"Kentaro Saji,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Deformations of cuspidal edges in a 3-dimensional space form",,"Kodai Math. J.",,"Vol. 44",,,2024,Mar. "Masaaki Umehara,Naoya Ando","Umbilics of surfaces in the Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space",,"Results Math.",,"Vol. 78",,,2023,Sept. "Atsufumi Honda,Naokawa Kosuke,Kentaro Saji,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Symmetries of cross caps",,"TOHOKU MATH. J.",,"Vol. 75",,,2023,Mar. "梅原 雅顕,一木 俊助","これからの集合と位相",,,"裳華房",,,,2022,Nov. "Shoichi Fujimori,Yu Kawakami,Masatoshi Kokubu,Masaaki Umehara,Wayne Rossman,Kotaro Yamada,Seong-Deog Yang","Analytic extensions of constant mean curvature one geometric catenoids in de Sitter 3-space",,"Differential geometry and its applications",,"Volume 84",,,2022,Oct. "Atsufumi Honda,Naokawa Kosuke,Kentaro Saji,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","A generalization of zakalyukin's lemma, and symmetries of surface singularities",,"Journal of Singularities",,"Vol. 25",,,2022,Oct. "Atsufumi Honda,Kosuke Naokawa,Kentaro Saji,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","On the existence of four or more curved foldings with common creases and crease patterns",,"Beitr?ge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry",,,,,2021,Oct. "Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Hypersurfaces with light-like points in a Lorentzian manifold II",,"Kodai Math. J.",,"Vol. 44","No. 1",,2021,Mar. "Atsufumi Honda,Naokawa Kosuke,Kotaro Yamada,Masaaki Umehara","Isometric deformations of wave fronts at non-degenerate singular points",,"HIROSHIMA MATH. J.",,"Vol. 50","No. 3","Page 269--312",2020,Nov. "Atsufumi Honda,Naokawa Kosuke,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Curved foldings with common creases and crease patterns",,"Adv. Appl. Math.",,"Vol. 121",,"Page 25",2020,Oct. "Atsufumi Honda,Naokawa Kosuke,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Duality on generalized cuspidal edges preserving singular set images and first fundamental forms",,"J. of Singul.",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 59--91",2020,Aug. "Atsufumi Honda,Naokawa Kosuke,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Cuspidal edges with the same first fundamental forms along a knot",,":J. Knot Theory Ramifications",,"Vol. 29","No. 7",,2020,June "Akamine Shintaro,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Improvement of the Bernstein-type theorem for space-like zero mean curvature graphs in Lorentz-Minkowski space using fluid mechanical duality",,"Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 17-27",2020,Feb. "S. Akamine,A. Honda,M. Umehara,K.Yamada","Bernstein-type theorem for zero mean curvature hypersurfaces without time-like points in Lorentz-Minkowski space",,"Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series",,,," https://doi.org/10.1007/s00574-020-00196-8",2020,Jan. "K. Enomoto,Y. KItagawa,M. Umehara","Extrinsic diameter of immersed flat tori in the 3-sphere II",,"Journal of Geometry",,"Vol. 111"," 0047-2468/20/010001-26",,2020,Jan. "M. Umehara,K. Yamada","Hypersurfaces with light-like points in a Lorentzian manifold",,"Journal of Geometric Analysis",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 3405-3437",2019,Dec. "S. Akamine,M. Umehara,K.Yamada","Space-like maximal surfaces containing entire null lines in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space",,"Proc. Japan Acad. Ser.A, Math. Sci.",,"Vol. 95","No. 9","pp. 97-102",2019,Oct. "Atsufumi Honda,Naokawa Kosuke,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Isometric realization of cross caps as formal power series and its applications",,"Hokkaido Mathematical Journal",,"Vol. 48","No. 1","pp. 1-44",2019,Feb. "Shoichi Fujimori,Yu Kawakami,Masatoshi Kokubu,Wayne Rossman,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Exceptional constant mean curvature one catenoids in de Sitter 3-space",,,,,,,2019,Jan. "Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Surfaces with light-like points in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space with applications","International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry GELOMA 2016","Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statisticsbook series (PROMS, volume 211)","Springer International Publishing","Vol. 211",,"pp. 253--273",2018,Mar. "梅原雅顕,山田光太郎,佐治健太郎","特異点をもつ曲線と曲面の幾何学",,"特異点をもつ曲線と曲面の微分幾何学","丸善出版",,,,2017,Dec. "Shoichi Fujimori,Udo Hertrich-Jeromin,Masatoshi Kokubu,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Quadrics and Scherk towers",,"Monatshefte f?r Mathematik","Springer-Verlag",,,,2017,July "Atsufumi Honda,Miyuki Koiso,Masatoshi Kokubu,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Mixed type surfaces with bounded mean curvature in 3-dimensional space-times",,"Differential Geometry and its Applications",,"Vol. 52",,"pp. 64-77",2017,June "Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces",,"Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces","World Scientific",,,,2017,May "Naoya Ando,Toshfumi Fujiyama,Masaaki Umehara","C^1-umbilics with arbitrary high indices",,,,"Vol. 288","No. 1",,2017,May "FUJIMORI SHOICHI,KAWAKAMI YU,KOKUBU MASATOSHI,ROSSMAN WAYNE,UMEHARA MASAAKI,YAMADA KOTARO","ANALYTIC EXTENSION OF JORGE-MEEKS TYPE MAXIMAL SURFACES IN LORENTZ-MINKOWSKI 3-SPACE",,"Osaka Journal of Mathematics","Osaka University and Osaka City University, Departments of Mathematics","Vol. 54","No. 2","pp. 249-272",2017,Mar. "Shoichi Fujimori,Yu Kawakami,Masatoshi Kokubu,Wayne Rossman,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Zero mean curvatrue entire graphs of mixed type in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space",,"The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics",,"Volume 67","No. 4","pp. 801-837",2016,Dec. "Kosuke Naokawa,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Isometric deformations of cuspidal edges",,"Tohoku Math. J.",,"Vol. 68","No. 1","pp. 73-90",2016,Mar. "梅原雅顕","曲面の臍点の指数について","福岡大学微分幾何研究会",,,,,,2015,Nov. "Udo Hertrich-Jeromin,Yshihiko Suyama,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","A duality for conformally flat hypersurfaces",,"Beitraege zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry",,"Vol. 56","No. 2"," 655-676",2015,Oct. "梅原雅顕,山田光太郎","曲線と曲面・微分幾何的アプローチ(改訂版)",,,"裳華房",,,,2015,Feb. "Shoichi Fujimori,Young Wook Kim,Sung-Eun Koh,Wayne Rossman,Heayong Shin,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada,Seong-Deog Yang","Zero mean curvature surfaces in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space and 2-dimensional fuluid mechanics",,"Math. J. Okayama Univ.",,"Vol. 57","No. 1","pp. 173-200",2015,Jan. "Shoichi Fujimori,Young Wook Kim,Sung-Eun Koh,Wayne Rossman,Heayong Shin,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada,Seong-Deog Yang","Zero mean curvature surfaces in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space which change type across a light-like line",,"OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS",,"Vol. 57","No. 1","pp. 285-297",2015,Jan. "hiro gounai,Masaaki Umehara","Caustics of convex curves",,"Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications",,"Vol. 23","No. 10","pp. 1-28",2014,Sept. "Hasegawa Masaru,Honda Atsufumi,Kosuke Naokawa,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Intrinsic invariants of Cross Caps",,"Selecta Math. New Ser.",,"Vol. 20",,"pp. 769--785",2014,July "Francisco Martin,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Flat surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space whose hyperbolic Gauss maps are bounded",,"Revista Matem?tica Iberoamericana",,"Vol. 30","No. 1","pp. 309--316",2014,Mar. "Shoichi Fujimori,Wayne Rossman,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada,Seong-Deog Yang","Embedded triply periodic zero mean curvature surfaces",,"Michigan Math. J.",,"Vol. 63","No. 1","pp. 189--207",2014,Mar. "Leoner Ferrer,Francisco Martin,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","A construction of a complete bounded null curves in C^3",,"Kodai Mathematical Journal",,"Vol. 37","No. 1","pp. 59--96",2014,Mar. "Gudlaugur Thorbergsson,Masaaki Umehara","A refinement of Foreman's four vertex theorem and its dual version",,"Kyoto Journal of Mathematics",,"Vol. 52",,"Page 743--758",2013,June "Syuntaro Oono,Tetsuya Ozawa,Masaaki Umehara","Closed Planar curves without inflections",,"Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.",,"Vol. 141",,"Page 651--665",2013,Feb. "Shoichi Fujimori,S.E. Koh,Y.W. Kim,Wayne Rossman,H. Shin,Hedenobu Takahashi,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada,Seong-Deog Yang","Zero mean curvature surface in L^3 containing a light-like line",,"C. R. Acad. Sxi. Paris, Ser. I",,"Vol. 350",,"Page 975--978",2012,Nov. "Shohei Shiba,Masaaki Umehara","The behavior of curvature functions at cusps and inflection points",,"Differential Geometry and its applications",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 285--299",2012,May "Kentaro Saji,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Coherent tangent bundles and Gauss-Bonnet formulas for wave fronts",,"Journal of Geometric Analysis",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 883--409",2012,Apr. "Kokubu Masatoshi,Masaaki Umehara","Orientability of linear Weingarten surfaces, spacelike CMC-1 surfaces and maximal surfaces",,"Mathematische Nachrichten",,"Vol. 384",,"pp. 1903--1918",2011,June "Shoichi Fujimori,Yu Kawakami,Masatoshi Kokubu,Wayne Rossman,M. Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","CMC-1 trinoids in H3 and metrics of constant curvature one with conical singularities on S^2",,"Prooc. Japan Academy Ser. A",,"Vol. 87",,"pp. 144--149",2011,June "Kentaro Saji,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","A_2-singularities of hypersurfaces with non-negative sectional curvature in Euclidean space",,"Kodai Math. J.",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 390--409",2011,June "Yoshhisa Kitagawa,Masaaki Umehara","Extrinsic diameter of immersed flat tori in S^3",,"Geometriae Dedicata",,"Vol. 155",,"pp. 105--140",2011,June "Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Applications of a completeness lemma in minimal surface theory to various classes of surfaces",,"Bull. Lond. Math. Soc.",,"Volume 43","No. 1","Page 191-199",2011,May "Masaaki Umehara","A simplification of the proof of Bol's conjecture on sextactic points",,"Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci.",,"Volume 87","No. 1","Page 10-12",2011,Jan. "Kentaro Saji,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Singularities of Blaschke normal maps of convex surfaces",,"C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris",,"Vol. 348","No. 11-12","Page 665-668",2010,June "Kentaro Saji,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","The duality between singular points and inflection points on wave fronts",,"Osaka J. Math.",,"Vol. 47","No. 2","Page 591-607",2010,Apr. "Shoichi Fujimoro,Wayne Rossman,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada,Seong-Deog Yang","New maximal surfaces in Minkowski 3-space with arbitrary genus and their cousins in de Sitter 3-space",,"Results Math.",,"Vol. 56","No. 4","Page 41-82",2009,Dec. "Kentaro Saji,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Ak singularities of wave fronts",,"Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.",,"Vol. 146","No. 3","Page 731-746",2009,Sept. "Masatoshi Kokubu,Wayne Rossman,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Asymptotic behavior of flat surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space",,"J. Math. Soc. Japan",,"Vol. 61","No. 3","Page 799-852",2009,Sept. "Shoichi Fujimori,Wayne Rossman,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada,Seong-Deog Yang","Spacelike mean curvature one surfaces in de Sitter 3-space",,"Comm. Anal. Geom.",,"Vol. 17","No. 3","Page 383-427",2009,Sept. "Francisco Martin,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Complete bounded holomorphic curves immersed in C^2 with arbitrary genus",,"Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.",,"Vol. 137","No. 10","Page 3437-3450",2009,June "Kentaro Saji,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","The geometry of fronts",,"Ann. of Math.",,"Vol. 169","No. 2","Page 491-529",2009,Apr. "Satoko Murata,Masaaki Umehara","Flat surfaces with singularities in Euclidean 3-space",,"J. Differential Geom.",,"Vol. 82","No. 2","Page 279-316",2009,Apr. "Francisco Martin,Masaaki Umehara,Kotaro Yamada","Complete bounded null curves immersed in C^3 and SL(2,C)",,"Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations",,"Vol. 36","No. 1",,2009,Feb. "梅原雅顕,山田光太郎","曲線と曲面",,"曲線と曲面-微分幾何的アプローチ-","裳華房",,,,2002,June "SAJI Kentaro,UMEHARA Masaaki,YAMADA Kotaro","An index formula for a bundle homomorphism of the tangent bundle into a vector bundle of the same rank, and its applications",,"Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan","一般社団法人 日本数学会","Vol. 69","No. 1","pp. 417-457",,