"Roya Liu,KENICHI OZAWA,Naoya Terashima,Yuto Natsui,Baojie Feng,Suguru Ito,Wei-Chuan Chen,Cheng-Maw Cheng,Susumu Yamamoto,Hiroo Kato,Tai-Chang Chiang,Iwao Matsuda","Controlling the surface photovoltage on WSe2 by surface chemical modification",,"Applied Physics Letters","American Institute of Physics","Vol. 112",,,2018,May "Kenichi Ozawa,Susumu Yamamoto,Ryu Yukawa,Ro-Ya Liu,Naoya Terashima,Yuto Natsui,Hiroo Kato,Kazuhiko Mase,Iwao Matsuda","Correlation between Photocalatytic Activity and Carrier Lifetime: Acetic Acid on Single-Crystal Surfaces of Anatase and Rutile TiO2",,"Journal of Physical Chemistry C","American Chemical Society","Vol. 122",,"pp. 9562-9569",2018,Apr. "Ro-Ya Liu,Yu Ogawa,Peng Chen,Kenichi Ozawa,Takeshi Suzuki,Masaru Okada,Takashi Someya,Yukiaki Ishida,Kozo Okazaki,Shik Shin,Tai-Chang Chiang,Iwao Matsuda","Femtosecond to picosecond transient effects in WSe 2 observed by pump-probe angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy",,"Scientific reports","Nature Publishing Group","Vol. 7","No. 1",,2017,Nov. "Kenichi Ozawa,Susumu Yamamoto,Ryu Yukawa,Roya Liu,Masato Emori,Koki Inoue,Taku Higuchi,Hiroshi Sakama,Kazuhiko Mase,Iwao Matsuda","What Determines the Lifetime of Photoexcited Carriers on TiO2 Surfaces?",,"The Journal of Physical Chemistry C","American Chemical Society","Vol. 120",,"pp. 29283-29289",2016,Dec. "R. Yukawa,K. Ozawa,S. Yamamoto,Roya Liu,I. Matsuda","Anisotropic effective mass approximation model to calculate multiple subband structures at wide-gap semiconductor surfaces: Application to accumulation layers of SrTiO3 and ZnO",,"Surface Science","Elsevier B.V.","Vol. 641",,"pp. 224-230",2015,July