"Koh Onimaru,Luciano Marcon,Marco Musy,Mikiko Tanaka,James Sharpe","The fin to limb transition as the re-organisation of a Turing pattern.",,"Nature Communications",," 7"," Article number 11582",,2016,May "Koh Onimaru,L. Marcon,M. Musy,Mikiko Tanaka,James Sharpe","The fin to limb transition as the re-organization of a Turing pattern","13th International Limb Development and Regeneration Conference",,," 7",,,2015,June "Koh Onimaru,L. Marcon,M. Musy,Mikiko Tanaka,James Sharpe","Turing pattern transition and the morphological diversity of vertebrate fins and limbs","EMBO Conference: Genetic Control of Development and Evolution",,,,,,2015,