"Pham,Fujita,Ozaki,Uchida","Heat distribution control using current amplitude and phase angle in zone-control induction heating systems","IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition","IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition","IEEE",,,"pp. 2474-2481",2012,Sept. "Ngoc Ha Pham,Hideaki Fujita,Kazuhiro Ozaki,Naoki Uchida","Estimating Method of Heat Distribution Using 3-D Resistance Matrix for Zone-Control Induction Heating Systems",,"IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics","IEEE","vol. 27","no. 7","pp. 3374-3382",2012,July "Ngoc Ha Pham,Hideaki Fujita,Kazuhiro Ozaki,Naoki Uchida","Phase Angle Control of High-Frequency Resonant Currents in a Multiple Inverter System for Zone-Control Induction Heating",,"IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics","IEEE","vol. 26","no. 11","pp. 3357-3366",2011,Nov. "Ha Pham Ngoc,Hideaki Fujita,Kazuhiro Ozaki,Naoki Uchida","Dynamic Analysis and Control of a Zone-Control Induction Heating System","IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition","IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition","IEEE",,,"pp. 4093-4100",2011,Sept. "Hideaki Fujita,Naoki Uchida,kazuhiro ozaki","A New Zone-Control Induction Heating System Using Multiple Inverter Units Applicable Under Mutual Magnetic Coupling Conditions",,"IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics","IEEE","vol. 26","no. 7","pp. 2009-2017",2011,July "石井 佑季,藤田 英明,内田 直喜,尾崎 一博","ゾーンコントロール誘導加熱装置の直交座標変換を用いたコイル電流制御法","半導体電力変換研究会","電気学会研究会資料",,,"no. SPC-11-052","pp. 157-162",2011,Jan.