"Young Yong Kim,Brian J. Ree,Makoto Kido,Yong-Gi Ko,Ryohei Ishige,Tomoyasu Hirai,Dongwoo Wi,Jehan Kim,Won Jong Kim,Atsushi Takahara,Moonhor Ree","High-Performance n-Type Electrical Memory and Morphology-Induced Memory-Mode Tuning of a Well-Defi ned Brush Polymer Bearing Perylene Diimide Moieties",,"Advanced Electronic Materials",,,,,2015,Aug. "Yong-Gi Ko,Suk Gyu Hahm,Young Yong Kim,Brian Ree,Dongwoo Wi,Yongjin Kim,Tsuyoshi Michinobu,Moonhor Ree","High Performance n-Type Digital Memory Devices Fabricated with Novel Fullerene Polymers","2nd International Materials, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Conference",,,,,,2015,Feb.