"Masatoshi Kondo,Masaomi Ishii,Takayoshi Norimatsu,Takeo Muroga","Experimental study on corrosion and precipitation in non-isothermal Pb-17Li system for development of liquid breeder blanket of fusion reactor",,"IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series",,"Vol. 877",,,2017,Aug. "Masatoshi Kondo,Masaomi Ishii,Yoshimitsu Hishinuma,Teruya Tanaka,Takashi Nozawa,Takeo Muroga","Metallurgical study on corrosion of RAFM steel JLF-1 in Pb-Li alloys with various Li concentrations",,"Fusion Engineering and Design","Elsevier","Vol. 125",,"pp. 316-325",2017, "Masatoshi Kondo,Masaomi Ishi,Yoshimitsu Hishimuma,Teruya Tanaka,Takashi Nozawa,Takeo Muroga","[Invited presentation] Metallurgical study on corrosion of RAFM steel in Pb-Li alloys at various Li concentrations","13th China-Japan Symposium on Materials for Advanced Energy Systems and Fission & Fusion Engineering","Book of Abstract",,,,,2016,Sept. "Masatoshi KONDO,Masaomi ISHI,Takayoshi Norimatsu,Takeo MUROGA","[Keynote speech] Experimental study on corrosion and mass transfer in flowing Pb-17Li with temperature gradient for development of liquid breeder type fusion blanket system","International Conference on Energy Sciences (ICES 2016)","Book of Abstract","Institute Teknologi Bandung",,,"p. 3-4",2016,July "近藤正聡,乗松孝好,石井政臣,室賀健夫","Pb-17Li攪拌流動場における不純物除去に関する研究","レーザー研シンポジウム2016-平成27年度共同研究成果報告会-","レーザー研シンポジウム予稿集","大阪大学",,,,2016,Apr. "近藤正聡,石井政臣,室賀健夫","鉛リチウム流動場における低放射化フェライト鋼の共存性に関する研究;流れ場と温度勾配の影響","静岡大学、静岡キャンパス","日本原子力学会予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,,2015,Sept. "Masatoshi Kondo,Masaomi Ishii,Takeo Muroga","Corrosion of steels in molten gallium (Ga), tin (Sn) and tin lithium alloy (Sn?20Li)",,"Fusion Engineering and Design","Elsevier","Vol. 98-99",,"pp. 2003-2008",2015,June "石井政臣,近藤正聡,室賀健夫","リチウム合金環境中における低放射化フェライト鋼の共存性に関する評価","2015 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan","日本原子力学会 2015年 春の年会 学生セッション 予稿集","一般社団法人 日本原子力学会",,,,2015,Mar. "Masatoshi Kondo,Masaomi Ishii,Takeo Muroga","Accelerated corrosion of reduced activation ferritic martensitic steel in non-isothermal Pb-17Li system","Plasma2014",,"プラズマ核融合学会",,,,2014,Nov. "Masatoshi KONDO,Masaomi ISHI,Takeo MUROGA","Corrosion of RAFM steel JLF-1 in flowing Pb-Li alloy with and without temperature gradient","NuMat 2014: The Nuclear materials Conference","Book of Abstracts, Numat 2014",,,,,2014,Nov. "Masatoshi Kondo,Masaomi Ishii,Takeo Muroga","Corrosion of steels in molten tin (Sn) and tin lithium alloy (Sn-Li)","28th symposium on fusion technology","Book of Abstracts, 28th Symposium on Fusion Technology",,,,,2014,Sept.