"栗田 伸之,木俣 基,鈴木 博之,松本 武彦,村田 惠三,宇治 進也,寺嶋 太一","鉄系圧力誘起超伝導体の静水圧・非静水圧効果",,"高圧力の科学と技術","日本高圧力学会","Vol. 26","No. 1","p. 27-34",2016,Mar. "N. Kurita,M. Kimata,K. Kodama,A. Harada,M. Tomita,H. S. Suzuki,T. Matsumoto,K. Murata,S. Uji,T. Terashima","Pressure induced superconductivity in EuFe2As2 without a quantum critical point: Magnetotransport and upper critical field measurements under high pressure",,"Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics",," 88",," 224510(1-7)",2013,Dec. "N. Kurita,M. Kimata,K. Kodama,A. Harada,M. Tomita,H. S. Suzuki,T. Matsumoto,K. Murata,S. Uji,T. Terashima","Effects of Pressure and Magnetic Field on the Pressure-Induced Superconductivity in EuFe2As2",,"Journal of Physics: Conference Series",," 391",," 214513(1-7)",2012,Dec. "N. Kurita,M. Kimata,K. Kodama,A. Harada,M. Tomita,Hiroyuki SUZUKI,T. Matsumoto,K. Murata,S. Uji,T. Terashima","Phase Diagram of Pressure-Induced Superconductor EuFe2As2 Probed by High-Pressure Resistivity up to 3.2 GPa",,"Physical Review B",," 83",," 214513(1-7)",2011,June "N. Kurita,M. Kimata,K. Kodama,A. Harada,M. Tomita,Hiroyuki SUZUKI,T. Matsumoto,K. Murata,S. Uji,T. Terashima","Upper critical field of the pressure induced superconductor EuFe2As2",,"Physical Review B",," 83",," 100501(R)(1-4)",2011,Mar. "T. Terashima,N. Kurita,A. Kikkawa,H. S. Suzuki,T. Matsumoto,K. Murata,S. Uji","Magnetotransport studies of EuFe2As2: The influence of the Eu2+ magnetic moments",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 79",,"pp. 103706(1-4)",2010,Sept.