"Alexander Kurze,Katharine A Michie,Sarah E Dixon,Ajay Mishra,Takehiko Itoh,Syma Khalid,Lana Strmecki,Katsuhiko Shirahige,Christian H Haering,Jan Lowe,Kim Nasmyth","A positively charged channel within the Smc1/Smc3 hinge required for sister chromatid cohesion",,"Embo Journal",,"Vol. 30","No. 2","pp. 364-378",2011, "Alexander Kurze,Katharine A Michie,Sarah E Dixon,Ajay Mishra,Syma Khalid,Lana Strmecki,Katsuhiko Shirahige,Christian H Haering,Jan L?we,Kim Nasmyth","A positively charged channel within the Smc1/Smc3 hinge required for sister chromatid cohesion",,"The EMBO journal","European Molecular Biology Organization",,,,2010,Dec.