"Kazumasa Ohno","Theoretical modeling of mineral cloud formation on super-Earths",,,,,,,2020,Mar. "Kazumasa Ohno","Theoretical modeling of mineral cloud formation on super-Earths",,,,,,,2020,Mar. "Kazumasa Ohno","Theoretical modeling of mineral cloud formation on super-Earths",,,,,,,2020,Mar. "Kazumasa Ohno,Xi Zhang","Atmospheres on Nonsynchronized Eccentric-tilted Exoplanets. I. Dynamical Regimes",,"The Astrophysical journal",,"Vol. 874","No. 1","pp. 17",2019,Mar. "Kazumasa Ohno,Xi Zhang","Atmospheres on Nonsynchronized Eccentric-tilted Exoplanets. II. Thermal Light Curves",,"The Astrophysical journal",,"Vol. 874","No. 2","pp. 18",2019,Mar. "Kazumasa Ohno,Satoshi Okuzumi","Microphysical Modeling of Mineral Clouds in GJ1214 b and GJ436 b: Predicting Upper Limits on the Cloud-top Height",,"The Astrophysical journal",,"Vol. 859","No. 34","pp. 17",2018,May "Kazumasa Ohno,Satoshi Okuzumi","A Condensation-coalescence Cloud Model for Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Formulation and Test Applications to Terrestrial and Jovian Clouds",,"Astrophysical Journal",,,,,2017,Feb.