"Choi, S.,Maharjan, R.,Tran, T.N.H.,Hanaoka, S","Agent-based tsunami evacuation model to investigate the impact of information provision and shelter capacity expansion in Japan","16th World Conference on Transport Research Society (16th WCTRS)",,,,,,2023,July "Choi, S.,Maharjan, R.,Tran, T.N.H.,Hanaoka, S","Evacuation behavior of international tourists and information provision during disasters: Case study in Osaka, Japan","53rd Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) International Conference",,,,,,2023,June "Choi, S.,Maharjan, R.,Hanaoka, S.","Past evacuation behavior and intended shelter selection of Japanese considering presence of foreign tourists","51st Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) International Conference",,,,,,2021,June "Rajali Maharjan,Yashaswi Shrestha,Biplob Rakhal,Saurav Suman,Jurgen Hulst,Shinya HANAOKA","Mobile logistics hubs prepositioning for emergency preparedness and response in Nepal",,"Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management",,"Vol. 10","No. 4","pp. 555-572",2020,Aug. "Rajali Maharjan,Shinya HANAOKA","A credibility based multi-objective temporary logistics hub location-allocation model for relief supply and distribution under uncertainty",,"Socio-Economic Planning Sciences",,"Vol. 70"," 100727",,2020,June "Maharjan, R.,Hanaoka, S.","Fuzzy multi-attribute group decision making to identify the order of establishing temporary logistics hubs during disaster response",,"Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management",,"Vol. 9","No. 1","pp. 2-21",2019,Apr. "Satish Bhagat,Hetti Arachchige Don Samith Buddika,Rohit Kumar Adhikari,Anuja Shrestha,Sanjeema Bajracharya,Rejina Joshi,Jenisha Singh,Rajali Maharjan,Anil Wijeyewickrema","Damage to cultural heritage structures and buildings due to the 2015 Nepal Gorkha Earthquake",,"Journal of Earthquake Engineering",,"Vol. 22","No. 10","pp. 1861-1880",2018,Oct. "Maharjan, R.,Hanaoka, S.","A dynamic multi-objective location model for relief supply and distribution under uncertainty","Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Transportation and Logistics (T-LOG 2018)",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Rajali Maharjan","MODELLING ESTABLISHMENT OF TEMPORARY LOGISTICS HUB FOR HUMANITARIAN RELIEF OPERATIONS",,,,,,,2018,Sept. "Rajali Maharjan","MODELLING ESTABLISHMENT OF TEMPORARY LOGISTICS HUB FOR HUMANITARIAN RELIEF OPERATIONS",,,,,,,2018,Sept. "Rajali Maharjan","MODELLING ESTABLISHMENT OF TEMPORARY LOGISTICS HUB FOR HUMANITARIAN RELIEF OPERATIONS",,,,,,,2018,Sept. "Rajali Maharjan,Shinya HANAOKA","A multi-actor multi-objective optimization approach for locating temporary logistics hubs during disaster response",,"Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management","Emerald Publishing Limited","Vol. 8"," Issue 1","pp. 2-21",2018,Apr. "Maharjan, R.,Hanaoka, S.","Multi-actor dynamic multi-objective optimization for temporary logistic hub selection during disaster response","9th International Conference on Logistics and Transport (ICLT 2017)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "Maharjan, R.,Hanaoka, S.","Temporary logistic hub selection using multi-objective optimization for disaster response","International Symposium on Scheduling 2017",,,,,,2017,June "Maharjan, R.,Hanaoka, S.","Warehouse location determination for humanitarian relief distribution in Nepal","World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2016)","Transportation Research Procedia",,,"No. 25","pp. 1151-1163",2017, "Wijeyewickrema A.,Hetti Arachchige Don Samith Buddika,Satish Bhagat,Rohit Kumar Adhikari,Anuja Shrestha,Sanjeema Bajracharya,Jenisha Singh,Rajali Maharjan","Earthquake reconnaissance survey in Nepal of the magnitude 7.8 Gorkha earthquake of April 25, 2015",,,"Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology",,,,2015,June