"Anna Gubarevich,Junya Kitamura,Shu Usuba,S. Yokoi,Y Kakudate,A. Tanaka,OSAMU ODAWARA","Structure and lubricating property of nano-cluster diamond dispersed coatings formed by electromagnetically accelerated plasma spraying","78th National Conference on Thermal Spray","The proceedings of the 78th National Conference on Thermal Spray",,,,"pp. 25-26",2003,Nov. "Anna Gubarevich,OSAMU ODAWARA,Junya Kitamura,Shu Usuba,S. Yokoi,Y Kakudate,A. Tanaka","Properties of carbon deposits formed by plasma spraying of nanodiamond","7th Applied Diamond Conference/ 3rd Frontier Carbon Technology Joint Conference (ADC/ FCT 2003)","Proceedings of the 7th Applied Diamond Conference/ 3rd Frontier Carbon Technology Joint Conference (ADC/ FCT 2003)",,,,"pp. 599-604",2003,Aug.