"蒲池利章,大倉一郎,小澤俊彦,河野雅弘","抗酸化の科学",,,"化学同人",,,,2019,July "Toshihiro Kobayashi,Tatsunari Yoshida,Tatsuya Fujisawa,Yuriko Matsumura,Toshihiko Ozawa,Hiroyuki Yanai,Atsuo Iwasawa,toshiaki kamachi,Kouichi Fujiwara,Masahiro Kohno,Noriaki Tanaka","A metabolomics-based approach for predicting stages of chronic kidney disease.",,"Biochem Biophys Res Commun.",," 445"," 2"," 412-416",2014,Mar. "Toshihiro Kobayashi,Yuriko Matsumura,Toshihiko Ozawa,Hiroyuki Yanai,Atsuo Iwasawa,toshiaki kamachi,Kouichi Fujiwara,Noriaki Tanaka,Masahiro Kohno","Exploration of novel predictive markers in rat plasma of the early stages of chronic renal failure.",,"Anal Bioanal Chem.",," 406"," 5"," 1365-1376",2014,Feb. "Matsumura Y,Iwasawa A,Kobayashi T,Kamachi T,Ozawa T,Kohno M","Detection of High-frequency Ultrasound-induced Singlet Oxygen by the ESR Spin-trapping Method",,"Chem Lett",,"Vol. 42","No. 10","pp. 1291-1293",2013,Oct. "Matsumura Y,Iwasawa A,Kobayashi T,Kamachi T,Ozawa T,Kohno M","The reactivity of α-oxoaldehyde with reactive oxygen species in diabetes complications",,"J Clin Biochem Nutr",,"Vol. 52","No. 2","pp. 128-132",2013,Mar. "Indo HP,Nakanishi I,Ohkubo K,Yen H-C,Nyui M,Manda S,Matsumoto K,Fukuhara K,Anzai K,Ikota N,Matsui H,Minamiyama Y,Nakajima A,Ichikawa H,Fukuzumi S,Ozawa T,Mukai C,Majima HJ","Comparison of in vivo and in vitro antioxidative parameters for eleven food factors",,"RSC Adv",," 3"," 14"," 4535-4538",2013,Feb. "小澤俊彦,安西和紀,松本謙一郎","放射線の科学 -生体影響および防御と除去-",,,"東京化学同人",,,,2012,Nov. "Kawashima T,Manda S,Uto Y,Ohkubo K,Hori H,Matsumoto K,Fukuhara K,Ikota N,Fukuzumi S,Ozawa T,Anzai K,Nakanishi I","Kinetics and Mechanism for the Scavenging Reaction of the 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl Radical by Synthetic Artepillin C Analogues",,"Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn",," 85"," 8",,2012,Aug. "Indo HP,Inanami O,Koumura T,Suenaga S,Yen HC,Kakinuma S,Matsumoto K,Nakanishi I,St Clair W,St Clair DK,Matsui H,Cornette R,Gusev O,Okuda T,Nakagawa Y,Ozawa T,Majima HJ","Roles of mitochondria-generated reactive oxygen species on X-ray-induced apoptosis in a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, HLE",,"Free Radic Res",," 46"," 8"," 1029-43",2012,Aug. "Anzai K,Ban N,Ozawa T,Tokonami S","Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident: facts, environmental contamination, possible biological effects, and countermeasures",,"J Clin Biochem Nutr",," 50"," 1"," 2-8",2012,Jan. "Matsumoto K,Nyui M,Kamibayashi M,Ozawa T,Nakanishi I,Anzai K","Temperature-dependent free radical reaction in water",,"J Clin Biochem Nutr",," 50"," 1"," 40-6",2012,Jan. "Kohno M,Mokudai T,Ozawa T,Niwano Y","Free radical formation from sonolysis of water in the presence of different gases",,"J Clin Biochem Nutr",," 49"," 2"," 96-101",2011,Sept. "Majima HJ,Indo HP,Suenaga S,Matsui H,Yen HC,Ozawa T","Mitochondria as possible pharmaceutical targets for the effects of vitamin E and its homologues in oxidative stress-related diseases",,"Curr Pharm Des",," 17"," 21"," 2190-5",2011,July "Matsui S,Tsujimoto Y,Ozawa T,Matsushima K","Antioxidant effects of antioxidant biofactor on reactive oxygen species in human gingival fibroblasts",,"J Clin Biochem Nutr",," 48"," 3"," 209-13",2011,May "河野雅弘,吉川敏一,小澤俊彦","生命科学者のための電子スピン共鳴入門",,,"講談社",,,,2011,Mar. "Niwano Y,Saito K,Yoshizaki F,Kohno M,Ozawa T","Extensive screening for herbal extracts with potent antioxidant properties",,"J Clin Biochem Nutr",," 48"," 1"," 78-84",2011,Jan. "Imai K,Nakanishi I,Anzai K,Ozawa T,Miyata N,Urano S,Okuda H,Nakamura A,Fukuhara K","Synthesis and Enhanced Radical Scavenging Activity of a Conformationally Constrained Epigallocatechin Analogue",,"Chem. lett",," 40"," 12"," 1417-9",2011,Jan. "小澤俊彦","放射線とは─発生と特性─",,"日本栄養士会雑誌",," 54"," 11"," 4-9",2011, "小澤俊彦","一酸化窒素(NO)の生体内での作用",,"都薬雑誌",," 33"," 11"," 4-9",2011, "Nakamura K,Kanno T,Ikai H,Sato E,Mokudai T,Niwano Y,Ozawa T,Kohno M","Reevaluation of Quantitative ESR Spin Trapping Analysis of Hydroxyl Radical by Applying Sonolysis of Water as a Model System",,"Bull Chem Soc Jpn",," 83"," 9"," 1037?1046",2010,Sept. "Iwasawa A,Saito K,Mokudai T,Kohno M,Ozawa T,Niwano Y","Fungicidal action of hydroxyl radicals generated by ultrasound in water",,"J Clin Biochem Nutr",," 45"," 2"," 214-8",2009,Sept. "Saito K,Takahashi M,Kamibayashi M,Ozawa T,Kohno M","Comparison of superoxide detection abilities of newly developed spin traps in the living cells",,"Free Radic Res",," 43"," 7"," 668-76",2009,July "Saito K,Takahashi M,Ozawa T,Kohno M","Measurement of superoxide anion generated from oral polymorphonuclear leukocyte using novel spin trap, 5-(diphenylphosphinoyl)-5-methyl-4,5-dihydro-3H-pyrrole N-oxide (DPPMPO)",,"Free Rad Biol Med",," 43"," Supplement"," 179-179",2007,Nov.