"A. Aiba,S. Kaneko,M. Kiguchi,F. Demir,A. Saffarzadeh,G. Kirczenow","The observation of quantum interference at Au atomic junctions based on the measurements of electric conductance and thermoelectric effect","The 8th International Symposium on Surface Science",,,,,,2017,Oct. "A. Aiba,F. Demir,S. Kaneko,S. Fujii,T. Nishino,K. Tsukagoshi,A. Saffarzadeh,G. Kirczenow,M. Kiguchi","Controlling the thermoelectric effect by mechanical manipulation of the electron's quantum phase in atomic junctions",,"Scientific Reports",,"Vol. 7",,,2017,Aug. "相場諒,金子哲,木口学,F. Demir,A. Saffarzadeh,G. Kirczenow","電気伝導度、熱起電力計測に基づくAu原子接点における量子干渉効果の観測","日本物理学会 第72回 年次大会",,,,,,2017,Mar. "Y. Li,F. Demir,S. Kaneko,A. Saffarzadeh,G. Kirczenow,M. Kiguchi","Atomic structure and electron transport property of copper atomic junctions in the presence of water molecules","日本物理学会第71回年次大会",,,,,,2016,