"Jun Jiang,Shin-Ichiro Kuroki,Koji Kotani,Takashi Ito","Ferroelectric Properties of Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Film on Glass Substrate Crystallized by Continuous-Wave Green Laser Annealing","Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP)","Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP)","Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP)","Vol. 49",,"pp. 04DH14-1-4",2010,Apr. "Jun Jiang,Shin-Ichiro Kuroki,Koji Kotani,Takashi Ito","Highly-(001)-Oriented Ferroelectric PZT Thin Films on Glass by CW Green-Laser Crystallization","2009 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2009)","Extended Abstracts of the 2009 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2009)","2009 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2009)",,,"pp. 885-886",2009,Oct.