"Sujan KOIRALA,Hyungjun KIM,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Shinjiro Kanae,Taikan Oki","Sensitivity of global hydrological simulations to groundwater capillary flux parameterizations",,"Water Resources Research","AGU"," 55"," 1"," 402-425",2019,Jan. "Wee Ho Lim,Dai Yamazaki,Sujan KOIRALA,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Shinjiro Kanae,Simon J. Dadson,Jim W. Hall,Fubao Sun","Long]Term Changes in Global Socioeconomic Benefits of Flood Defenses and Residual Risk Based on CMIP5 Climate Models",,"Earthfs Future",,"Volume 6"," Issue 7","Page 938-954",2018,July "Wee Ho Lim,Dai Yamazaki,Sujan KOIRALA,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Shinjiro Kanae,Simon J. Dadson,Jim W. Hall","Global assessment of river flood protection benefits and corresponding residual risks under climate change","European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016",,,,,,2017, "Hiroaki Ikeuchi,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Dai Yamazaki,Masashi Kiguchi,Sujan KOIRALA,Nagano Takanori,Akihiko Kotera,Shinjiro Kanae","Modeling complex flow dynamics of fluvial floods exacerbated by sea level rise in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta",,"Environmental Research Letters",,"Volume 10","Number 12",,2015,Dec. "megumi watanabe,Sujan KOIRALA,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Aki Yanagawa,Shinjiro Kanae","Model-based assessments of glacier melt response and hydrological impact on rivers in High Mountain Asia under a high-emission climate scenario","International Symposium on Glaciology in High Mountain Asia",,,,,,2015,Mar. "Yadu N. Pokhrel,Sujan KOIRALA,Pat J. -F Yeh,Naota Hanasaki,Laurent Longuevergne,Shinjiro Kanae,Taikan Oki","Incorporation of groundwater pumping in a global Land Surface Model with the representation of human impacts",,"Water Resources Research","American Geophysical Union","Volume 51",,"Page 78-96",2015,Jan. "Yoshihiko Iseri,Wee Ho Lim,Tiraras Suwathep,Chihiro MIYAZAKI,Yukiko Hirabayashi,R Mahendran,Sujan KOIRALA,Dai Yamazaki,Satoshi Watanabe,Hyungjun KIM,Shinjiro Kanae","Risk of flooding at the global scale under climate change","Tokyo Conference on International study for disaster risk reduction and resilience",,,,,,2015,Jan. "Hiroaki Ikeuchi,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Dai Yamazaki,Masashi Kiguchi,Sujan KOIRALA,Shinjiro Kanae","Assessing the effect of complex water flow on fluvial floods in the mega-delta in Bangladesh","Asian monsoon Hydroclimate -Review of MAHASRI and Beyond-",,,,,,2015, "“n糌b,KOIRALA Sujan,•½—Ρ—RŠσŽq,“CMŽŸ˜Y","ƒAƒWƒA‚ŽRˆζ‹NŒΉ‚Μ‘ε‰Νμ—¬ˆζ‚Ι‚¨‚―‚ι21’‹I‚Μ•X‰Ν—Z‰π‚̐is‚Ζ”N—¬o—Κ•Ο‰»‚Φ‚Μ‰e‹Ώ",,"“y–ΨŠw‰ο˜_•ΆWB1i…HŠwj","Œφ‰vŽΠ’c–@l “y–ΨŠw‰ο"," 71"," 4"," I445-I450",2015, "megumi watanabe,Sujan KOIRALA,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Aki Yanagawa,Shinjiro Kanae","A model estimate of glacier melts responses to climate change","AOGS/APHW 12th Annual Meeting",,,,,,2015, "Sayaka YOSHIKAWA,Aki Yanagawa,Iwasaki, Y.,Sui, P.,Sujan KOIRALA,Khajuria, A.,Hirano, K.,Mahendran, R.,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Yoshimura, C.,Kanae, S.","Illustrating a new global-scale approach to estimating potential reduction in fish species richness due to flow alteration","AOGS 11th Annual Meeting","Hydrology and Earth System Sciences?",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 621-630",2014,July "Koirala Sujan,Yeh Pat,Taikan Oki,Shinjiro Kanae","Parameter estimation of a groundwater representation applicable in a global-scale land surface model","23rd Annual Conference (2010), Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources","…•ΆE…Ž‘ŒΉŠw‰οŒ€‹†”­•\‰ο—vŽ|W",," 23",,,2010,Sept.