"M. J. L. Morales,JIRO HIROKAWA,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er","Control of Phase in Radial Line Slot Antenna for 5G Communications at 60GHz","Euro. Conf. Antennas Propag.",,,,,,2017,Mar. "Xuan Tung Nguyen,JIRO HIROKAWA,M. Ando,M. Casta?er","Designs of mm-Wave RLSAs with Lossy Waveguides by Coupling Control Techniques",,"IEICE Transactions on Communications",,"Vol. E98-B","No. 9","pp. 1865-1872",2015,Sept. "M. Sano,M. Sierra,T. Salmeron-Ruiz,J. Hirokawa,M. Ando","Reconstruction of the Field Distribution on Slot Array Antennas Using the Gerchberg-Papoulis Algorithm",,"IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation",,"Vol. 63","No. 8","pp. 3441-3451",2015,Aug. "Makoto Sano,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","A Source Reconstruction Technique for Planar Arrays of Wide Slots",,"European Conference on Antennas and Propagation",,,,,2015,Apr. "T. Nguyen,J. Hirokawa,M. Ando,M. Sierra Casta?er","Slot Design for Aperture Illumination Control of Radial Line Slot Antennas with High Loss Substrates and its Advantages in Near Field Communications",,"IEICE technical report",,,,,2015,Jan. "Tung Xuan Nguyen,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er","Design of a 60GHz RLSA for Compact Range Applications",,"International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation",,,,"pp. 219-220",2014,Dec. "Makoto Sano,Manuel Sierra,JIRO HIROKAWA,Makoto Ando","Accurate field reconstruction of radial line slot antennas using the Gerchberg-Papoulis iterative algorithm Gerchberg-Papoulis",,"信学技報",,,,,2014,Sept. "Makoto Sano,Tamara Salmeron,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","DIAGNOSIS TECHNIQUES FOR PLANAR ANTENNAS USING ITERATIVE ALGORITHMS: APPLICATION TO RADIAL LINE SLOT ANTENNAS",,"URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium",,,,,2014,Aug. "T. Nguyen,R. Jayawardene,K. Sakurai,J. Hirokawa,M. Ando,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er,O. Amano,S. Koreeda,T. Matsuzaki,Y. Kamata","Propagation Characteristics of Honeycomb Structures Used in mm-Wave Radial Line Slot Antennas",,"IEICE Transactions on Communications",,"Vol. E97B","No. 6","pp. 1139-1147",2014,June "Makoto Sano,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er,Tamara Salmer?n-Ruiz,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Source Reconstruction Technique for Slot Array Antennas using the Gerchberg-Papoulis Algorithm",,"European Conference on Antennas and Propagation",,,,"pp. 2664-2668",2014,Apr. "T. X. Nguyen,M. Ando,J. Hirokawa,M. Sierra-Casta?er","Gain Optimization in RLSAs with Lossy Substrates by the Slot Coupling Control","Euro. Conf. Antennas Propagat.",,,,,"pp. 1452-1456",2014,Apr. "Nguyen Xuan Tung,廣川 二郎,安藤 真,Sierra-Casta?er Manuel","Gain Optimization in RLSA with High Dielectric Loss,","電子情報通信学会 ソサイエティ大会","電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集",,,,,2013,Sept. "須藤 薫,廣川 二郎,安藤 真,Manuel Sierra","クロススロット給電ラジアルラインスロットアンテナの全構造モーメント法解析と開口分布の軸対称性および効率に対するスロットパラメータの影響",,"信学技報",,,,"pp. 73-78",2004,Sept. "須藤 薫,廣川二郎,安藤 真,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er","全波動解析を用いたラジアルラインスロットアンテナの周方向スロットパラメータの開口効率依存性",,"信学通信大",,,,,2004,Sept. "Kaoru Sudo,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er","Full-Model Analysis of a Radial Line Slot Antenna Including the Feeder and Estimation of the Distance Between Slot Pairs in the Circular Direction",,"Intl. Symp. Antennas Propagat.",,,,"pp. 189-192",2004,Aug. "Kaoru Sudo,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando,Manuel Sierra-Casta?er","Full-Model Analysis of a Radial Line Slot Antenna Including the Feeder and Improvement of Aperture Field Uniformity by Shift of Position of Each Slot Pair in the Radial Direction",,"IEEE AP-S URSI Intl. Symp.",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 2349-2352",2004,June "須藤 薫,廣川 二郎,安藤 真,Manuel Sierra","ラジアル導波路上ハの字スロットペアによる周方向振幅偏差の解析",,"信学技報",,,,"pp. 61-66",2004,Apr. "須藤 薫,廣川二郎,安藤 真,Manuel Sierra","ラジアルラインスロットアンテナの給電部を含めたフルモデル解析",,"信学総大",,,,,2004,Mar. "Manuel Sierra-Casta?er,Jiro Hirokawa,Makoto Ando","Moment method analysis of parallel plate slot antennas",,"IEEE AP-S Intl. Conf.",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 850-853",1999,July