"Hugo Maruyama,Minsang Shin,Toshiyuki Oda,Rie Matsumi,Ryosuke L. Ohniwa,Katsuhiko Shirahige,Tadayuki Imanaka,Haruyuki Atomi,Shige H. Yoshimura,Kunio Takeyasu","Histone and TK0471/TrmBL2 form a novel heterogeneous genome architecture in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis.",,"Molecular biology of the cell",," 22"," 3"," 386-98",2011,Feb. "Hugo Maruyama,Minsang Shin,Toshiyuki Oda,Rie Matsumi,Ryosuke L. Ohniwa,Takehiko Itoh,Katsuhiko Shirahige,Tadayuki Imanaka,Haruyuki Atomi,Shige H. Yoshimura,Kunio Takeyasu","Histone and TK0471/TrmBL2 form a novel heterogeneous genome architecture in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis",,"Molecular Biology of the Cell",,"Vol. 22","No. 3","pp. 386-398",2011,Feb.