"Masahiro Kinoshita,Kyota Hara,Tomohiro Onozawa,Kiyoto Shin-mura,Yu Otani,Eiki Niwa,Takuya Hashimoto,Kazuya Sasaki","Chemical stability of double-perovskite anode material Sr2MgMoO6 for solid state fuel cells","The 20th International Conference on Solid State Ionics",,,,,,2016,June "Yuki Yamada,Ryosuke Okubo,Masahiro Kinoshita,Eiki Niwa,Takuya Hashimoto,Keita Tomomichi,Kazuya Sasaki","Prevention of sulfur poisoning and performance recovery of sulfur-poisoning-anode electrode by shifting anode electrode potential",,"Journal of The Electrochemical Society",,"Vol. 162","No. 10","p. F1107-F1113",2015,July "Yuki Yamada,Ryosuke Okubo,Masahiro Kinoshita,Masashi Yoshinaga,Eiki Niwa,Takuya Hashimoto,Keita Tomomichi,Kazuya Sasaki","Performance Recovery of Sulfer Poisoning Anode and Prevention of Sulfur Poisoning by Shifing Anode Potential for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell",,"ECS Transactions",,"Vol. 68",,"p. 1391-1401",2015,July