"N. Akizawa,T. Ishimura,M. Yoshikawa,T. Kogiso,A. Ishikawa,K. Mimura","Stable carbon and oxygen isotope signatures of mantle-derived calcite in Aitutaki lherzolite xenolith: Implications for organic carbon cycle in the oceanic mantle",,"Marine Geology",,,,,2024,Aug. "H. Sato,A. Ishikawa,C. M. Lowery,I. Arenillas,J. A. Arz,V. Gilavert,C. Philippe,S. Goderis,S. P. S. Gulick,J. V. Morgan","PERTURBATION OF THE Re-Os SYSTEM FOR UP TO 700 KYR IN THE GULF OF MEXICO AFTER THE CHICXULUB IMPACT","2024 Meteoritical Society Meeting",,,,,,2024,Aug. "Norikatsu Akizawa,Kazuhito Ozawa,Tetsu Kogiso,Akira Ishikawa,Akira Miyake,Simon R. Wallis,Takayoshi Nagaya,Chihiro Ohshima,Ryo Fujita,Tatsuhiko Kawamoto,Akihiro Tamura,Tomoaki Morishita,Shoji Arai,Atsushi Yasumoto","Evidence for suboceanic small-scale convection from a “garnet”-bearing lherzolite xenolith from Aitutaki Island, Cook Islands",,"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science volume",," 11",,,2024,July "Sylvie DEMOUCHY,Fabrice BAROU,Akira ISHIKAWA,Emmanuel GARD?S,Andr?a TOMMASI","Microstructures, hydrogen concentrations, and seismic properties of a tectonically exhumed sliver of oceanic mantle lithosphere, Moa Island, Timor-Tanimbar outer-arc, eastern Indonesia",,"Tectonophysics",,,,,2024,July "H. Yui,S. Urashima,M. Onose,M. Morita,S. Komatani,I. Nakai,Y. Abe,Y. Terada,H. Homma,K. Motomura,K. Ichida,T. Yokoyama,K. Nagashima,J. Al?on,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,W. Fujiya,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,T. Iizuka,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,S. Itoh,N. Kawasaki,N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,S. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,F. Moynier,A. Nguyen,L. Nittler,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,T. Di Rocco,S. S. Russell,N. Sakamoto,M. Sch?nb?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,S. Yoneda,E. D. Young,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Pyrrhotites in asteroid 162173 Ryugu: Records of the initial changes on their surfaces with aqueous alteration",,"Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta",," 379",," 172?183",2024,June "Yuta Ihara,石川 晃,Kenji Shimizu,上野 雄一郎,横山 哲也","Origin of Cretaceous and Archean komatiitic magma series: implications for source mantle heterogeneity recorded by highly siderophile elements","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024",,,,,,2024,May "Ryu Sato,石川 晃,上野 雄一郎,横山 哲也,Marco Fiorentini","Mantle evolution in late Archaean probed by highly siderophile element content ~Constraints from ultramafic volcanic rocks from the Pyradie Formation, Western Australia~","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024",,,,,,2024,May "森 英寿,石川 晃,横山 哲也,小木曽 哲,秋澤 紀克","北海道神居古潭帯超苦鉄質岩の全岩化学組成:Os-Ir枯渇にみる沈み込み 帯火成活動のシグナル","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024",,,,,,2024,May "丹羽 佑果,秋澤 紀克,石川 晃","The thickness of old oceanic lithosphere estimated from mantle xenoliths","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024",,,,,,2024,May "太田 映,黒田 潤一郎,高嶋 礼詩,星 博幸,沢田 健,池田 雅志,林 圭一,西 弘嗣,石川 晃","根室層群におけるオスミウム同位体比記録を用いた白亜紀-古第三紀境界の層序検討","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024",,,,,,2024,May "N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,K. Nagashima,N. Kawasaki,N. Sakamoto,W. Fujiya,Y. Abe,J. Al?on,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,T. Di Rocco,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. Iizuka,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,S. Itoh,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,K.D. Mckeegan,M. Morita,K. Motomura,F. Moynier,I. Nakai,A. Nguyen,L. Nittler,M. Onose,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,S. S. Russell,M. Sch?nb?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,T. Yokoyama,S. Yoneda,E. D. Young,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Disequilibrium oxygen isotope distribution among aqueously altered minerals in Ryugu asteroid returned samples",,"Meteoritics & Planetary Science",,,," 1?20",2024,Apr. "Tatsuya Tamura,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Takeshi Kuritani,Akira Ishikawa","Molybdenum isotopic compositions in volcanic rocks from Northern Izu arc (Izu-Oshima, Niijima, and Kozushima)",,"GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL",," 58",," 51-70",2024,Apr. "N. Nakanishi,A. Ishikawa,T. Yokoyama,R. J. Walker","Homogeneous Osmium Isotopic Composition in Ryugu Materials and CI Chondrites","55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference",,,,,,2024,Mar. "Hironao Matsumoto,Kosuke T. Goto,Gen Shimoda,Yasuto Watanabe,Kotaro Shirai,Maria Luisa G. Tejada,Akira Ishikawa,Atsushi Ando,Takashi Sano,Junichiro Kuroda,Katsuhiko Suzuki","Brief and intensive volcanic emissions from Ontong Java Nui heralded Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a",,"Communications Earth & Environment",," 5",,,2024,Mar. "Y. Hu,F. Moynier,W. Dai,M. Paquet,T. Yokoyama,Y. Abe,J. Al?on,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,T. Di Rocco,W. Fujiya,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. Iizuka,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,S. Itoh,N. Kawasaki,N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,K. D. McKeegan,M. Morita,K. Motomura,A. Nguyen,I. Nakai,K. Nagashima,D. Nesvorn?,L. Nittler,M. Onose,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,S.S. Russell,N. Sakamoto,M. Sch?nb?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,E. D. Young,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Pervasive aqueous alteration in the early Solar System revealed by potassium isotopic variations in Ryugu samples and carbonaceous chondrites",,"Icarus",," 409",," 115884",2024,Feb. "J. Al?on,S. Mostefaoui,H. Bureau,D. Vangu,H. Khodja,K. Nagashima,N. Kawasaki,Y. Abe,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,T. Di Rocco,W. Fujiya,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. Iizuka,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,S. Itoh,N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,M. Morita,K. Motomura,F. Moynier,I. Nakai,A. Nguyen,L. Nittler,M. Onose,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,S. S. Russell,N. Sakamoto,M. Sch?nb?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,T. Yokoyama,S. Yoneda,E. D. Young,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Hydrogen in magnetite from asteroid Ryugu",,"Meteoritics & Planetary Science",,,," 1?15",2024,Jan. "Fujita, R.,Nakano, S.,Yokoyama, T.,Ishikawa, A.","Applicability of quartz tube digestion for the determination of highly siderophile and volatile chalcophile element abundances with Os isotopic compositions using ICP-MS/MS and N-TIMS",,"Geochemical Journal",," 58",," 9-27",2024,Jan. "Matsumoto, H.,Ishikawa, A.,Coccioni, R.,Frontalini, F.,Suzuki, K.","Fine-grained interplanetary dust input during the Turonian (Late Cretaceous): evidence from osmium isotope and platinum group elements",,"Scientific Reports",," 13",," 22051",2023,Dec. "M. Morita,H. Yui,S. Urashima,M. Onose,S. Komatani,I. Nakai,Y. Abe,Y. Terada,H. Homma,K. Motomura,K. Ichida,T. Yokoyama,K. Nagashima,J. Al?on,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,W. Fujiya,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,T. Iizuka,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,S. Itoh,N. Kawasaki,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,F. Moynier,A. Nguyen,L. Nittler,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,T. Di Rocco,S. S. Russell,N. Sakamoto,M. Sch?nb?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,S. Yoneda,E. D. Young,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Analysis of Cation Composition in Dolomites on the Intact Particles Sampled from Asteroid Ryugu",,"Analysis of Cation Composition in Dolomites on the Intact Particles Sampled from Asteroid Ryugu",," 96",," 170−178",2023,Dec. "N. Nakanishi,T. Yokoyama,A. Ishikawa,R. J. Walker,Y. Abe,J. Al?on,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,T. Di Rocco,W. Fujiya,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. R. Ireland,T. Iizuka,S. Itoh,N. Kawasaki,N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,M. Morita,K. Motomura,F. Moynier,A. Nguyen,I. Nakai,K. Nagashima,D. Nesvorn?,L. Nittler,M. Onose,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,S.S. Russell,N. Sakamoto,M. Sch?nb?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,S. Yoneda,E. D. Young,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Nucleosynthetic s-Process Depletion in Mo from Ryugu samples returned by Hayabusa2",,"Geochemical Perspectives Letters",," 28",," 31-36",2023,Dec. "Z. Torano,M. K. Jordan,T. D. Mock,R. W. Carlson,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,T. Yokoyama,R. J. Walker,Y. Abe,J. Al?on,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,T. Di Rocco,W. Fujiya,R. Fukai,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,T. Iizuka,S. Itoh,N. Kawasaki,N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,M. Morita,K. Motomura,F. Moynier,A. Nguyen,I. Nakai,K. Nagashima,D. Nesvorn?,L. Nittler,M. Onose,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,S.S. Russell,N. Sakamoto,M. Sch?nb?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,S. Yoneda,E. D. Young,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Neodymium‐142 deficits and samarium neutron stratigraphy of C‐type asteroid (162173) Ryugu",,"Meteoritics & Planetary Science",,,," 1?17",2023,Nov. "M. Bizzarro,M. Schiller,T. Yokoyama,Y. Abe,J. Al?on,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,T. Di Rocco,W. Fujiya,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. Iizuka,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,S. Itoh,N. Kawasaki,N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,M. Morita,K. Motomura,F. Moynier,A. Nguyen,I. Nakai,K. Nagashima,D. Nesvorn?,L. Nittler,M. Onose,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,S.S. Russell,N. Sakamoto,M. Sch?nb?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,S. Yoneda,E. D. Young,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","The Magnesium Isotope Composition of Samples Returned from Asteroid Ryugu",,"The Astrophysical Journal Letters",," 958",,,2023,Nov. "T. Yokoyama,M. Wadhwa,T. Iizuka,I. Gautam,Y. Hibiya,Y. Masuda,M. K. Haba,R. Fukai,R. Hines,N. Phelan,Y. Abe,J. Al?on,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,T. Di Rocco,W. Fujiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,S. Itoh,N. Kawasaki,N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,K. D. McKeegan,M. Morita,K. Motomura,F. Moynier,A. Nguyen,I. Nakai,K. Nagashima,D. Nesvorn?,L. Nittler,M. Onose,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,S.S. Russell,N. Sakamoto,M. Sch?nb?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,S. Yoneda,E. D. Young,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Water circulation in Ryugu asteroid affected the distribution of nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies in returned sample",,"Science Advances",," 9",,,2023,Nov. "Honami Sato,Tatsuo Nozaki,Tetsuji Onoue,Akira Ishikawa,Katsuhito Soda,Kazutaka Yasukawa,Jun-Ichi Kimura,Qing Chang,Yasuhiro Kato,Manuel Rigo","Rhenium?osmium isotope evidence for the onset of volcanism in the central Panthalassa Ocean during the Norian “chaotic carbon episode”",,"Global and Planetary Change",,,,,2023,Sept. "秋澤 紀克,石川 晃,藤田 遼,森下 知晃,田村 明弘,佐野 貴司","ハワイ・ソルトレイククレーター産ザクロ石カンラン岩の再解析","日本鉱物学会2023年年会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "太田 映,黒田 潤一郎,高嶋 礼詩,星 博幸,林 圭一,鈴木 勝彦,石川 晃,西 弘嗣","根室層群における白亜紀―古第三紀境界のオスミウム同位体層序","日本地質学会第130年学術大会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "佐藤 峰南,石川 晃,Lowery Christopher,Gulick Sean,Morgan Joanna","チチュルブクレーター内の古第三紀石灰岩中に記録されたオスミウム同位体比変動","日本地質学会第130年学術大会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "松本廣直,石川晃,大河内 直彦,小川奈々子,白井厚太朗,黒田潤一郎,鈴木勝彦","オントンシ?ャワ海台形成に関わる火山活動と白亜紀海洋無酸素事変の関連の再検討","日本地球化学会第70回年会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "黒田潤一郎,太田映,石川晃,鈴木勝彦,Tejada MariaL.G.,大河内直彦","南半球の海洋堆積物に記録された白亜紀-古第三紀 境界のオスミウム同位体比変動とその化学層序学的意義","日本地球化学会第70回年会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "森英寿,石川晃,小木曽哲,横山哲也,秋澤紀克","強親鉄性元素の挙動に見る前弧領域火成活動の証拠:北海道神居古潭帯岩内岳の例","日本地球化学会第70回年会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "秋澤紀克,石川晃,丹羽佑果,Alard Olivier,Gre?au Yoann,平野直人,町田嗣樹","海洋リソスフェアの熱化学状態〜フ?チスホ?ットカンラン岩捕獲岩からの制約〜","日本地球化学会第70回年会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "井原悠太,石川 晃,横山 哲也,清水健二","顕生代コマチアイトから制約するマントルの強親鉄性元素組成進化","日本地球化学会第70回年会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "H. Tang,E. D. Young,L. Tafla,A. Pack,T. Di Rocco,Y. Abe,J. Al?on,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,W. Fujiya,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. Iizuka,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,S. Itoh,N. Kawasaki,N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,K. D. McKeegan,M. Morita,K. Motomura,F. Moynier,A. Nguyen,I. Nakai,K. Nagashima,D. Nesvorn?,L. Nittler,M. Onose,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,S.S. Russell,N. Sakamoto,M. Sch?nb?chler,K. Terada,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,T. Yokoyama,S. Yoneda,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","The Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Samples Returned from Asteroid Ryugu with Implications for the Nature of the Parent Planetesimal",,"The Planetary Science Journal",," 4",," 144",2023,Aug. "Thendo Netshidzivhe,Sebastian Tappe,Allan H. Wilson,Akira Ishikawa,Fanus Viljoen","The Paleoarchean Buffalo River komatiites: Progressive melting of a single large mantle plume beneath the growing Kaapvaal craton",,"Precambrian Research",,"Volume 393",,,2023,Aug. "W. Fujiya,N. Kawasaki,K. Nagashima,N. Sakamoto,C. M. O' D. Alexander,N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,Y. Abe,J. Al?on,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,T. Di Rocco,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. Iizuka,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,S. Itoh,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,K. D. McKeegan,M. Morita,K. Motomura,F. Moynier,I. Nakai,A. Nguyen,L. Nittler,M. Onose,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,S.S. Russell,M. Sch?nb?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,T. Yokoyama,S. Yoneda,E. D. Young,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Carbonate record of temporal change in oxygen fugacity and gaseous species in asteroid Ryugu",,"Nature Geoscience",," 16",," 675?682",2023,July "A. Nguyen,P. Mane,L.P. Keller,L. Piani,Y. Abe,J. Al?on,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,T. Di Rocco,W. Fujiya,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. Iizuka,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,S. Itoh,N. Kawasaki,N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,K. D. McKeegan,M. Morita,K. Motomura,F. Moynier,I. Nakai,K. Nagashima,D. Nesvorn?,L. Nittler,M. Onose,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Qin,S.S. Russell,N. Sakamoto,M. Sch?nb?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,T. Yokoyama,S. Yoneda,E. D. Young,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Abundant presolar grains and primordial organics preserved in carbon-rich exogenous clasts in asteroid Ryugu",,"Science Advances",," 9",,,2023,July "Joerg Fritz,Pierre-Henri Blard,Honami Sato,Akira Ishikawa,Steven Goderis","Is lunar dust producing the late Eocene 3He anomaly, 36 Ma ago? New insights from extraterrestrial 3He in iridium poor marine sediments","Goldschmidt Lyon 2023",,,,,,2023,July "Akira Ishikawa,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Nao Nakanishi,Richard J. Walker","Highly siderophile elements and Os isotope compositions of Ryugu samples","Goldschmidt Lyon 2023",,,,,,2023,July "Yu-Chin Lin,Julian Pearce,Akira Ishikawa,Yannick Buret,John Spratt,Shigenori Maruyama,Ade Kadarusman,Sun-Lin Chung","Ophiolitic crust-mantle decoupling revealed by Cr-spinel compositions of Timor peridotites","Goldschmidt Lyon 2023",,,,,,2023,July "Honami Sato,Akira Ishikawa,Christopher M. Lowery,Sean P. S. Gulick,Joanna V. Morgan","Early Paleocene Os isotope stratigraphy within the Chicxulub impact basin","4th International Congress on Stratigraphy",,,,,,2023,July "Ihara Yuta,Akira Ishikawa,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Kenji Shimizu","Highly siderophile element geochemistry of Phanerozoic komatiites and related mafic-ultramafic rocks in Gorgona island, Columbia","Goldschmidt Lyon 2023",,,,,,2023,July "Ryo Fujita,Akira Ishikawa,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Michael Garcia","The thermal and chemical litho-stratigraphy beneath the Hawaiian Islands","Goldschmidt Lyon 2023",,,,,,2023,July "Katsuhiko Suzuki,Gen Shimoda,Akira Ishikawa,Tetsu Kogiso,Norikatsu Akizawa","Deciphering Deep Mantle Processes from Isotopic and Highly Siderophile Element Compositions of Mantle‐Derived Rocks: Prospects and Limitations",,"Core‐Mantle Co‐Evolution: An Interdisciplinary Approach","American Geophysical Union",,,,2023,June "Hayu Ota,Junichiro Kuroda,Maria Luisa Tejada,石川 晃,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Naohiko Ohkouchi","IODP Expedition 369: オーストラリア南西沖メンテーレ海盆における白亜紀ー古第三紀境界のオスミウム同位体層序と白金族元素組成","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023",,,,,,2023,May "Azusa Shito,Daisuke Suetsugu,石川 晃,Takehi Isse,Hajime Shiobara,Hiroko Sugioka 5,Aki Ito2,Yasushi Ishihara2,Satoru Tanaka,Masayuki Obayashi,Takashi Tonegawa,Junko Yoshimitsu","Dyke swarms in the oceanic lithosphere beneath the Ontong Java Plateau as inferred from Po/So waves","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023",,,,,,2023,May "Hayu Ota,Junichiro Kuroda,石川 晃,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Reishi Takashima","根室層群における白亜紀ー古第三紀境界のオスミウム同位体比記録を用いた層序検討","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023",,,,,,2023,May "田村達也,横山哲也,James B. Gill,栗谷豪,石川晃","東北日本弧火山岩のMo同位体組成","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023",,,,,,2023,May "Kenji Shimizu,Norikatsu Akizawa,石川 晃,Tetsu Kogiso,Takayuki Ushikubo","Volatiles in anhydrous mantle minerals from French Polynesian xenoliths","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023",,,,,,2023,May "Norikatsu Akizawa,石川 晃,Tetsu Kogiso,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Akira Miyake,Itaru Mitsukawa","Origin of ultra-refractory mantle domain with ancient osmium isotope signature in the Pacific lithosphere constrained by mantle xenoliths from Tahiti and Moorea Islands, Society Islands","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023",,,,,,2023,May "Norikatsu Akizawa,石川 晃,丹羽 佑果,Olivier Alard,Yoann Gr?au,Naoto Hirano,Shiki Machida","Geochemical stratigraphy of oceanic lithosphere reconstructed by spinel/garnet peridotite xenoliths from petit-spots in the northwestern Pacific","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023",,,,,,2023,May "石川 晃,藤田 遼,Nao Nakanishi,横山 哲也","Simultaneous determination of volatile chalcophile and highly siderophile elements in carbonaceous chondrites by triple quadrupole ICP-MS after sealed-glass tube digestion","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023",,,,,,2023,May "M. L. G. Tejada,T. Sano,T. Hanyu,A. A. P. Koppers,M. Nakanishi,T. Miyazaki,A. Ishikawa,K. Tani,S. Shimizu,K. Shimizu,B. Vaglarov,Q. Chang","New evidence for the Ontong Java Nui hypothesis",,"Scientific Reports",,"volume 13",,,2023,May "L. Piani,K. Nagashima,N. Kawasaki,N. Sakamoto,K-I. Bajo,Y. Abe,J. Ale?on,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,T. Di Rocco,W. Fujiya,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. Iizuka,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,M. Ito,S. Itoh,N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,K. D. McKeegan,M. Morita,K. Motomura,F. Moynier,I. Nakai,A. Nguyen,L. Nittler,M. Onose,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Qin,S.S. Russell,M. Scho?nba?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,T. Yokoyama,S. Yoneda,E. D. Young,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Hydrous Minerals in Asteroid Ryugu",,"The Astrophysical Journal Letters",," 946",,,2023,Apr. "Kawasaki, N.,Nagashima, K.,Sakamoto, N.,Matsumoto, T.,Bajo, K.-I.,Wada, S.,???,Akira Ishikawa,???,Yurimoto, H.","Oxygen isotopes of anhydrous primary minerals show kinship between asteroid Ryugu and comet 81P/Wild2",,"Science Advances",,,,,2022,Dec. "Akizawa, N.,Nirano, N.,Machida, S.,Ishikawa, A.,Niwa, Y.,Shimoda, G.,Yasukawa, K.,Matuzaki, K. M.,Tamura, C.,Kaneko, J.","Rock and sediment dataset of petit-spots in the northwestern Pacific",,"Data in Brief",," 45",," 108764",2022,Dec. "Paquet, M.,Moynier, F.,Yokoyama, T.,Dai, W.,Hu, Y.,Abe, Y.,???,Ishikawa, A.,???,Yurimoto, H.","Contribution of Ryugu-like material to Earth’s volatile inventory by Cu and Zn isotopic analysis",,"Nature Astronomy",,,,,2022,Dec. "T. Hopp,N. Dauphas,Y. Abe,J. Ale?on,C. M. O' D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,A. M. Davis,T. Di Rocco,W. Fujiya,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. Iizuka,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,M. Ito,S. Itoh,N. Kawasaki,N.T. Kita,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,K. D. McKeegan,M. Morita,K. Motomura,F. Moynier,I. Nakai,K. Nagashima,D. Nesvorny?,A. Nguyen,L. Nittler,M. Onose,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,S.S. Russell,N. Sakamoto,M. Scho?nba?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,T. Yokoyama,S. Yoneda,E. D. Young,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,T. Nakamura,H. Naraoka,T. Noguchi,R. Okazaki,K. Sakamoto,H. Yabuta,M. Abe,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,T. Okada,T. Yada,K. Yogata,S. Nakazawa,T. Saiki,S. Tanaka,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,S. Watanabe,M. Yoshikawa,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Ryugu's nucleosynthetic heritage from the outskirts of the Solar System",,"Science Advances",," 8",,,2022,Oct. "Moynier, F.,Dai, W.,Yokoyama, T.,Hu, Y.,Paquet, M.,Abe, Y.,???,Ishikawa, A.,???,Yurimoto, H.","The Solar System calcium isotopic composition inferred from Ryugu samples",,"Geochemical Perspectives Letters",,,,,2022,Oct. "Sietze J.de Graaff,Lawrence M.E.Percival,Pim Kaskes,Thomas D?hais,Niels J.de Winter,Max N.Jansen,Jan Smit,Matthias Sinnesael,Johan Vellekoop,Honami Sato,Akira Ishikawa,Simo Spassov,Philippe Claeys,Steven Goderis","Geochemical records of the end-Triassic Crisis preserved in a deep marine section of the Budva Basin, Dinarides, Montenegro",,"Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology",,"Volume 606",," 111250",2022,Sept. "秋澤 紀克,大嶋 ちひろ,石川 晃,角野 浩史,小澤 一仁,佐藤 侑人,浜田 盛久","クック諸島産マントル捕獲岩から推定する太平洋プレートの熱化学構構造","日本地球化学会第69回年会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "田村 達也,横山 哲也,石川 晃","神津島の流紋岩及び玄武岩質捕獲岩のMo安定同位体組成","日本地球化学会第69回年会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "秋澤 紀克,石井 輝秋,秋澤 紀克,石川 晃,石井 輝秋","前弧域の枯渇したマントルカンラン岩が記録する古溶融イベント","日本地球化学会第69回年会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "石川 晃,藤田 遼,丹羽 佑果,秋澤 紀克","海洋リソスフェアの温度構造:マントル捕獲岩研究からの視点","日本地球化学学会第69回年会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Yusuke Kubota,Fumihiro Matsu'ura,Kenji Shimizu,Akira Ishikawa,Yuichiro Ueno","Sulfur in Archean komatiite implies early subduction of oceanic lithosphere",,"Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters",,"Volume 598",," 117826",2022,Sept. "Barosch, J.,Nittler, L.,Wang, J.,Alexander, C.M.O'D.,De Gregorio, B.T.,England, C.,???,Ishikawa, A.,???,Yurimoto, H.","Presolar Stardust in Asteroid Ryugu",,"The Astrophysical Journal Letters",,,,,2022,Aug. "Ryo Fujita,Akira Ishikawa,Hirochika Sumino,Michael O. Garcia","Can the slightly depleted mantle be a high 3He/4He reservoir?","Goldschmidt Hawai'i 2022",,,,,,2022,July "Yusuke Kubota,Shun Nakano,Akira Ishikawa,Yuichiro Ueno","The compositional dichotomy of ca. 3.3 Ga komatiites from the West Pilbara","Goldschmidt Hawai'i 2022",,,,,,2022,July "Yuka Niwa,Akira Ishikawa,Norikatsu Akizawa","Thermal structure of oceanic lithosphere constrained from the petit-spot mantle xenoliths","Goldschmidt Hawai'i 2022",,,,,,2022,July "Akira Ishikawa,Shun Nakano,Ryo Fujita,Tetsuya Yokoyama","Simple and accurate determination of chalcophile and highly siderophile elements in carbonaceous chondrites using triple quadrupole ICP-MS","Goldschmidt Hawai'i 2022",,,,,,2022,July "T. Yokoyama,K. Nagashima,I. Nakai,E. D. Young,Y. Abe,J. Ale?on,C. M. O'D. Alexander,S. Amari,Y. Amelin,K.-I. Bajo,M. Bizzarro,A. Bouvier,R. W. Carlson,M. Chaussidon,B.-G. Choi,N. Dauphas,A. M. Davis,T. di Rocco,W. Fujiya,R. Fukai,I. Gautam,M. K. Haba,Y. Hibiya,H. Hidaka,H. Homma,P. Hoppe,G. R. Huss,K. Ichida,T. Iizuka,T. R. Ireland,A. Ishikawa,M. Ito,S. Itoh,N. Kawasaki,N. T. Kita,K. Kitajima,T. Kleine,S. Komatani,A. N. Krot,M.-C. Liu,Y. Masuda,K. D. Mckeegan,M. Morita,K. Motomura,F. Moynier,A. Nguyen,L. Nittler,M. Onose,A. Pack,C. Park,L. Piani,L. Qin,S. S. Russell,N. Sakamoto,M. Scho?nba?chler,L. Tafla,H. Tang,K. Terada,Y. Terada,T. Usui,S. Wada,M. Wadhwa,R. J. Walker,K. Yamashita,Q.-Z. Yin,S. Yoneda,H. Yui,A.-C. Zhang,H. C. Connolly,H. Sawada,H. Senshu,Y. Shimaki,K. Shirai,S. Sugita,Y. Takei,H. Takeuchi,S. Tanaka,E. Tatsumi,F. Terui,Y. Tsuda,R. Tsukizaki,K. Wada,S.-i. Watanabe,M. Yamada,T. Yamada,Y. Yamamoto,H. Yano,Y. Yokota,K. Yoshihara,M. Yoshikawa,K. Yoshikawa,S. Furuya,K. Hatakeda,T. Hayashi,Y. Hitomi,K. Kumagai,A. Miyazaki,A. Nakato,M. Nishimura,H. Soejima,A. Suzuki,T. Yada,D. Yamamoto,K. Yogata,M. Yoshitake,S. Tachibana,H. Yurimoto","Samples returned from the asteroid Ryugu are similar to Ivuna-type carbonaceous meteorites",,"Samples returned from the asteroid Ryugu are similar to Ivuna-type carbonaceous meteorites",," 379",,,2022,June "Shun Nakano,Akira Ishikawa,Yuichiro Ueno,Tetsuya Yokoyama","Siderophile elements in Paleoarchean Camel Creek komatiites from East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia: implications for secular evolution of Archean-Proterozoic mantle","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022",,,,,,2022,May "Ihara Yuta,Akira Ishikawa,Kenji Shimizu,Tetsuya Yokoyama","Mantle sources of Phanerozoic komatiite from Gorgona Island, Colombia: Implication from osmium isotope heterogeneity","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022",,,,,,2022,May "Tatsuya Tamura,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Akira Ishikawa,Takeshi Kuritani,Ikshu Gautam","Molybdenum isotopic compositions in volcanic rocks from the Izu islands","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022",,,,,,2022,May "Tetsu Kogiso,Akira Ishikawa,Norikatsu Akizawa","Estimation of highly siderophile element abundances in the primitive mantle: Insights from peridotites of Timor-Tanimber Ophiolite","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022",,,,,,2022,May "Ryo Fujita,Akira Ishikawa,Hirochika Sumino,Michael O Garcia","The possibility of the depleted mantle being a high 3He/4He reservoir","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022,",,,,,,2022,May "Yuka Niwa,Akira Ishikawa,Norikatsu Akizawa","A thermal structure of oceanic lithosphere constrained from mantle xenoliths from the petit-spot volcano","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022",,,,,,2022,May "Norikatsu Akizawa,Kazuhito Ozawa,Tetsu Kogiso,Simon Richard Wallis,Tatsuhiko Kawamoto,Akihiro Tamura,Tomoaki Morishita,Norikatsu Akizawa,Kazuhito Ozawa,Tetsu Kogiso,Akira Ishikawa,Simon Richard Wallis,Tatsuhiko Kawamoto,Akihiro Tamura,Tomoaki Morishita","Evidence for suboceanic small-scale convection from a “garnet”-bearing lherzolite xenolith, Aitutaki Island, Cook Islands","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022",,,,,,2022,May "Yuki Masuda,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Satoki Okabayashi,Akira Ishikawa,Hikaru Iwamori","Chemical and Isotopic Evaluation of a Microsampling Method using Laser Ablation and Membrane Filter",,"Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research",,"Vol. 46","No. 2","p. 205-222",2022,Mar. "Norikatsu Akizawa,Asuka Yamaguchi,Kenichiro Tani,Akira Ishikawa,Ryo Fujita,Sung Hi Choi","Highly refractory dunite formation at Gibbs Island and Bruce Bank, and its role in the evolution of the circum-Antarctic continent",,"The Canadian Mineralogist",,"vol. 59",,"p. 1731-1753",2021,Dec. "Honami Sato,Akira Ishikawa,Tetsuji Onoue,Yuki Tomimatsu,Manuel Rigo","Sedimentary record of Upper Triassic impact in the Lagonegro Basin, southern Italy: Insights from highly siderophile elements and Re-Os isotope stratigraphy across the Norian/Rhaetian boundary",,"Chemical Geology",,"Volume 586",," 120506",2021,Dec. "Chiaki Toyama,Hirochika Sumino,Nobuaki Okabe,Akira Ishikawa,Junji Yamamoto,Ichiro Kaneoka,Yasuyuki Muramatsu","Halogen heterogeneity in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle revealed by I/Br ratios in kimberlites and their mantle xenoliths from South Africa, Greenland, China, Siberia, Canada, and Brazil",,"American Mineralogist",,,,,2021,Aug. "佐野 貴司,テハタ? マリア ルイサ?,中西 正男,羽生 毅,三浦 誠一,末次 大輔,利根川 貴志,石川 晃,清水 健二,?水 祥伽","超オントンシ?ャワ仮説の検証 ─地球最大の超巨大火山─",,"地学雑誌",,,,,2021,July "Maria Luisa Garcia Tejada,Takashi Sano,Takeshi Hanyu,Anthony Koppers,Masao Nakanishi,Akira Ishikawa,Takashi Miyazaki,Kenichiro Tani,Shoka Shimizu,Qing Chang,Bogdan Vaglarov","Sampling source heterogeneities that bind the Ontong Java Nui puzzle together",,,,,,,2021,July "Shun Nakano,Akira Ishikawa,Yuichiro Ueno,Tetsuya Yokoyama","Highly siderophile elements behavior in the Paleoarchean Camel Creek komatiites from East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia","Goldschmidt Virutal 2021",,,,,,2021,July "Yusuke Kubota,Fumihiro Matsu'ura,Kenji Shimizu,石川 晃,上野 雄一郎","Missing negative Δ33S reservoir in mantle inferred from 2.7 Ga komatiite","Goldschmdit Virtual 2021",,,,,,2021,July "Akira Ishikawa,Natsuki Nakamura,Tetsuya Yokoyama","Highly siderophile element mobility during serpentinization of mantle wedge peridotite","Goldschmdt Virtual 2021",,,,,,2021,July "下田 玄,小木曽 哲,鈴木 勝彦,石川 晃,秋澤 紀克","Role of fluid rock reaction for the production of FOZO isotopic composition","日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会",,,,,,2021,June "石川 晃,越田 渓子,鈴木 勝彦,横山 哲也,小宮 剛","Highly siderophile elements in Earth's oldest rocks from Acasta Gniess Complex, Canada: an impact melt origin or not?","日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会",,,,,,2021,June "黒田 潤一郎,後藤 孝介,石川 晃,黒柳 あずみ","海洋リソスフェアと地球表層環境 ?海洋プレート生成史が地球表層環境に与えた影響?","日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会",,,,,,2021,June "小木曽 哲,石川 晃,秋澤 紀克","パイロライトモデルを応用した始源的マントルの強親鉄元素存在度の推定","日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会",,,,,,2021,June "Maria Luisa Tejada,Takashi Sano,Takeshi Hanyu,Anthony A. P. Koppers,Masao Nakanishi,Akira Ishikawa,Takashi Miyazaki,Kenichiro Tani,Shoka Shimizu,Qing Chang,Bogdan Stefanov Vaglarov","Volcanism along the eastern margin of the Ontong Java Plateau: More reasons to test the Ontong Java Nui hypothesis by scientific ocean drilling","日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会",,,,,,2021,June "小澤 恭弘,石川 晃,羽生 毅,清水 健二,牛久保 孝行,浜田 盛久,岩森 光","Hydrogen isotope of the mantle source in Pitcairn Island","日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会",,,,,,2021,June "西澤 達治,三ツ出 唯利,中村 仁美,Churikova Tatiana,Gordeychik Boris,石川 晃,岩森 光","高-Mg安山岩及び玄武岩中の強親鉄性元素の特徴とカムチャッカ前弧域における第四紀島弧火成活動の成因","日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会",,,,,,2021,June "秋澤 紀克,山口 飛鳥,大嶋 ちひろ,谷 健一郎,石川 晃,藤田 遼,CHOI SUNG HI","Highly refractory dunite formation in Gibbs Island and Bruce Bank, and its role in the evolution of the circum-Antarctic continent","日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会",,,,,,2021,June "Takehi Isse,Daisuke Suetsugu,Akira Ishikawa,Hajime Shiobara,Hiroko Sugioka,Aki Ito,Yuki Kawano,Kazunori Yoshizawa,Yasushi Ishihara,Satoru Tanaka,Masayuki Obayashi,Takashi Tonegawa,Junko Yoshimitsu","Seismic evidence for a thermochemical mantle plume underplating the lithosphere of the Ontong Java Plateau",,"COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT",," 2"," 98",,2021,May "三ツ出 唯利,西澤 達治,中村 仁美,Churikova Tatiana,Gordeychik Boris,石川 晃,岩森 光","強親鉄性元素及びRe-Os同位体系から探るSredinny Range北部(カムチャッカ)のマグマ生成プロセス","日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会",,,,,,2021,May "Steven Goderis,Honami Sato,Ludovic Ferri?re,Birger Schmitz,David Burney,Pim Kaskes,Johan Vellekoop,Axel Wittmann,Toni Schulz,Stepan Chernonozhkin,Philippe Claeys,Sietze J. de Graaff,Thomas D?hais,Niels J. de Winter,Mikael Elfman,Jean-Guillaume Feignon,Akira Ishikawa,Christian Koeberl,Per Kristiansson,Clive R. Neal,Jeremy D. Owens,Martin Schmieder,Matthias Sinnesael,Frank Vanhaecke,Stijn J. M. Van Malderen,Timothy J. Bralower,Sean P. S. Gulick,David A. Kring,Christopher M. Lowery,Joanna V. Morgan,Jan Smit,Michael T. Whalen,IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists","Globally distributed iridium layer preserved within the Chicxulub impact structure",,"Science Advances",,"Vol. 7","no. 9"," eabe3647",2021,Feb. "Hikaru Sawada,Yusuke Sawaki,Shuhei Sakata,Akira Ishikawa,Brian Muteta,Yukio Isozaki,Shigenori Maruyama","New geochronological constraints on the middle Archean Shurugwi greenstone belt toward an understanding of the crustal evolution of the Zimbabwe Craton",,"Journal of African Earth Sciences",,"Volume 173",," 104021",2021,Jan. "Yoshida, S.,Ishikawa, A.,Aoki, S.,Komiya, T.","Occurrence and chemical composition of the Eoarchean carbonate rocks of the Nulliak supracrustal rocks in the Saglek Block of northeastern Labrador",,"Island Arc",,"Vol. 30",," e12381",2020,Dec. "Hitomi Nakamura,Ayane Sano,Saya Kagami,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Akira Ishikawa,Tsuyoshi Komiya,Hikaru Iwamori","Compositional heterogeneity of Archean mantle estimated from Sr and Nd isotopic systematics of basaltic rocks from North Pole, Australia, and the Isua supracrustal belt, Greenland",,"Precambrian Research",,,,,2020,Sept. "藤田 遼,石川 晃,横山 哲也,Michael Garcia","ハワイ諸島産マントル捕獲岩の全岩オスミウム同位体と強親鉄性元素組成","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting",,,,,,2020,June "Norikatsu Akizawa,Kazuhito Ozawa,Simon Wallis,Akihiro Tamura,Akira Ishikawa,Tetsu Kogiso","A Peridotite Xenolith from Garnet-Stability Field beneath Aitutaki: An Implication for Small-Scale Convection","Goldschmidt2020",,,,,,2020,June "Ryo Fujita,Akira Ishikawa,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Michael O. Garcia","Ancient Origin of Hawaiian Xenoliths: Fragments of Mantle Plume?","Goldschmidt2020",,,,,,2020,June "Yuki Masuda,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Satoki Okabayashi,Akira Ishikawa","Development of Laser Ablation with Filter (LAF) Sampling Method for Micro-Scale Isotopic Analysis of Geologic Materials","Goldschmidt2020",,,,,,2020,June "Akira Ishikawa,Keiko Koshida,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Tsuyoshi Komiya","No Impact Signatures in Earth’s Oldest Rocks from Acasta Gneiss Complex, Canada","Goldschmidt2020",,,,,,2020,June "Tomomi Kani,Yukio Isozaki,Keiji Misawa,Akira Ishikawa,Shigekazu Yoneda","Stable Sr Isotopes of the Middle-Late Permian Carbonate: Its Implication for Driving Ocean Sr Budget Change","Goldschmidt2020",,,,,,2020,June "Natuski Nakamura,Akira Ishikawa,Tetsuya Yokoyama","Highly siderophile element mobility during serpentinization of forearc mantle peridotite","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting",,,,,,2020,June "田村 達也,横山 哲也,石川 晃","神津島流紋岩及び玄武岩質捕獲岩の地球化学的研究","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting",,,,,,2020,June "可児 智美,磯崎 行雄,三澤 啓司,石川 晃,米田 成一","ペルム紀パンサラッサ海Sr収支変化","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting",,,,,,2020,June "臼井 洋一,山崎 俊嗣,大田 隼一郎,佐藤 峰南,石川 晃","太平洋赤色泥における白亜紀―古第三紀境界付近の古地磁気記録","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting",,,,,,2020,June "中野 隼,石川 晃,上野 雄一郎,横山 哲也","コマチアイトの強親鉄性元素地球化学?マントル進化史の解明に向けて?","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting",,,,,,2020,June "三ツ出 唯利,西澤 達治,中村 仁美,Tatiana Churikova,Boris Gordeychik,石川 晃,藤田 遼,岩森 光,坂田 周平","Re-Os systematic of volcanic rock from East Cone, Kamchatka Peninsula","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting",,,,,,2020,June "Takashi Sano,Maria Luisa Tejada,Clive R. Neal,Millard Coffin,Masao Nakanishi,Peter Michael,Jo?rg Geldmacher,Takeshi Hanyu,Seiichi Miura,Christian Timm,Anthony A. P. Koppers,Daisuke Suetsugu,Takashi Tonegawa,石川 晃,Kenji Shimizu,Paterno Castillo","Exploring the World’s Largest LIP: Testing the Ontong Java Nui hypothesis","JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting",,,,,,2020,June "Yagi H,Itoh S,Ishikawa A,Shibuya T,Ueno Y","In situ Hydrogen Isotope Analysis of Pyroxenes in Precambrian Gabbro","Goldschmidt Conference",,,,,,2020,June "Kosuke T. Goto,Yasuhito Sekine,Gen Shimoda,James R. Hein,Shogo Aoki,Akira Ishikawa,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Gwyneth W. Gordon,Ariel D. Anbar","A framework for understanding Mo isotope records of Archean and Paleoproterozoic Fe- and Mn-rich sedimentary rocks: Insights from modern marine hydrothermal Fe-Mn oxides",,"Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Volume 280",," 221-236",2020,Apr. "Norikatsu Akizawa,Akira Ishikawa,Tetsu Kogiso","A simple determination of whole-rock major- and trace-element composition for peridotite by micro-XRF spectrometer and ICP-MS using fused-glass bead",,"Geochemical Journal",,"Volume 54",," 81-90",2020,Apr. "Shoji Arai,Makoto Miura,Akihiro Tamura,Norikatsu Akizawa,Akira Ishikawa","Hydrothermal Chromitites from the Oman Ophiolite: The Role of Water in Chromitite Genesis",,"Minerals",," 10"," 217"," doi:10.3390/min10030217",2020,Feb. "Kubota, Y.,Ueno, Y.,Shimizu, K.,Ishikawa, A.,Matsuura, F.","Sulfur isotope anomaly of igneous sulfides in the Belingwe komatiites implication for the onset of subduction","American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Yusuke Kubota,Yuichiro Ueno,Kenji Shimizu,Akira Ishikawa,Fumihiro Matsu'ura","Sulfur isotope anomaly of igneous sulfides in the Belingwe komatiites implication for the onset of the subduction","AGU fall meeting",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Isse, T.,Suetsugu, D.,Ishikawa, A.,Shiobara, H.,Sugioka, H.,Ito, A.,Kawano, Y.,Yoshizawa, K.,Ishihara, Y.,Tanaka, S.,Obayashi, M.,Tonegawa, T.,Yoshimitsu, J.,Kobayashi, T.","Shear wave upper mantle structure beneath the Ontong Java Plateau","American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019",,,,,,2019,Dec. "Nozaki, T.,Ohta, J.,Noguchi, T.,Sato, H.,Ishikawa, A.,Takaya, Y.,Kimura, J.-I.,Chang, Q.,Shimada, K.,Ishibashi, J.-I.,Yasukawa, K.,Kimoto, K.,Iijima, K.,Kato, Y.","A Miocene impact ejecta layer in the pelagic Pacific Ocean",,"Scientific Reports",," 9"," 16111",,2019,Nov. "佐藤峰南,石川晃,Ferrie?re Ludovic,Morgan Joanna,Gulick Sean,IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists","チチュルフ?クレーター内のK-Pg境界掘削試料を用いた白金族元素およひ?オスミウム同位体組成","日本地質学会第126年学術大会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "大嶋ちひろ,秋澤紀克,石川晃,石井輝秋,小木曽哲","Aitutaki・Rarotonga島(クック諸島)産マントル捕獲岩の地球化学的特徴","日本地球化学学会第66回年会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "八木晃,伊藤正一,石川晃,渋谷岳造,上野雄一郎","二次イオン質量分析法を用いた斑レイ岩中の輝石の水素同位体比:マントルの水素同位体進化の解明に向けて","日本地球化学学会第66回年会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "八木晃,上野雄一郎,伊藤正一,石川晃,渋谷岳造","二次イオン質量分析法を用いた斑レイ岩中の輝石の水素同位体比:マントルの水素同位体進化の解明に向けて","日本地球化学会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Onoue, T.,Takahata, N.,Sato, H.,Ishikawa, A.,Soda, K.,Sano, Y.,Isozaki, Y.","Enhanced flux of extraterrestrial 3He across the Permian-Triassic boundary in pelagic deep-sea chert","Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Sato, H.,Nozaki, T.,Ishikawa, A.,Onoue, T.,Kimura, J.-I.,Chang, Q.","Extraterrestrial impact recorded in the Upper Triassic deep-sea deposits from Japan","Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI",,,,,,2019,Sept. "T. Tonegawa,S. Miura,A. Ishikawa,T. Sano,D. Suetsugu,T. Isse,H. Shiobara,H. Sugioka,A. Ito,Y. Ishihara,S. Tanaka,M. Obayashi,J. Yoshimitsu,T. Kobayashi","Characterization of Crustal and Uppermost‐Mantle Seismic Discontinuities in the Ontong Java Plateau",,"Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth",,"vol. 124",," https://doi. org/10.1029/2018JB016970",2019,July "Uyanga Bold,Yukio Isozaki,Shogo Aoki,Shuhei Sakata,Akira Ishikawa,Yusuke Sawaki,Hikaru Sawada","Precambrian basement, provenance implication, and tectonic evolution of the Gargan block of the Tuva-Mongolia Zone, Central Asian Orogenic Belt",,"Gondwana Research",,"vol. 75",,"p. 172-183",2019,June "六鹿 悠,石川 晃,横山 哲也","Evaluation of digestion methods for Molybdenum concentration analysis for geological materials","日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会",,,,,,2019,May "久保田 勇祐,上野 雄一郎,清水 健二,松浦 史宏,石川 晃","27億年前のベリングウェーコマチアイトの質量非依存硫黄同位体分別:太古代における地殻物質のリサイクル","日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会",,,,,,2019,May "Yusuke Kubota,Ueno Y.,Kenji Shimizu,Akira Ishikawa,Matsuura F.","Sulfur isotope anomaly of igneous sulfides in the Belingwe komatiites: Implication for the onset of subduction","JpGU annual meeting",,,,,,2019,May "藤田 遼,石川 晃,横山 哲也,Michael Garcia","オスミウム同位体と強親鉄性元素組成からみたハワイ諸島、カウラ島産マントル捕獲岩の起源","日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会",,,,,,2019,May "可児 智美,磯崎 行雄,三澤 啓司,石川 晃,米田 成一","δ88Sr and 87Sr/86Sr records of the Middle-Late Permian seawater: mass extinction-relevant change in ocean Sr budget","日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会",,,,,,2019,May "尾上哲治,高畑直人,佐藤穂南,石川晃,曽田勝仁,佐野有司,磯崎行雄","ペルム紀/三畳紀境界に置ける地球外3Heフラックスの増加イベント","日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会",,,,,,2019,May "Norikatsu Akizawa,石川 晃,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Tetsu Kogiso","Ancient, highly depleted mantle constrained by Re-Os isotope and highly siderophile element compositions of French Polynesian xenoliths","日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会",,,,,,2019,May "Nao Nakanishi,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Akira Ishikawa","Refinement of the micro-distillation technique for isotopic analysis of geological samples with pg-level osmium contents",,"Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research",,"Volume 43","No. 2","Page 231-243",2019,May "Homma, Y.,Iizuka, T.,Ishikawa, A.","Hf-W Dating of Main-Group Pallasites","50TH LUNAR AND PLANETARY SCIENCE CONFERENCE",,,,,,2019,Mar. "Tetsuji Onoue,Naoto Takahata,Mitsutaka Miura,Honami Sato,Akira Ishikawa,Katsuhito Soda,Yuji Sano,Yukio Isozaki","Enhanced flux of extraterrestrial 3He across the Permian?Triassic boundary",,"Progress in Earth and Planetary Science",," 6:18",,,2019,Feb. "K.A. Smart,S. Tappe,A. Ishikawa,J.A. Pf?nder,A.Stracke","K-rich hydrous mantle lithosphere beneath the Ontong Java Plateau: Significance for the genesis of oceanic basalts and Archean continents",,"Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Volume 248",,"Page 311-342",2019,Jan. "Maria Luisa G Tejada,Takashi Sano,Takeshi Hanyu,Jun-Ichi Kimura,Takashi Miyazaki,Qing Chang,Bogdan Vaglarov,Anthony A.P. Koppers,Akira Ishikawa,Shoka Shimizu,Kenichiro Tani,Masao Nakanishi","Geochemistry of seamount volcanic rocks, eastern margin of the Ontong Java Plateau","American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting",,,,,,2018,Dec. "Katie A Smart,Sebastian Tappe,Akira Ishikawa,Jorg Pfander,Andreas Stracke","Remelting of the fossil Ontong Java Plateau plume head, with clues to Archean continent formation","American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting",,,,,,2018,Dec. "Nao Nakanishi,Tetsuya Yokoyama,Akira Ishikawa","Reassessment of chemical separation techniques for isotope analysis of pg-level Os with N-TIMS","American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting",,,,,,2018,Dec. "Tetsuji Onoue,Naoto Takahata,Mitsutaka Miura,Honami Sato,Akira Ishikawa,Katsuhito Soda,Yuji Sano,Yukio Isozaki","Extraterrestrial Helium-3 Flux Across The Permian/Triassic Boundary","GSA Annual Meeting",,,,,,2018,Nov. "越田 渓子,石川 晃,横山 哲也,鏡味 沙耶,深井 稜汰,鈴木 勝彦,木村 純一,常 青,宮崎 隆,Bogdan Stefanov Vaglarov,小宮 剛","176Lu-176Hf, 147Sm-143Nd同位体系から探るアカスタ片麻岩体苦鉄質岩の形成年代","2018年度 日本地球化学会年会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Norikatsu Akizawa,Akira Ishikawa,Tetsu Kogiso","Petrographical and geochemical characteristics of mantle xenoliths from Tahiti and Moorea Islands: An insight into oceanic lithosphere accretion","XXII Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Yusuke Kubota,Yuichiro Ueno,Kenji Shimizu,Fumihiro Matsuura,Akira Ishikawa","A Recycling of Subducted Crust in Archean Mantle Inferred from S-Mif of Belingwe Komatiite","Goldschmidt2018",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Hikaru Sawada,Yukio Isozaki,Akira Ishikawa","Positive Zr Anomaly in Archean-Paleoproterozoic Sandstones and its Significance in Continental Growth","Goldschmidt2018",,,,,,2018,Aug. "石川 晃","レイトベニアとマントル進化ー親鉄元素地球化学からの制約ー",,"月刊地球(総特集「核-マントルの相互作用と共進化」)",,"Vol. 40","No. 6","p. 324-331",2018,June "吉田 聡,石川 晃,小宮 剛","初期太古代の炭酸塩岩の地質学的産状と化学組成から推定する初期太古代の海洋化学組成","日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会",,,,,,2018,May "石川 晃,秋澤 紀克,沢田 輝,河野 聖那","Rapid determination of whole-rock major, minor and trace element concentration for silicate, carbonate and phosphate rocks by ICP-SFMS","日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会",,,,,,2018,May "沢田 輝,石川 晃,磯崎 行雄","太古代石英質砂岩の起源","日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会",,,,,,2018,May "佐藤 峰南,石川 晃,Ferri?re Ludovic,Morgan Joanna,Gulick Sean,IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists","Platinum group elements and Re-Os isotopes in the K-Pg transition of the Chicxulub peak-ring rocks","日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会",,,,,,2018,May "秋澤 紀克,石川 晃,小木曽 哲","A simple determination of major- and trace-element composition for peridotite by ICP-MS: an application of acid-digested fused-glass bead","日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会",,,,,,2018,May "可児 智美,磯崎 行雄,三澤 啓司,石川 晃,米田 成一","δ88Sr and 87Sr/86Sr variations in Middle-Upper Permian seawater","日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会",,,,,,2018,May "石川 晃","巨大岩石区と地球史",,"図説 地球科学の事典","朝倉書店",,,,2018,Apr. "Honami Sato,Akira Ishikawa,Ludovic Ferri?re,Joanna V. Morgan,Sean P. S. Gulick,IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Scientists","Highly siderophile elements and Os isotope signatures in the K-Pg transition of the Chicxulub peak-ring rocks","American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting",,,,," P33D-2904",2017,Dec. "Norikatsu Akizawa,Akira Miyake,Akira Ishikawa,Akihiro Tamura,Yasuko Terada,Kentaro Uesugi,Akihisa Takeuchi,Shoji Arai,Chima Tanaka,Yohei Igami,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Tetsu Kogiso","Metasomatic PGE mobilization by carbonatitic melt in the mantle: Evidence from sub-mu m-scale sulfide-carbonaceous glass inclusion in Tahitian harzburgite xenolith",,"Chemical Geology",,"Vol. 475",,"pp. 87-104",2017,Dec. "Takeshi Hanyu,Maria Luisa G. Tejada,Kenji Shimizu,Osamu Ishizuka,Toshiyuki Fujii,Jun-Ichi Kimura,Qing Chang,Ryoko Senda,Takashi Miyazaki,Yuka Hirahara,Bogdan S. Vaglarov,Kosuke T. Goto,Akira Ishikawa","Collision-induced post-plateau volcanism: Evidence from a seamount on Ontong Java Plateau",,"Lithos",,"Vol. 294",,"pp. 87-96",2017,Dec. "Akira Ishikawa,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Kenneth D. Collerson,Jingao Liu,D. Graham Pearson,Tsuyoshi Komiya","Rhenium-osmium isotopes and highly siderophile elements in ultramafic rocks from the Eoarchean Saglek Block, northern Labrador, Canada: implications for Archean mantle evolution",,"Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Vol. 216",,"pp. 286-311",2017,Nov. "Honami Sato,Tatsuo Nozaki,Akira Ishikawa,Tetsuji Onoue,Jun-Ichi Kimura,Qing Chang,Katsuhiko Suzuki","Osmium isotope and PGE signatures of the deep-sea deposits from Japan: implications for the Late Triassic impact event","Goldschmidt2017","Goldschmidt Abstracts",," 2017",," 3514",2017,Aug. "Satoshi Tokeshi,Akira Ishikawa,Katsuhiko Suzuki","Determination of highly siderophile element concentrations and 187Os/188Os ratio for ferromanganese nodule reference materials","Goldschmidt2017","Goldschmidt Abstracts",," 2017",," 3952",2017,Aug. "Akira Ishikawa,Norikatsu Akizawa,Tetsu Kogiso,Katsuhiko Suzuki","Re-Os and highly siderophile element systematics of peridotite xenoliths from Hawaii","Goldschmidt2017","Goldschmidt Abstracts",," 2017",," 1788",2017,Aug. "Tsuyoshi Komiya,Shinji Yamamoto,Shogo Aoki,Keiko Koshida,Masanori Shimojo,Yusuke Sawaki,Kazumasa Aoki,Shuhei Sakata,Takaomi D Yokoyama,Kenshi Maki,Akira Ishikawa,Takafumi Hirata,Kenneth D. Collerson","A prolonged granitoid formation in Saglek Block, Labrador: Zonal growth and crustal reworking of continental crust in the Eoarchean",,"Geoscience Frontiers",,"Vol. 8","No. 2","pp. 355-385",2017,Mar. "上原 啓幹,山本 伸次,昆 慶明,李 毅兵,金 巍,西澤 達治,坂田 周平,石川晃,小宮 剛","北中国・鞍山地域における片麻岩および苦鉄質岩の地質, 年代と地球化学研究",,"日本地球化学会年会要旨集","一般社団法人日本地球化学会","Vol. 64",,"pp. 117",2017, "Goto, K.T.,Hein, J.R.,Shimoda, G.,Aoki, S.,Ishikawa, A.,Suzuki, K.,Gordon, G.W.,Anbar, A.D.","Molybdenum isotopes in modern marine hydrothermal Fe/Mn deposits: implications for Archean and Paleoproterozoic Mo cycles","American Geophysical Union, 2016 Fall meeting",,,,," V13E-2895",2016,Dec. "Keiko Koshida,Akira Ishikawa,Hikaru Iwamori,Tsuyoshi Komiya","Petrology and geochemistry of mafic rocks in the Acasta Gneiss Complex: Implications for the oldest mafic rocks and their origin",,"Precambrian Research",,"Vol. 283",,"pp. 190-207",2016,Sept. "Jingao Liu,Mathieu Touboul,Akira Ishikawa,Richard J. Walker,D. Graham Pearson","Widespread tungsten isotope anomalies and W mobility in crustal and mantle rocks of the Eoarchean Saglek Block, northern Labrador, Canada: implications for early Earth processes and W recycling",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"Vol. 448",,"pp. 13-23",2016,Aug. "Tsuyoshi Komiya,Shogo Aoki,Keiko Koshida,Takayuki Tashiro,Shinji Yamamoto,Akira Ishikawa,Akizumi Ishida,Masako Hori,Motoko Igisu,Yuji Sano","The Nulliak supracrustal rocks, Labrador, Canada: their occurrence, age, and the oldest evidence for life","Goldschmidt2016","Goldschmidt Abstracts",," 2016",," 1576",2016,June "Ryoko Senda,Akira Ishikawa,Takeshi Hanyu,Hiroshi Kawabata,Toshiro Takahashi,Katsuhiko Suzuki","PGE signature of an EM-1 mantle source, evidence from Pitcairn basalts","Goldschmidt2016","Goldschmidt Abstracts",," 2016",," 2800",2016,June "Masanori Shimojo,Shinji Yamamoto,Shuhei Sakata,Takaomi D. Yokoyama,Kenshi Maki,Yusuke Sawaki,Akira Ishikawa,Kazumasa Aoki,Shogo Aoki,Keiko Koshida,Takayuki Tashiro,Takafumi Hirata,Kenneth D. Collerson,Tsuyoshi Komiya","Occurrence and geochronology of the Eoarchean, ~3.9 Ga, Iqaluk Gneiss in the Saglek Block, northern Labrador, Canada: evidence for the oldest supracrustal rocks in the world",,"Precambrian Research",,"Vol. 278",,"pp. 218-243",2016,June "Akira Ishikawa,Ryoko Senda,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Kenichiro Tani,Teruaki Ishii","Re-Os isotope and highly siderophile element constraints on the origin of ancient depleted domains in the modern convecting mantle","Goldschmidt2016",,," 2016",," 1072",2016,June "Keiko Koshida,Akira Ishikawa,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Tsuyoshi Komiya","Re-Os constraints on the formation age of Acasta mafic rocks","Goldschmidt2016","Goldschmidt Abstracts",," 2-16",," 1593",2016,June "A.J.V. Riches,R.B. Ickert,D.G. Pearson,R.A. Stern,S.E. Jackson,Akira Ishikawa,B.A. Kjarsgaard,J.J. Gurney","In situ oxygen-isotope, major-, and trace-element constraints on the metasomatic modification and crustal origin of a diamondiferous eclogite from Roberts Victor, Kaapvaal Craton",,"Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Vol. 174",,"pp. 345-359",2016,Feb. "越田 渓子,石川晃,横山哲也,鏡味 沙耶,深井 稜汰,小宮 剛","アカスタ片麻岩体苦鉄質岩の142Nd同位体から制約する冥王代マントル進化",,"日本地球化学会年会要旨集","日本地球化学会","Vol. 63",,"pp. 160",2016, "Akira Ishikawa,Ryoko Senda,Kenichiro Tani,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Teruaki Ishii","Osmium isotope variations in the Pacific mantle: implications for the distribution of heterogeneity in the convecting mantle","American Geophysical Union 2015 Fall Meeting",,,,,,2015,Dec. "Tsuyoshi Komiya,Shinji Yamamoto,Shogo Aoki,Yusuke Sawaki,Akira Ishikawa,Takayuki Tashiro,Keiko Koshida,Masanori Shimojo,Kazumasa Aoki,Kenneth D. Collerson","Geology of the Eoarchean, > 3.95 Ga, Nulliak supracrustal rocks in the Saglek Block, northern Labrador, Canada: The oldest geological evidence for plate tectonics",,"Tectonophysics",,"Vol. 662",,"pp. 40-66",2015,Nov. "Takeshi Hanyu,Maria Luisa G. Tejada,Kenji Shimizu,Akira Ishikawa,Jun-Ichi Kimura,Qing Chang,Ryoko Senda,Takashi Miyazaki,Kosuke Goto,Osamu Ishizuka","Remelting of Ontong Java Plateau Lithosphere","Goldschmidt2015","Goldschmidt Abstracts",," 2015",," 1175",2015,Aug. "Akira Ishikawa,Kenji Kawai","Ultrapotassic Magma from the Deep Mantle, Leucite Hills Lamproite, Wyoming USA",,"Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)",,"Vol. 124","No. 3","p. 515-523",2015,June "Maria Luisa G. Tejada,Takeshi Hanyu,Akira Ishikawa,Ryoko Senda,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Godfrey Fitton,Rebecca Williams","Re-Os isotope and platinum group elements of a FOcal ZOne mantle source, Louisville Seamounts Chain, Pacific ocean",,"Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems",,"Vol. 16","No. 2","pp. 486-504",2015,Feb. "Sylvie Demouchy,Akira Ishikawa,Andr?a Tommasi,Olivier Alard,Shantanu Keshav","Characterization of hydration in the mantle lithosphere: Peridotite xenoliths from the Ontong Java Plateau as an example",,"Lithos",,"Vol. 212",,"pp. 189-201",2015,Jan. "Andr?a Tommasi,Akira Ishikawa","Microstructures, composition, and seismic properties of the Ontong Java Plateau mantle root",,"Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems",,"Vol. 15","No. 11","pp. 4547-4569",2014,Nov. "Akira Ishikawa,Ryoko Senda,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Christopher W. Dale,Thomas Meisel","Re-evaluating digestion methods for highly siderophile element and Os-187 isotope analysis: Evidence from geological reference materials",,"Chemical Geology",,"Vol. 384",,"pp. 27-46",2014,Sept. "Akira Ishikawa,Takashi Sano,Ryoko Senda,Katsuhiko Suzuki","Highly Siderophile Element Mobility during Oceanic LIP Emplacements: Implications from Subaerial and Submarine Basalts on Shatsky Rise","Goldschmidt2014","Goldschmidt Abstracts",," 2014",," 1094",2014,June "Jingao Liu,Mathieu Touboul,Akira Ishikawa,Richard J. Walker,Graham Pearson","Large 182W Anomalies in Eoarchean Residual Mantle Rocks from Northern Labrador, Canada","Goldschmidt2014","Goldschmidt Abstracts",," 2014",," 1473",2014,June "仙田 量子,石川 晃","試薬および環境中のオスミウムブランク低減についての試み:ブランク測定方法と起源の解明",,"JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development",,"Vol. 18",,"p. 17-28",2013,Dec. "Tejada, M. L. G.,Suzuki, K.,Hanyu, T.,Mahoney, J. J.,Ishikawa, A.,Tatsumi, Y.,Chang, Q.,Nakai, S.","Cryptic lower crustal signature in the source of the Ontong Java Plateau revealed by Os and Hf isotopes",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"Vol. 377",,"pp. 84-96",2013,Sept. "石川 晃","マントル中の強親鉄性元素にまつわる3つの謎",,"岩石鉱物科学",,"Vol. 41","No. 5","p. 203-210",2012,Sept. "仙田 量子,石川 晃,鈴木 勝彦","海洋底かんらん岩のオスミウム同位体組成",,"岩石鉱物科学",,"Vol. 41","No. 5","p. 211-221",2012,Sept. "Takashi Sano,Kenji Shimizu,Akira Ishikawa,Ryoko Senda,Qing Chang,Jun‐Ichi Kimura,Mike Widdowson,William W. Sager","Variety and origin of magmas on Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean",,"Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems",,"Vol. 13",,"pp. 25",2012,Aug. "Akira Ishikawa,Masanori Shimojo,Katsuhiko Suzuki,Kenneth D. Collerson,Tsuyoshi Komiya","Search for Early Archean mantle lacking the late-veneer component","Goldschmidt2012",,,,,,2012,June "Akira Ishikawa,Christopher W. Dale,D. Graham Pearson","Ontong Java Plateau lithosphere and its relation to craton formation","Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012",,,,,,2012,May "下條 将徳,山本 伸次,牧 賢志,坂田 周平,澤木 祐介,青木 一勝,石川晃,岡田 吉弘,平田 岳史,小宮 剛","カナダ・ラブラドル地域(3.8 Ga)の地質とジルコン年代",,"日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨","一般社団法人 日本地質学会","Vol. 2012",,"pp. 103",2012, "Akira Ishikawa","Spectacular Mantle Xenoliths Derived from "Oceanic Kimberlite", Malaita, Solomon Islands : A Unique Window into the Earth's Deep Interior",,"Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)",,"Vol. 120","No. 6","p. 1026-1034",2011,Dec. "Shigenori Maruyama,Atsushi Utsunomiya,Akira Ishikawa","Ontong-Java Plateau, the World's largest Oceanic Plateau, Has Been Subducted 50%, with the Remaining 50% on the Surface, and with a <1% Accretion on the Hanging Wall of the Solomon Islands",,"Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)",,"Vol. 120","No. 6","p. 1035-1044",2011,Dec. "石川 晃,金子 慶之,太田 努,磯崎 行雄","インドネシア非火山性外弧のオフィオライト : 世界最若オフィオライトの産状と岩石学的多様性",,"地學雜誌",,"Vol. 120","No. 1","p. 52-64",2011,Feb. "Akira Ishikawa,D. Graham Pearson,Christopher W. Dale","Ancient Os isotope signatures from the Ontong Java Plateau lithosphere: Tracing lithospheric accretion history",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"Vol. 301","No. 1-2","pp. 159-170",2011,Jan. "P.E. Janney,S.B. Shirey,R.W. Carlson,D.G. Pearson,D.R. Bell,A.P. Le Roex,A. Ishikawa,P.H. Nixon,F.R. Boyd","Age, Composition and Thermal Characteristics of South African Off-Craton Mantle Lithosphere: Evidence for a Multi-Stage History",,"Journal of Petrology",,"Vol. 51","No. 9","pp. 1849-1890",2010,Sept. "Kadarusman, A,SHIGENORI MARUYAMA,Shigenori Maruyama,Yoshiyuki Kaneko,Tsutomu Ota,Akira Ishikawa,Jan Sopaheluwakan,Soichi Omori","World's youngest blueschist belt from Leti Island in the non-volcanic Banda outer arc of Eastern Indonesia",,"Gondwana Research",,"Vol. 18","No. 1","pp. 189-204",2010,July "Akira Ishikawa,D. Graham Pearson,Christopher W. Dale","Re-Os isotopes and platinum-group elements in a peridotite-pyroxenite hybrid mantle","Goldschmidt2009","Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Vol. 73","No. 13","pp. A572",2009,June "Akira Ishikawa,D. Graham Pearson,Christopher W. Dale","Re-Os evidence for ancient mantle beneath the Ontong Java Plateau","Goldschmidt2007","Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Vol. 71","No. 15","pp. A430",2007,Aug. "Tsutomu Ota,Atsushi Utsunomiya,Yuko Uchio,Yukio Isozaki,Mikhail M. Buslov,Akira Ishikawa,Shigenori Maruyama,Koki Kitajima,Yoshiyuki Kaneko,Hiroshi Yamamoto,Ikuo Katayama","Geology of the Gorny Altai subduction-accretion complex, southern Siberia: Tectonic evolution of an Ediacaran-Cambrian intra-oceanic arc-trench system",,"Journal of Asian Earth Sciences",,"Vol. 30","No. 5-6","pp. 666-695",2007,July "Akira Ishikawa,Takeshi Kuritani,Akio Makishima,Eizo Nakamura","Ancient recycled crust beneath the Ontong Java Plateau: Isotopic evidence from the garnet clinopyroxenite xenoliths, Malaita, Solomon Islands",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"Vol. 259","No. 1-2","pp. 134-148",2007,July "Yoshiyuki Kaneko,Shigenori Maruyama,Ade Kadarusman,Tsutomu Ota,Masahiro Ishikawa,Tatsuki Tsujimori,Akira Ishikawa,Kazuaki Okamoto","On-going orogeny in the outer-arc of the Timor-Tanimbar region, eastern Indonesia",,"Gondwana Research",,"Vol. 11","No. 1-2","pp. 218-233",2007,Jan. "Akira Ishikawa,Yoshiyuki Kaneko,Ade Kadarusman,Tsutomu Ota","Multiple generations of forearc mafic-ultramafic rocks in the Timor-Tanimbar ophiolite, eastern Indonesia",,"Gondwana Research",,"Vol. 11","No. 1-2","pp. 200-217",2007,Jan. "Zhang Hongfu,Eizo Nakamura,Zhang Jin,Akira Ishikawa","Glass melt inclusion in clinopyroxene from Linqu Cenozoic basalt, Shandong Province, China",,"Chinese Science Bulletin",,"Vol. 51","No. 15","pp. 1869-1876",2006,Aug. "Akira Ishikawa,Eizo Nakamura,John J. Mahoney","Jurassic oceanic lithosphere beneath the southern Ontong Java Plateau: Evidence from xenoliths in alnoite, Malaita, Solomon Islands",,"Geology",,"Vol. 33","No. 5","pp. 393-396",2005,May "Terabayashi, M,Akira Ishikawa","Accretionary complex origin of the mafic-ultramafic bodies of the Sanbagawa belt, Central Shikoku, Japan",,"International Geology Review",,"Vol. 47","No. 10","pp. 1058-1073",2005, "Ade Kadarusman,Sumio Miyashita,Shigenori Maruyama,Christopher D. Parkinson,Akira Ishikawa","Petrology, geochemistry and paleogeographic reconstruction of the East Sulawesi Ophiolite, Indonesia",,"Tectonophysics",,"Vol. 392","No. 1-4","pp. 55-83",2004,Nov. "Akira Ishikawa,Shigenori Maruyama,Tsuyoshi Komiya","Layered lithospheric mantle beneath the Ontong Java Plateau: Implications from xenoliths in Alnoite, Malaita, Solomon Islands",,"Journal of Petrology",,"Vol. 45","No. 10","pp. 2011-2044",2004,Oct. "Akira Ishikawa,Eizo Nakamura","Mid-oceanic ridge origin for peridotite xenoliths from sub-Ontong Java Plateau mantle","Goldschmidt2004","Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Vol. 68","No. 11","pp. A584",2004,June "Akira Ishikawa,Eizo Nakamura","Dupal signature recorded in quartz-garnet clinopyroxenite xenolith from sub-Ontong Java Plateau mantle","Goldschmidt2003","Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta",,"Vol. 67","No. 18","pp. A175",2003,Sept. " Akira Ishikawa","Evolution of sub-Ontong Java Plateau mantle : implications from petrogenesis of Malaitan xenoliths",,,,,,,2002,Mar.