"Ikeuchi, H.,Y. Hirabayashi,D. Yamazaki,S. Muis,P. J. Ward,M. Verlaan,H. C. Winsemius,S. Kanae","Study on compound effects of fluvial flood and storm surge using a global river-coast coupling model","The 7th International Conference on Flood Management",,,,,,2017,Sept. "Hiroaki Ikeuchi,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Dai Yamazaki,Sanne Muis,Philip J. Ward,Hessel Winsemius,Martin Verlaan,Shinjiro Kanae","Compound simulation of fluvial floods and storm surges in a global coupled river]coast flood model: Model development and its application to 2007 Cyclone Sidr in Bangladesh",,"Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems",,"Volume 9"," Issue 4"," 1847-1862",2017,July "Hiroaki Ikeuchi,Yukiko Hirabayashi,Dai Yamazaki,Sanne Muis,Philip J. Ward,Martin Verlaan,Hessel Winsemius,Shinjiro Kanae","Development of a global river-coastal coupling model and its application to flood simulation in Asian mega-delta regions","EGU General Assembly 2017",,,,,,2017,Apr.