"Toshiyuki Marutani,Sotheara Chhim,Akihiro Nishio,Akiko Nosaki,Yasuko Fuse-Nagase","Quality of life and its social determinants for patients with schizophrenia and family caregivers in Cambodia",,"PLOS ONE","Public Library of Science","Vol. 15","No. 3"," e0229643",2020,Mar. "Toshiyuki MARUTANI,Sotheara Chhim,Akihiro Nishio,Akiko NOSAKI,Yasuko Fuse-Nagase","Quality of life and living conditions among family caregivers of patients with schizophrenia in Cambodia","The 18th International Congress of PRCP (Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists)",,,,,,2018,Oct. "Toshiyuki MARUTANI,Sotheara Chhim,Akihiro Nishio,Akiko NOSAKI,Yasuko Fuse-Nagase","Quality of life and living conditions among schizophrenia patients and family caregivers in Cambodia ? An interim report","World Psychiatric Association World Congress of Psychiatry 2017",,,,,,2017,Oct.