"Jaclyn Thompson,Casey Barr,Lydia Babcock-Adams,Lina Bird,Eugenio La Cava,Arkadiy Garber,Yuichi Hongoh,Mark Liu,Kenneth H. Nealson,Akihiro Okamoto,Daniel Repeta,Shino Suzuki,Clarissa Tacto,Michelle Tashjian,Nancy Merino","Insights into the physiological and genomic characterization of three bacterial isolates from a highly alkaline, terrestrial serpentinizing system",,"Frontiers in Microbiology",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. e1179857",2023,July "Merino N.,Kawai M.,Boyd E.S.,Colman D.R.,Shawn McGlynn,Nealson K.,Kurokawa K.,Hongoh Y.","Single-cell genomics of novel actinobacteria with the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway discovered in a serpentinizing system",,"Frontiers in Microbiology",,"vol. 11",,"pp. e1031",2020,June