"川島 正俊,相楽 洋,守田 幸路","高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発 ?デバイス集合体の仕様選択拡張性とプラントにおける核不拡散性の検討?",,"日本核物質管理学会第44回年次大会論文集",,,,,2023,Nov. "Koji Morita,Wei Liu,Tatsumi Arima,Yuji Arita,Isamu Sato,Haruaki Matsuura,Yoshihiro Sekio,Hiroshi Sagara,Masatoshi Kawashima","Development of a Passive Reactor Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Disruptive Accidents in Fast Reactors: A Study on Device Specifications: A Study on Device Specifications",,"Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science","The American Soceity of Mechanical Engineers","Vol. 9","No. 4"," 041302",2023,Oct. "相樂 洋,川島 正俊,守田 幸路,Tatsumi Arima,Wei Liu,有田 裕二,佐藤 勇,松浦 治明,関尾 佳弘","高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発(14) 受動的炉停止デバイスの核不拡散性評価","AESJ 2023秋の大会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "守田 幸路,Wei Liu,Tatsumi Arima,有田 裕二,佐藤 勇,松浦 治明,関尾 佳弘,相樂 洋,川島 正俊","高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発(11) プロジェクトの成果概要","AESJ 2023秋の大会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "川島 正俊,相樂 洋,守田 幸路,Tatsumi Arima,Wei Liu,有田 裕二,佐藤 勇,松浦 治明","高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発(13) 受動的炉停デバイスの基本仕様と炉心応答性能評価","AESJ 2023秋の大会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Hiroshi Sagara,Masatoshi Kawashima,Koji Morita,Wei Liu,Tatsumi Arima,Yuji Arita,Isamu Sato,Haruaki Matsuura,Yoshihiro Sekio","DEVELOPMENT OF A PASSIVE REACTOR SHUTDOWN DEVICE TO PREVENT CORE DISRUPTIVE ACCIDENTS IN FAST REACTORS: (2) A STUDY ON SELECTING CANDIDATE FUEL MATERIALS FOR THE BASIC DEVICE SPECIFICATIONS","ICONE30","Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30",,,,,2023,May "Koji Morita,Wei Liu,Tatsumi Arima,Yuji Arita,Isamu Sato,Haruaki Matsuura,Yoshihiro Sekio,Hiroshi Sagara,Masatoshi Kawashima","Development of a Passive Safety Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Damage Accidents in Fast Reactors(1) Current Status of Overall Project Progress","the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30","Proceedings of the 2023 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30",,,,,2023,May "Koji Morita,Wei Liu,Tatsumi Arima,Yuji Arita,Isamu Sato,Haruaki Matsuura,Yoshihiro Sekio,Hiroshi Sagara,Masatoshi Kawashima","Development of a Passive Reactor Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Disruptive Accidents in Fast Reactors: A Preliminary Study",,"Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science","The American Soceity of Mechanical Engineers","Vol. 9","No. 2",,2023,Mar. "Hiroshi Sagara,Masatoshi Kawashima,Koji Morita,Wei Liu,Tatsumi Arima,Yuji Arita,Isamu Sato,Haruaki Matsuura,Yoshihiro Sekio","Development of a Passive Safety Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Damage Accidents in Fast Reactors (2) Performance of the Device in Reactivity Control and Nuclear Material Management","International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems",,,,,,2023,Jan. "Koji Morita,Wei Liu,Tatsumi Arima,Yuji Arita,Isamu Sato,Haruaki Matsuura,Yoshihiro Sekio,Hiroshi Sagara,Masatoshi Kawashim","Development of a Passive Safety Shutdown Device to Prevent Core Damage Accidents in Fast Reactors (1) Current Status of Overall Project Progress","International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems",,,,,,2023,Jan. "川島 正俊,相樂 洋,守田 幸路","高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発ーデバイス集合体の候補仕様選択とプラントにおける核不拡散性の検討ー",,"第43回日本核物質管理学会年次大会論文集",,,,,2022,Nov. "川島 正俊,相樂 洋,守田 幸路","高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発ー新たなデバイス概念の展開とデバイスの核不拡散性の検討ー","日本核物質管理学会第42回年次大会会議論文",,,,,,2021,Nov. "相樂 洋,守田 幸路,川島 正俊,有馬 立身,劉 維,有田 裕二,佐藤 勇","高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発 (6) デバイス効果を強化するデバイス集合体基本仕様の検討","日本原子力学会2021年秋の大会",,,,,,2021,Sept. "守田 幸路,劉 維,有馬 立身,有田 裕二,佐藤 勇,松浦 治明,関尾 佳弘,相樂 洋,川島 正俊","高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発 (3)2020 年度までのプロジェクト全体進捗概要","日本原子力学会2021年秋の大会",,,,,,2021,Sept. "相樂洋,川島 正俊,相楽 洋,守田 幸路","高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発 ― 新たなデバイス概念の基本評価と核不拡散性の検討","第41 回日本核物質管理学会年次大会",,,,,,2020,Nov. "相楽 洋,守田 幸路,川島 正俊,劉 維,有田裕二,佐藤勇","高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発 (2) 炉心特性とデバイス応答の基本評価","日本原子力学会2020年秋の大会",,,,,,2020,Sept. "守田 幸路,劉 維,有馬 立身,有田 裕二,川瀬 小春,佐藤 勇,松浦 治明,関尾 佳弘,相樂 洋,川島 正俊","高速炉における炉心損傷事故の発生を防止する受動的炉停止デバイスの開発 (1)プロジェクト全体概要","日本原子力学会2020年秋の大会",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Hiroyasu Mochizuki,P.S. Uppala,E. Bates,G. Su,I. Di Piazza,H. Ohira,M. Stempniewicz,B. Truong,A. Moisseytsev,L.L. Briggs,T. Sofu,T. Sumner,T. Fei,D. Zhang,D. Sui,W. Hu,L. Maas,B. Vezzoni,M. Marchetti,R. Zanino,D. Caron,W.F. van Rooijen,K. Morita,C. Choi,N. Rtischev,Y. Zhang,K. Mikityuk,etc.","Benchmark Analysis of EBR-II Shutdown Heat Removal Tests",,"IAEA-TECDOC-1819","IAEA",,,,2017,Aug. "E. Bates,D. Zhang.,B. Truong,D. Sui,W. Hu,G.H. Su,T. Sumner,L. Maas,B. Vezzoni,M. Marchetti,R. Zanino,D. Caron,W.F. van Rooijen,H. Mochizuki,Koji Morita,C. Choi,M. Stempniewicz,N. Rtischev,Y. Zhang,K. Mikityuk","Conclusions of a Benchmark Study on the EBR-II SHRT-45R Experiment","FR17","Proceedings of FR17","IAEA",,,"pp. 1-11",2017,June