"Tae-Hee Han,M. K. Park,H. Nakamura,H. S. Ban","Capsaicin inhibits HIF-1ƒ¿ accumulation through suppression of mitochondrial respiration in lung cancer cells",,"Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy",,"Volume 146"," 112500",,2022,Feb. "H. S. Ban,H. Nakamura","Design of Carborane-Based Hypoxia-Inducible Factor Inhibitors",,"Boron-Based Compounds: Potential and Emerging Applications in Medicine",,,,,2021,Apr. "H. S. Ban,H. Nakamura","Recent Development of Nanoparticle-Based Boron Delivery System for Neutron Capture Therapy",,"Handbook of Boron Chemistry",,,,,2018,Aug. "W. Nabeyama,K. Ishihara,H. S. Ban,H. Wada,H. Nakamura","Discovery of (2-aminophenyl)methanol as a new molecular chaperone that rescues the localization of P123S mutant pendrin stably expressed in HEK293 cells",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem.",,"Vol. 25","No. 9","Page 2601?2608",2017,May "Hyun Seung Ban,Yoshikazu Uto,Misun Won,Hiroyuki Nakamura","Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) inhibitors: a patent survey (2011-2015)",,"Expert opinion on therapeutic patents",,"Vol. 26","No. 3","pp. 309-322",2016,Feb. "Hyun Seung Ban,Hiroyuki Nakamura","Boron-Based Drug Design",,"The Chemical Record",,"Vol. 15","No. 3","pp. 616-635",2015,Mar. "Hiroyuki Nakamura,Lisa Tasaki,Daisuke Kanoh,Shinichi Sato,Hyun Seung Ban","Diaryl-substituted ortho-carboranes as a new class of hypoxia inducible factor-1ƒ¿ inhibitors",,"Dalton Transactions",,," 43","pp. 4941-4944",2014,Nov.