"Shunya Inoue,Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,Takahiro Miyashita,Fumio Koyama","Dual beam single-mode vertical cavity surface emitting lasers using high-index contrast grating","20th Microoptics Conference 2015, MOC 2015",,," B5",,"pp. 26-27",2015,Oct. "Shunya Inoue,Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,Takahiro Miyashita,Fumio Koyama","Beam engineering of VCSELs using High-index Contrast sub-wavelength Grating","International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop",,," ThP7",,"pp. 131-132",2015,Aug. "Shunya Inoue,Junichi Kashino,Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,Takahiro Miyashita,Fumio Koyama","Highly angular dependent high-contrast grating mirror and its application for transverse-mode control of VCSELs",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics(JJAP)",,"vol. 53","no. 9","pp. 090306-1-4",2014,Aug. "Junichi Kashino,Shunya Inoue,Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,Takahiro Miyashita,Fumio Koyama","Transverse Mode Control of VCSELs Using Angular Dependent High-contrast Grating Mirror","IEEE Photonics Conference 2013(IPC2013)",,," TuE2.2",,"pp. 244-245",2013,Sept. "Akihiro matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,Ayako Takada","Microfabrication of Si based Microchannel for Transport of Bacterial Cells by Ar/F2 Vapor Etching and Cl2 Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching","11th APCPST",,,,,,2012,Oct. "松谷晃宏,大槻秀夫,小山二三夫","CO2プラズマによるSiのドライエッチング","2012年 秋季 第73回応用物理学会学術講演会",,,," 11a-C11-11",,2012,Sept. "Akihiro Matsutani,Yuuki Hashidume,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA","Microfabrication of Si-Based High-Index-Contrast-Grating Structure by Thermal Nanoimprint Lithography and Cl2/Xe-Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 51",," 06FF05",2012,June "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA","Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of Silicon Using Solid Iodine as an Etching Gas Source",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 50",," 06GG07",2011,June "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA","Reactive Ion Etching of Si Using Ar/F2 Plasma",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 49",," 06GH05",2010,June "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA","Generation of Solid-Source H2O Plasma and Its Application to Dry Etching of CaF2",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 47","No. 6","pp. 5113-5115",2008,June "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA","Characterization of H2O-inductively coupled plasma for dry etching",,"Journal of Physics: Conference Series",,"Vol. 100",,"pp. 062022(4pages)",2008,Feb. "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA","Solid Source Dry Etching Process for GaAs and InP",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 45","No. 10B","pp. 8374-8377",2006,Oct. "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,Ken Ohashi,Tomonori Yokoyama,Hirokazu Yamakage,FUMIO KOYAMA","Vertical and Smooth Microfabrication of InP Using Simple High-Density Plasma System with SmCo Ring Magnet",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 43","No. 7B","pp. L960-L962",2004,July "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA","Low-Temperature Dry Etching of InP by Inductively Coupled Plasma Using HI/Cl2",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 42","No. 12A","pp. L1414-L1415",2003,Dec. "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA","Cl2-based Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of InP Using Internal Antenna",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 42","No. 11","pp. 6837-6838",2003,Nov. "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA","In situ Observation of Etching Profile in Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of GaAs and InP using Long Distance Microscope",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 42","No. 2A","pp. 426-427",2003,Feb. "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA,Kenichi Iga","Measurement of Plasma Density for Control of Etching Profile in Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of InP",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 41","No. 5A","pp. 3147-3148",2002,May "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA,Kenichi Iga","Mass Effect of Etching Gases in Vertical and Smooth Dry Etching of InP",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 40","No. 3A","pp. 1528-1529",2001,Mar. "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA,Kenichi Iga","Emission Spectrochemical Analysis in Dry Etching Process of InP by Cl2 Inductively Coupled Plasma",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 39","No. 10","pp. 6109-6110",2000,Oct. "Akihiro Matsutani,Hideo Ohtsuki,FUMIO KOYAMA,Kenichi Iga","Plasma Diagnostics in Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching Using Cl2/Xe",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 39","No. 3A","pp. 1435-1436",2000,Mar. "Akihiro Matsutani,FUMIO KOYAMA,Hideo Ohtsuki,Kenichi Iga","Vertical and Smooth Etching of InP by Cl2/Xe Inductively Coupled Plasma",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 38","No. 7A","pp. 4260-4261",1999,July