"Masatoshi Kondo,Susumu Hatakeyama,Naoko Oono-Hori,Yoshiki Kitamura,Kan Sakamoto,Teruya Tanaka,Yoshimitsu Hishinuma","Chemical and structural durability of α-Al2O3 and γ-LiAlO2 layers formed on ODS FeCrAl alloys in liquid lithium lead stirred flow",,"Corrosion Science",,"Volume 240"," 112459",,2024,Sept. "北村 嘉規,近藤 正聡,畑山 奨,大野 直子,菱沼 良光,坂本 寛,波多野 雄治,Pint Bruce,Jun Jiheon,Romedenne Marie","[2-22 【奨励賞】] Adhesion of α-Al2O3 layer formed on ODS FeCrAl alloys after exposure to liquid metals","日本原子力学会 2024年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2024年春の年会 学生ポスターセッション 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,,2024,Mar. "北村 嘉規,近藤 正聡,畑山 奨,大野 直子,菱沼 良光,坂本 寛,波多野 雄治,Pint Bruce,Jun Jiheon,Romedenne Marie","[2G03] ODS FeCrAl合金が形成するα-Al2O3被膜の密着強度と液体金属浸漬の影響に関する研究","日本原子力学会 2024年春の年会","日本原子力学会 2024年春の年会 予稿集","日本原子力学会",,,,2024,Mar. "Yoshiki Kitamura,Masatoshi Kondo,Naoko Oono,Yoshimitsu Hishinuma","Excellent adhesion of protective α-Al2O3 layer formed on ODS FeCrAl alloys",,"Surface & Coatings Technology","Elsevier","Vol. 469",,"pp. 1-18",2023,July "畑山奨,宮川幸大,菱沼良光,近藤正聡,田中照也,大野直子","[1L04] 核融合炉内液体金属機器におけるFeCrAl合金の適用性検討 (1) 酸化被膜形成挙動について","日本原子力学会 2022年春の年会(リモート)",,,,,,2022,Mar. "Masatoshi Kondo,Masaru Tada,Youko Ohtsuka,Yoshimitsu Hishinuma,Takeo Muroga","Corrosion resistance of Al-rich steel and Al2O3 ceramic bulk in liquid Sn",,"Fusion Engineering and Design","ELSEVIER",,,,2019,Apr. "Masatoshi Kondo,Masaru Tada,Youko Ohtsuka,yoshimitsu hishinuma,Takeo Muroga","Corrosion resistance of alumina forming steel and ceramica materials in liquid tin","30th symposium on fusion technology","Book of abstracts",,,,"p. 507",2018,Sept. "R. Kanno,Y. Iwasaki,N. Matsui,K. Suzuki,Y. Hinuma,M. Yonemura,G. Kobayashi,M. Hirayama,I. Tanaka","Synthesis, crystal structure, and ionic conductivity of hydride ion conducting oxyhydrides in Ln2LiHO3 system","19th Solid State Protonic Conductors",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Y. Hinuma,R. Kanno,Y. Iwasaki,N. Matsui,K. Suzuki,Y. Hinuma,M. Yonemura,G. Kobayashi,M. Hirayama,I. Tanaka","Computational prediction of long distance hydride diffusion based on concerted hydride and oxide ion migration","19th Solid State Protonic Conductors",,,,,,2018,Sept. "Masatoshi Kondo,Yoshimitsu Hishinuma,Takayoshi Norimatsu,Takeo Muroga","Corrosion?erosion and mass transfer dynamic behaviors of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel in a nonisothermal Pb-17Li system",,"Fusion Engineering and Design",,,,,2018,May