"Keisuke Imade,Takashi Kageyama,Daisuke Koyama,Yoshiaki Watanabe,Kentaro Nakamura,Iwaki Akiyama","Measurement of sound pressure and temperature in tissue-mimicking material using an optical fiber Bragg grating sensor",,"Journal of Medical Ultrasonics",,"vol. 43","no. 4","pp. 473-479",2016,June "Hiraku Tabata,Shu Suematsu,Kenji Yoshida,Yukako Kato,Daisuke Koyama,Kentaro Nakamura,Yoshiaki Watanabe","Destruction of polylactic acid microcapsules under ultrasound irradiation",,"Applied Acoustics",,"vol. 78","no. 4","pp. 89-91",2014,Feb. "Koji Minoa,Manami Kataoka,Kenji Yoshida,Daisuke Koyama,Kentaro Nakamura,Masayoshi Omori,Shigeki Kawarabata,Masafumi Sato,Yoshiaki Watanabe","Ultrasound bubble filter using the flexural vibration of a cylinder for an extracorporeal circulation circuit",,"Sensors and Actuators A: Physical",,"vol. 199",,"pp. 202-208",2013,June "S. Morikawa,M. Ueda,K. Yoshida,D. Koyama,K. Nakamura,Yoshiaki Watanabe","Sound pressure threshold of non-spherical oscillation of an attached bubble evaluated by laser Droppier vibrometer","2012 IEEE International Ultrasonic Symposium","Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Ultrasonic Symposium",,,,"pp. 767-770 (P2G-3)",2012,Oct.