in non-doped SrTiO3 single crystalmodulated by electric field-effect","The WPI-AIMR 2009 March Annual Workshop",,,,,,2009,Mar. "K. Ueno,H. Shimotani,A. Ohtomo,T. Nojima,H. Aoki,Y. Iwasa,M. Kawasaki","Electrostatic tuning of superconductivity in non-doped SrTiO3 with double gate configuration","科研費特定領域「異常量子物質の創製 - 新しい物理を生む新物質 -」2008年度成果報告会",,,,,,2009,Jan. "M. Nakano,T. Makino,A. Tsukazaki,K. Ueno,A. Ohtomo,T. Fukumura,H. Yuji,Y. Nishimoto,S. Akasaka,D. Takamizu,K. Nakahara,T. Tanabe,A. Kamisawa,M. Kawasaki","MgxZn1-xO-based Schottky photodiode for highly color-selective ultraviolet light detection",,"Applied Physics Express",,"Vol. 1","No. 12"," 121201-1-3",2008,Dec. "K. Ueno,S. Nakamura,H. Shimotani,A. Ohtomo,N. Kimura,T. Nojima,H. Aoki,Y. Iwasa,M. Kawasaki","Electric-field-induced superconductivity in an insulator",,"Nature Materials",,"Vol. 7","No. 11","pp. 855-858",2008,Oct. "M. Nakano,T. Makino,A. Tsukazaki,K. Ueno,A. Ohtomo,T. Fukumura,H. Yuji,S. Akasaka,K. Tamura,K. Nakahara,T. Tanabe,A. Kamisawa,M. Kawasaki","Transparent polymer Schottky contact for a high performance visible-blind ultraviolet photodiode based on ZnO",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 93","No. 12"," 123309-1-3",2008,Sept. "M. Okude,K. Ueno,S. Itoh,M. Kikuchi,A. Ohtomo,M. Kawasaki","Effect of in situ annealed SnO2 buffer layer on structural and electrical properties of (001) SnO2/TiO2 heterostructures",,"Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics",,"Vol. 41","No. 12"," 125309-1-4",2008,May "S. Okazaki,N. Okazaki,Y. Hirose,J. Nishimura,K. Ueno,A. Ohtomo,M. Kawasaki,H. Koinuma,T. Hasegawa","Quantitative conductivity mapping of SrTiO3-LaAlO3-LaTiO3 ternary composition-spread thin film by scanning microwave microscope",,"Applied Physics Express","The Japan Society of Applied Physics","Vol. 1","No. 5"," 055003-1-3",2008,Apr. "M. Watanabe,T. Kita,T. Fukumura,A. Ohtomo,K. Ueno,M. Kawasaki","High-throughput screening for combinatorial thin-film library of thermoelectric materials",,"Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry",,"Vol. 10","No. 2","pp. 175-178",2008,Feb. "M. Watanabe,T. Kita,T. Fukumura,A. Ohtomo,K. Ueno,M. Kawasaki","Combinatorial synthesis and high throughput evaluation of thermoelectric power factor in Mg-Si-Ge ternary compounds",,"Applied Surface Science",,"Vol. 254","No. 3","pp. 777-780",2007,Nov. "M. Nakano,A. Tsukazaki,R. Y. Gunji,K. Ueno,A. Ohtomo,T. Fukumura,M. Kawasaki","Schottky contact on a ZnO (0001) single crystal with conducting polymer",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 91","No. 14"," 142113-1-3",2007,Oct. "K. Ueno,A. Ohtomo,F. Sato,M. Kawasaki","Field-effect modulation of transport properties of charge-ordered La1/3Sr2/3FeO3 thin films",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 73","No. 16"," 165103-1-5",2006,Apr.