"Kyungkeun Kang,Hideyuki Miura,Tai-Peng Tsai","Local regularity conditions on initial data for local energy solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations",,"Partial Differential Equations and Applications",,"Vol. 3","No. 1","pp. 19",2022,Feb. "Kyungkeun Kang,Hideyuki Miura,Tai-Peng Tsai","Regular sets and an ?-regularity theorem in terms of initial data for the Navier-Stokes equations",,"Pure and Applied Analysis",,,"no. 3","pp. 567-594",2021,Oct. "Kyungkeun Kang,Hideyuki Miura,Tai-Peng Tsai","Short time regularity of Navier-Stokes flows with locally L3 initial data and applications",,"International Mathematics Research Notices. IMRN",,,"no. 11","pp. 8763-8805",2021,June "Hideyuki Miura,Yasunori Maekawa,Christophe Prange","Estimates for the Navier-Stokes equations in the half-space for nonlocalized data.",,"Analysis & PDE",,"Vol. 13","No. 4","pp. 945-1010",2020,June "Hideyuki Miura,Yasunori Maekawa,Christophe Prange","On Stability of Blow-Up Solutions of the Burgers Vortex Type for the Navier-Stokes Equations with a Linear Strain",,,,,,,2019,Sept. "Hideyuki Miura,Yasunori Maekawa,Christophe Prange","Local Energy Weak Solutions for the Navier?Stokes Equations in the Half-Space",,"Communications in Mathematical Physics",,"Vol. 367","no. 2","pp. 517-580",2019,Mar. "Yasunori Maekawa,Hideyuki Miura","On isomorphism for the space of solenoidal vector fields and its application to the incompressible flows",,"SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis",,"Vol. 50","No. 1","pp. 339?353",2018,Jan. "Kyungkeun Kang,Hideyuki Miura,Tai-Peng Tsai","Green tensor of the Stokes system and asymptotics of stationary Navier-Stokes flows in the half space",,"Advances in Mathematics",,"Vol. 323",,"pp. 326?366",2017,Nov. "Pierre Germain,Tej-Eddine Ghoul,Hideyuki Miura","On uniqueness for the harmonic map heat flow in supercritical dimensions",,"Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics",,"Vol. 70","No. 12","pp. 2247?2299",2017,Sept. "Yasunori Maekawa,Hideyuki Miura","On domain of Poisson operators and factorization for divergence form elliptic operators",,"Manuscripta Mathematica",,"Vol. 152","No. 3-4","pp. 459-512",2017,Mar. "Yasunori Maekawa,Hideyuki Miura","ON POISSON OPERATORS AND DIRICHLET-NEUMANN MAPS IN Hs FOR DIVERGENCE FORM ELLIPTIC OPERATORS WITH LIPSCHITZ COEFFICIENTS",,"Transactions of the American Mathematical Society",,"Vol. 368","No. 9","pp. 6227?6252",2016,Sept. "Tsubasa Itoh,Hideyuki Miura,Tsuyoshi Yoneda","Remark on Single Exponential Bound of the Vorticity Gradient for the Two-Dimensional Euler Flow Around a Corner",,"Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics","Springer","Vol. 18",,"pp. 531-537",2016,June "前川 泰則,Hideyuki Miura","ON ISOMORPHISM FOR THE SPACE OF SOLENOIDAL VECTOR FIELDS AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE STOKES PROBLEM (Mathematical Analysis of Viscous Incompressible Fluid)",,"数理解析研究所講究録","京都大学","Vol. 1971",,"pp. 47-58",2015,Nov. "Yasunori Maekawa,Hideyuki Miura","Remark on the Helmholtz decomposition in domains with noncompact boundary",,"Mathematische Annalen","Springer","Vol. 359","No. 3-4","pp. 1077?1095",2014,Mar. "Yasunori Maekawa,Hideyuki Miura","On fundamental solutions for non-local parabolic equations with divergence free drift",,"Advances in Mathematics","Elsevier","Vol. 247",,"pp. 123-191",2013,Aug. "Yasunori Maekawa,Hideyuki Miura","Upper bounds for fundamental solutions to non-local diffusion equations with divergence free drift",,"Journal of Functional Analysis","Elsevier","Vol. 264",,"pp. 2245-2268",2013,May "Kyungkeun Kang,Hideyuki Miura,Tai-Peng Tsai","Asymptotics of small exterior Navier-Stokes flows with non-decaying boundary data",,"Communications in Partial Differential Equations","Taylor and Francis","Vol. 37","No. 10","pp. 1717-1753",2012,July "Hideyuki Miura,Yoshikazu Giga","On Vorticity Directions near Singularities for the Navier-Stokes Flows with Infinite Energy",,,,"vol. 303","no. 2","pp. 289-300",2011,Apr. "Hideyuki Miura,Tai-Peng Tsai","Point singularities of 3D stationary Navier-Stokes flows",,"Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics","Springer","Vol. 14","No. 1","pp. 33-41",2010,Dec. "Hideyuki Miura","Dissipative quasi-geostrophic equation for large initial data in the critical Sobolev space",,"Communications in Mathematical Physics",,"Vol. 267","no. 1","pp. 141-157",2006,Oct. "Hideyuki Miura,Okihiro Sawada","On the regularizing rate estimates of Koch-Tataru's solution to the Navier-Stokes equations",,,,"Vol. 49","no. 1-2","pp. 1-15",2006,Sept. "Hideyuki Miura","Remark on uniqueness of mild solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations",,,,"Vol. 218","no. 1","pp. 110-129",2005,Jan.