"T. Techawongsakorn,R. Ouch,T. Pipatpongsa","Unsymmetrical failure mechanisms of undercut slope with planes of discontinuity","The 49th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering","第49回地盤工学研究発表会発表講演集","The Japanese Geotechnical Society",,,"pp. 1865-1866",2014,July "R. Ouch,S. Kitakata,T. Pipatpongsa,B. Ukritchon","Effect of shear pin arrangement to the failure mechanisms of undercut slope","第17回応用力学シンポジウム",,,,,"pp. 39-40",2014,May "Rithy Ouch,Ukritchon Boonchai,T. Pipatpongsa","Numerical studies of slip test of moist sand block sliding on Teflon sheet","The 6th ASEAN Civil Engineering Conference (ACEC) and the 6th ASEAN Environmental Engineering Conference (AEEC)",,,," CE7","pp. 1-10",2013,Nov.