"ファム ナム ハイ,大矢 忍,田中 雅明,前川 禎通,Stewart Barnes","(招待講演) スピン起電力と超巨大磁気抵抗効果(実験)?ファラデー法則は超えられるか?","2009年秋季第70回応用物理学会学術講演会 シンポジウム “スピン流が生み出す新しい物性”",,,,,,2009,Sept. "P. N. Hai,S. Ohya,S.E. Barnes,S. Maekawa,M. Tanaka","(Invited) Electromotive force and magnetoresistance (~100,000%) in magnetic tunnel junctions with zinc-blende MnAs nanomagnets","The 14th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor structures (MSS-14)",,,,,,2009,July "P. N. Hai,S. Ohya,S. E. Barnes,S. Maekawa,M. Tanaka","Electromotive force and huge magneto resistance induced by zinc-blende MnAs nanomagnets in magnetic tunnel junctions","The 5th international school and conference on spintronics and quantum information technology (Spintech V)",,,,,,2009,July "Pham Nam Hai,Shinobu Ohya,Masaaki Tanaka,Stewart E. Barnes,Sadamichi Maekawa","Electromotive force and huge magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions",,"NATURE",,"Vol. 458",,"p. 489",2009,Mar. "P. N. Hai,B.H. Yu,S. Ohya,M. Tanaka,S.E. Barnes,S. Maekawa","Spin-dependent transport in Zinc-Blende MnAs nanoparticles / GaAs semiconductor hybrid structures","53rd Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference",,,,,,2008,Oct. "M. Azuma,T. Odaka,M. Takano,D.A.V. Griend,K.R. Poeppelmeier,Y. Narumi,K. Kindo,Yoshiaki Mizuno,Sadamichi Maekawa","Antiferromagnetic Ordering of S=1/2 Triangles in La4Cu3MoO12",,"Phys. Rev. B",,"Vol. 62","No. 6"," R3588-R3591",2000,