"Masafumi Natsuike,Yuta Endo,Hiroaki Ito,Manami Miyamoto,Chihiro Yoshimura,Manabu Fujii","Relation of land cover in river basins to fluorescent dissolved organic matter and iron flocculation in estuaries","The 12th International Conference on the Environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas","Abstrects of The 12th International Conference on the Environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas",,,,"p. 69",2018,Nov. "Takayuki Sakuraba,Hiroaki Ito,Tetsuro Kikuchi,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura,Toru Watanabe","Relation of Land Cover to Elution Characteristics of Iron and Organic Matters from Soil","The 6th IWA-ASPIRE",,,,,,2015,Sept.