"Orie Sasaki,Omi Noguchi,Yong Zhang,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Shinjiro Kanae","Development of global distribution of debris thermal resistance on glaciers at 90m resolution derived from multi-temporal satellite measurements","American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall meeting",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Yukiko Hirabayashi,Kazunari Nakano,Yong Zhang,Shinjiro Kanae,Satoshi Watanabe,Masahiro Tanoue","Contributions of natural and anthropogenic radiative forcing to mass loss of Northern Hemisphere mountain glaciers and quantifying their uncertainties",,"Scientific Reports","Nature Publishing Group"," 6",,,2016, "Orie Sasaki,Omi Noguchi,Yong Zhang,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Shinjiro Kanae","Global-scale analysis of satellite-derived debris distribution on glacier","AGU Fall Meeting 2015",,,,,,2015,