"Eri Okamoto,Rie Kusakabe,Shigehiro Kuraku,Susumu Hyodo,Koh Onimaru,Shigeru Kuratani,Mikiko Tanaka","A new perspective for the origin of appendicular muscles","The 22nd International Congress of Zoology and the 87th meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan",,,,,,2016,Nov. "Eri Okamoto,Rie Kusakabe,Shigehiro Kuraku,Susumu Hyodo,Koh Onimaru,Shigeru Kuratani,Mikiko Tanaka","The origin of appendicular muscles: perspectives from the catshark","The 22nd International Congress of Zoology and the 87th meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan",,,,,,2016,Nov. "Eri Okamoto,Rie Kusakabe,Shigehiro Kuraku,Susumu Hyodo,Koh Onimaru,Shigeru Kuratani,Mikiko Tanaka","Migrating muscle precursors contribute to the formation of appendicular muscles of cartilaginous fishes","European Society of Evolutionary Developmental Biology 6th Meeting",,,,,,2016,July "Koh Onimaru,Luciano Marcon,Marco Musy,Mikiko Tanaka,James Sharpe","The fin to limb transition as the re-organisation of a Turing pattern.",,"Nature Communications",," 7"," Article number 11582",,2016,May "Koh Onimaru,L. Marcon,M. Musy,Mikiko Tanaka,James Sharpe","The fin to limb transition as the re-organization of a Turing pattern","13th International Limb Development and Regeneration Conference",,," 7",,,2015,June "Koh Onimaru,L. Marcon,M. Musy,Mikiko Tanaka,James Sharpe","Turing pattern transition and the morphological diversity of vertebrate fins and limbs","EMBO Conference: Genetic Control of Development and Evolution",,,,,,2015, "Koh Onimaru,Shigehiro Kuraku,Wataru Takagi,Susumu Hyodo,James Sharpe,Mikiko Tanaka","Modification of anterior-posterior patterning system underlies the fin-to-limb transformation","13th International Limb Development and Regeneration Conference",,,,,,2015, "Koh Onimaru,Shigehiro Kuraku,Wataru Takagi,Susumu Hyodo,James Sharpe,Mikiko Tanaka","Modification of anterior-posterior patterning systemtoward fin-to-limb transition: Origin of thumbs and radius","The 5th meeting of European Society of Evolutionary Developmental Biology",,,,,,2014,July "Koh Onimaru,Shigehiro Kuraku,Wataru Takagi,Susumu Hyodo,Mikiko Tanaka","Anterior posterior patterning of pectoral fin development in cartilaginous fishes: Insight into the fin-to-limb evolution","47th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists",,,,,,2014,May "Koh Onimaru,Shigehiro Kuraku,Wataru Takagi,Susumu Hyodo,James Sharpe,Mikiko Tanaka","Anterior-posterior patterning of cartilaginous fish fin development: Insights into the origin of radius and thumbs.","日本進化学会第16回大会",,,,,,2014, "Koh Onimaru,Mikiko Tanaka","The origin of the thumb patterning system","17th International Congress of Developmental Biology",,,,,,2013,June "Koh Onimaru,Mikiko Tanaka","Modification of anterior-posterior patterning systems during the fin-to-limb transformation: Insight into the origin of thumb","The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists",,,,,,2013,May "Koh Onimaru,Mikiko Tanaka","Insight into the origin of the thumb","The Making of a Vertebrate - CDB International Symposium",,,,,,2013,Mar. "Koh Onimaru,Shigeru Kuratani,Mikiko Tanaka","Evolution of the lateral plate mesoderm: Insights from amphioxus and lampreys development","The fourth meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology",,,,,,2012,July "Koh Onimaru,Eiichi Shoguchi,Shigeru Kuratani,Mikiko Tanaka","Development and Evolution of the Lateral Plate Mesoderm: Comparative Analysis of Amphioxus and Lamprey, with Implications for the Acquisition of Paired Fins","2011 conference of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution,",,,,,,2011,July "Koh Onimaru,Eiichi Shoguchi,Shigeru Kuratani,Mikiko Tanaka","Development and Evolution of the Lateral Plate mesoderm: Comparative Analysis of Amphioxus and Lamprey, with Implications for the Acquisition of Paired Fins","44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists",,,,,,2011,May "Koh Onimaru,Shoguchi,Shigeru Kuratani,Mikiko Tanaka","Development and Evolution of the Lateral Plate Mesoderm: Comparative Analysis of Amphioxus and Lamprey, with Implications for the Acquisition of Paired Fins","The 20th CDB Meeting "Molecular Bases for Evolution of Complex Traits"",,,,,,2011,Feb. "Manami Matsuura,Koh Onimaru,Rie Kusakabe,Shigeru Kuratani,Mikiko Tanaka","Insights into the sequential evolutionary events toward the acquisition of paried fins, in relation to evolution of T-box gene and Engrailed","日本発生生物学会第42回大会",,,,,,2009,May "Mikiko Tanaka,Koji Sakamoto,Keijiro Munakata,Koh Onimaru,Natsuno Suda,Mika Tamura,Haruki Ochi,Mikiko Tanaka1","Heterochronic shift in Hox-mediated activation of Sonic hedgehog leads to morphological changes during vertebrate fin evolution","第14回小型魚類研究会",,,,,,2008,Sept. "Koji Sakamoto,Keijiro Munakata,Koh Onimaru,Natsuno Suda,Mika Tamura,Haruki Ochi,Mikiko Tanaka","Heterochronic shift of Sonic hedgehog expression via Hox genes in vertebrate fin evolution","10th International Conference, Limb Development and Regeneration",,,,,,2008,Aug.